Poll: Genes and children Or why some should not have kids


New member
Jan 5, 2009
I got into an interesting debate with a woman today over children. She believes that if you don?t have a good gene code Parsons, Baldness, Bad skin, Ect. You should not have children because with the vanity of most third world countries it will do more harm to them in the long run. Using that fact people spend millions on Rogan or cosmetic surgery every year to try and feel better about them self. Then if you have a high chance to give them medical problems. You?re being selfish to have children who you can pass it down to. She truly believes that only those with a good Genetic makeup should be allowed to breed and if other want children they should be required to adopt from those who can have children. Plus this could also cut down on bad parent since you'd have to be screened to have children.

At first I thought little of it but as I?ve dwelled on it. Well I?m losing my hair at 26 and it does have an effect on me. It took me a long time to come to grips with it. Even now I hate thinking about it. It started me wondering can anyone think of a reason why people with bad gene should have children?

The forum ate the poll it seems.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
Wow this woman is a horrible person, is she a eugenicist by any chance? She honestly thinks people who have hereditary baldness shouldn't be allowed to breed? What the fuck man.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
I think stupid people shouldn't breed but that's an entirely different topic. I do think people should be screened not for genetic defects but for how good of a parent they would be.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
IceStar100 said:
She believes that if you don't have a good gene code Parsons, Baldness, Bad skin, Ect. You should not have children because with the vanity of most third world countries it will do more harm to them in the long run.
So she wants to make the perfect master race? She is wrong. Baldness and bad skin will not hurt you in the long run. I have bad skin and I'm just fine. My buddy is bald and he's fine with it. He says it's better than having hair.

What I think she is saying is that every one from the Jersey Shore needs to breed and every one else can go screw off.

She obviously has some flaws.


New member
May 21, 2009
So only people whit great hair and skin whitout any inherited desices as astma and so on are going to make the world a better place???
Getting rid of superficial defectes and maby the next Einstein just so the world can be filled whit supermodels isnt realy a great way to form the world.
looks isnt everything some of us dont give a crap

Commissar Sae

New member
Nov 13, 2009
I have a genetic mutation that can skip entire generations before resurfacing, it sucks but hardly stops me from living a pretty norml life. Should I not be allowed o have children because they would have a 1 in 8 or so chance of develloping it? Ask her if there are any defects anywhere in her family tree, should make it rather clear to her that nobody has perfect genetics.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
You're forgetting a few things:

- Genes aren't just determined at conception, your body is able to dynamically switch genes on and off when certain conditions are met. Check up on epigenetics if you're interested.

- Everyone has some bad genes. With the amount of conditions you can have genetic predisposition to and that 95% of the world's population has some physical quality that isn't optimal and thus they could feel bad about it. You're basically wiping out humanity within a few generations.

- Most genes only give predispositions. They don't solely determine exactly how you'll look and feel 20 years down the line. There's many, many, many more factors. A much better, but equally unrealistic, solution would be outright banning alcohol and smoking. Those things cause more harm then your genes will ever do. Smoking gives you a much higher chance of getting cancer then any gene will ever do.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
IceStar100 said:
(...)It started me wondering can anyone think of a reason why people with bad gene should have children?
Because they want to.

Do we really need to make up a reason for everything? It's not up to us anyway, a gene mutation can occur at any point unless the whole birthing process will be carefully watched by scientists and pushed in just the right direction.
In the end it's up to nature to decide who survives, that's how evolution works.

Sure, we could follow the idea of Übermensch from Nietzsche's ideology, but last time humanity tried to, they got it all wrong and caused Holocaust. We focused on physical aspect rather than what the ideology stood for, as in creation of new values independent from religion.

That said we live in times where eugenics are more often than not considered a valid point of view. In decades to come perhaps humanity will be able to chose to the smallest detail how their progeny will be "constructed". We already can create artificial DNA and control a simple life-form through it, so there is a chance that in 200-300 years people will be just brainwashed robots.

Guess it's good that the world is supposed to end next year :p


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Well, empathy is good for the race as a whole, so perhaps we should remove this woman from the gene pool before she can breed.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
"Using that fact people spend millions on Rogan or cosmetic surgery every year to try and feel better about them self"

Millions of dollars wasted.

Vanity can go fuck itself.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
she's a fucking idiot...Im sorry but she is

like plain looking people dont have anything to offer the world? HELLO some of the best minds are rather plain because they dont obesses over their apearence because somtimes...in the end it means SHIT ALL not when we have new things to create that help humantiy


New member
Oct 25, 2009
funguy2121 said:
Well, empathy is good for the race as a whole, so perhaps we should remove this woman from the gene pool before she can breed.
alas, I don't think empathy is a genetic trait.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Removing bald people from the genepool?

There is no way that isn't fucking retarded.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
No, as we dont possess the necessary foresight to say when a certain gene might be needed or will mutate into one we need.
Also lol@eugenics.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
this argument, in my view is all to similar to the Nazi one. i think the reason people are not "pretty" is because photoshop can take that extra kilo off, or hide that thumb condition that you have(like Megan Fox), and of course make you look "perfect".

IceStar100 said:
At first I thought little of it but as I?ve dwelled on it. Well I?m losing my hair at 26 and it does have an effect on me. It took me a long time to come to grips with it. Even now I hate thinking about it. It started me wondering can anyone think of a reason why people with bad gene should have children?

as for this minor problem... just start wearing hats... i understand that it is unplesant, but such things should not lead to vasectomising every 26 yo male that is starting to loose hair. this argument also leads to the fact the in china, a sh|tload of people loose hair at the same time. does that mean, that we should vasectomise the majority of males in china too?


New member
Jul 7, 2010
so your essentially talking about Eugenics, were only the "strong" are aloud to breed, strong in this case at least being people without genetic mutations. this while perhaps good natured in idea, trying to give children the best start in life by, trying to remove possible debilitating mutations, it can lead to full blow Eugenics were only the physically strong and people with high IQ's can breed.

with current modern science being able to, or be close to being able to "fix" genetic mutations during pregnancy, and with the advances in stem cell research, perhaps soon, some genetic conditions will be a thing of the past, via screening or via stem cells. stupidity isn't genetic, unless its inbreeding but that's not only the cause its also the product, its the fault of the bad parenting, and that's a job for social services.

Restrictions on breeding lead to a Orwellian society, or Eugenics and government totalitarianism.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
zehydra said:
funguy2121 said:
Well, empathy is good for the race as a whole, so perhaps we should remove this woman from the gene pool before she can breed.
alas, I don't think empathy is a genetic trait.
Alas, it isn't; sociopaths only have sociopathic children when they actually raise said children. It was a joke.