Poll: GM food.... wait.... what?


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Short answer: they're in the wrong, let's lock them up and throw away the keys.

Long answer:
Greenpeace really bugs me. I'm one of those college edumacated liberal cretins, and I am quite in agreement with basic environmentalism. Renewable energy sources utilizing nuclear power as an intermediary until full implementation, better fuel economy standards, veggies over meat, etc. There's nothing wrong with those, and while I vehemently oppose "organic" farming, I can see the point of using pesticides as sparingly as possible (especially as a chemist, whew, talk about nasty stuff...). I also understand that the layperson has no idea how genetic engineering works, or why it poses no health hazards. Back in my junior year of college, I had to take a sociology class for some utterly demented reason. Not only did I discover that Feynman's statement vis-a-vis cargo cult science very much applies to that subject, I also found out that one's socio-political leanings have an immense effect on how one perceives the world. In one of the last assignments, I had to write an essay on economic globalization. I chose to focus on how GE/GM foods had been profitable and beneficial in mitigating world hunger. I had to address the huge elephant in the room, is that stuff harmful? My brief research of the scientific literature revealed nothing of the sort (mostly dealing with rodents, but they are a pretty good analog for humans). While most of the papers dealing with GE/GM health effects came from China, they were published in peer reviewed journals, and as such should not be doubted by the layperson. What does happen is cross-pollination, where GE crops and non-GE crops mingle. If this involves two different farmers, legal problems will result. It's unfortunate, but that's just nature.

I suppose I should mention Monsanto, as they tend to pop up in such discussions. Let me be frank, the guys running Monsanto graduated from the Jeffrey Dharmer school of Business Ethics. They're litigious pricks (that cross-pollination thing above? Yeah, they like to sue - the non-GE farmer!), assholes in every sense of the word, and a fine example of how capitalism can be abhorrently bad. BUT, the people working there are not, especially the scientists. You have to understand something: there are very clear guidelines on how experiments must be run, especially if the goal is to create something fit for human consumption. Every possible health effect must be analyzed (this is usually outsourced, in most cases to China due to the low cost of research there). It is highly unlikely that some super toxic/mutagenic/carcinogenic crop eventually ends up on the market. Everybody in the chain of R&D, production, marketing, management, quality control, and toxicological research has a stake in the success. Every step is repeatedly checked (particularly the research), and any problems would jeopardize the careers of all involved. In case you don't understand how brutal the punishment for faulty research is, look up people like Andrew Wakefield or Martin Fleischmann. In short, the idea that companies like Monsanto deliberately or accidentally poison people with their products is laughable. The real world doesn't work that way, my scientifically illiterate hippie adversaries. If there were any concern regarding the safety of GE/GM crops, it would have been known about at this point. But hey, if you have any concerns, PubMed provides free abstracts in journals dealing with food safety. Go do the bloody research for yourself, and please stop pretending you are more qualified than real scientists. kthxbai.

Oh yeah, wasn't this destruction of property? Guess they're not just idiots, but also criminals. Go figure...


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Ghengis John said:
the_green_dragon said:
Also, you seem a bit touchy about this whole subject, what with the massive wall of text above.
Eh I'm responding to multiple people. It's not one big rant but a series of small ones. I try to dignify everyone with a response who responds to me and (for the most part) nobody has annoyed me. Still trying to be reasonable, but I'm gonna be perfectly honest, I don't expect it will go over well. I have people telling me you're supposed to hammer in screws. That doesn't inspire confidence that tomorrow I'm not going to find an inbox full of face palms. But I'd like to say thanks for being reasonable yourself Green Dragon, and Alphonse all the way.

Though honestly, on the point of being touchy this purple carrot thing makes me want to cry. Honestly. I just read the post of the guy above me, it's like the 900th time I've seen it. People... sigh. Shame is he's perfectly right about Monsanto.
I like orange carrots. Purple carrots are just weird... like they're from World Of warcraft of something and should only be eaten by nightelves.

I think GM foods are ok, and while selective breeding and GM are not the same thing, they set out to achieve the same goal. Which everyone seems to agree on. I just meant people have been trying to modify stuff to suit us better since the first ape grabbed a rock and used it as a hammer. GM is the next evolution in a process that used to take generations of breeding and stuff. I suppose the bad thing about GM is when the crops do spread and adversly affect other crops and wildlife and other bad stuff.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Ghengis John said:
TestECull said:
Anything Greenpeace does is wrong. They're just terrorists. The only reason they don't have a few M1A2's sitting in their living room is because they're doing it in the name of the earth instead of their deity.
While we agree on greenpeace you are a hell of a broken record. For the record the only reason they don't have any M1A2's sitting in their living room is because they're cowards who want to hide behind the banner of non-violence even as they smash labs and hurl shit at people. And might I add, thank goodness for that cowardice.

Sgt. Dante said:
People get freaked out by GM foods not realising that we;ve been doing it for generations...

Next time someone gets up in your face about GM food ask them if they eat carrots, then ask if they're purple. If they eat orange carrots they're GM foods.

GM foods doesn't mean pumped full of chemicals and terrible doom and gloom, it just means that they are grown in a controlled way.

Source [http://www.nextnature.net/2009/08/why-are-carrots-orange-it-is-political/]
There is a difference between selective breeding and genetic modification. A pig and an earthworm could never be bred together. (You are welcome to try.) With genetic modification though there currently exists a hybridized animal that produces bacon chalk full of omega 3 fatty acids (that fat in fish that's good for your heart. These sorts of mixtures, which have never nor ever could have, occurred in nature are often fraught with ethical concerns as well as with all manner of unexpected, real-world problems. There was a scare in india for example where GM terminator crops had spread their sterility to neighboring rice fields. Another incident revolved around a genetically modified corn that killed off it's own pests without the use of chemicals, but also scores of endangered monarch butterflies. Genetic engineering has many very real dangers that it would be foolish to ignore as "doom and gloom".

The orange carrot defense for current practices of genetic modification is misleading at best and an outright lie at worst. Dutch growers chose only from among genes that already existed within carrots. They didn't pull genes from an orange and put them into a carrot to acheive their desired effect.

I have nothing against genetically modified crops, but they need to be observed and carefully controlled to make sure there are no adverse side effects to the natural gene pool or to their environments before being deployed. The purpose of this lab was just that.
This is something more people need to seriously think about. Yes what Greenpeace does is almost always wrong, but they do generally have a decent point to make.

Oh and the best part about GM foods? Even if they are perfectly safe... someone owns the patent on them. Since Gm foods are sterile that means that you have to continually buy your seeds etc. from a a few select mega-corporations. Yeah our food supply is being "copyrighted" how is that not cause for concern?


New member
May 6, 2009
Are there potential risks of directly genetically modified (more so than those modified by breeding) plants? Yep. There are potential hazards of messing directly with the genetic structure of an organism, especially since it's a system that we still don't know nearly everything about.
Admittedly most of the real issues with GM foods are political and economic, not environmental. But these were crops grown specifically for testing the safety of feeding GM crops to livestock. You know, doing what research scientists should do with potentially dangerous products of scientific progress. "Haha, now you'll have to wait months growing new wheat in order to...determine whether it's safe to feed to livestock..."


2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Fuck Greenpeace.
They are the worst sort of Leftists: Militant Liberals. People who would fight for true Leftist ideals but who are too busy on irrelevant or minor issues like destroying fucking crops.

They have fallen for the distractions of the enemy and for that deserve less respect from me than the right wing manipulators who keep issues like these in the news for people to waste their time over. At least they know how to get shit done.


New member
Jul 29, 2011

Basically terrorists, but wait, they have a cause? Just like terrorists have their causes.

They are the same.

souper soup guy

New member
Aug 8, 2011
Yes, lets destroy crops that will use less water, be more hearty, and generally be better for the planet in the long term, its the perfect environMENTAL crime.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Sgt. Dante said:
People get freaked out by GM foods not realising that we;ve been doing it for generations...

Next time someone gets up in your face about GM food ask them if they eat carrots, then ask if they're purple. If they eat orange carrots they're GM foods.

GM foods doesn't mean pumped full of chemicals and terrible doom and gloom, it just means that they are grown in a controlled way.

Source [http://www.nextnature.net/2009/08/why-are-carrots-orange-it-is-political/]
That's wrong actually. GM foods mean they've been purposefully modified in a lab to enhance appealing traits such as drought readiness, natural pesticides etc. What you're thinking of is domesticated crops such as the modern banana, wheat, peas, almost everything we eat currently.

But as for GP, they are a bunch of radical morons who seemingly want to keep us in the dark ages. GM foods are not the enemy.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I appreciate people fighting for the environment, but howcome those fucking morons fail to realise that breaking the law and hurting innocent people do not aid their cause, or bring more people to it? So heart-breakingly stupid.

Of course they were "in the wrong", they should all be tried and jailed, and maybe the remained of Green"peace" could create an image that was not affected by imbeciles, and such raise awareness for situations and conditions that certainly need awareness for them raised.

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
souper soup guy said:
Yes, lets destroy crops that will use less water, be more hearty, and generally be better for the planet in the long term, its the perfect environMENTAL crime.
Grr grr, how dare they try to prevent a possible upcoming global food shortage? Those bastards.

Yeah, Greenpeace was completely in the wrong. I don't hate them as much as a few Escapians here, but they fucked up on this. We've been GMing crops for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Only difference is, we can do it faster.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Ghengis John said:
TestECull said:
Anything Greenpeace does is wrong. They're just terrorists. The only reason they don't have a few M1A2's sitting in their living room is because they're doing it in the name of the earth instead of their deity.
While we agree on greenpeace you are a hell of a broken record. For the record the only reason they don't have any M1A2's sitting in their living room is because they're cowards who want to hide behind the banner of non-violence even as they smash labs and hurl shit at people. And might I add, thank goodness for that cowardice.

Sgt. Dante said:
People get freaked out by GM foods not realising that we;ve been doing it for generations...

Next time someone gets up in your face about GM food ask them if they eat carrots, then ask if they're purple. If they eat orange carrots they're GM foods.

GM foods doesn't mean pumped full of chemicals and terrible doom and gloom, it just means that they are grown in a controlled way.

Source [http://www.nextnature.net/2009/08/why-are-carrots-orange-it-is-political/]
There is a difference between selective breeding and genetic modification. A pig and an earthworm could never be bred together. (You are welcome to try.) With genetic modification though there currently exists a hybridized animal that produces bacon chalk full of omega 3 fatty acids (that fat in fish that's good for your heart. These sorts of mixtures, which have never nor ever could have, occurred in nature are often fraught with ethical concerns as well as with all manner of unexpected, real-world problems. There was a scare in india for example where GM terminator crops had spread their sterility to neighboring rice fields. Another incident revolved around a genetically modified corn that killed off it's own pests without the use of chemicals, but also scores of endangered monarch butterflies. Genetic engineering has many very real dangers that it would be foolish to ignore as "doom and gloom".

The orange carrot defense for current practices of genetic modification is misleading at best and an outright lie at worst. Dutch growers chose only from among genes that already existed within carrots. They didn't pull genes from an orange and put them into a carrot to acheive their desired effect.

I have nothing against genetically modified crops, but they need to be observed and carefully controlled to make sure there are no adverse side effects to the natural gene pool or to their environments before being deployed. The purpose of this lab was just that.
Yep, what this man right here, said. Greenpeace may have been wrong to destroy that place, but genetically modified crops have actual, real dangers. And selective breeding and gm are NOT one and the same, quite far from it.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Greenpeace are usually full of massive idiots that hate science. GM crops are awesome, and of course they have POTENTIAL for massive amounts of evil, saay, poison crops? Alzheimer crops etc. But they are GOOD!

With the worlds food supply on an all time dangerous low, GM crops are the way forward. If we can't grow enough crops, make them as well!

And whats the harm in making them better than real crops? What if someone engineers a crop that cures hunger for a period of time? That will be the answer to most of Africa and the middle east's problems. But no, Greenpeace are so fixated on the planet staying as it is.



Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
CODER said:

Anyway, I was watching 7pm project with my father over dinner. For anyone who does not know, 7pm is a news show hosted by comedians. It is generally pretty fair, but does lean to the left slightly. There was a segment on GM food. The show ran the whole 'doom and gloom' section, with chefs and a person from Greenpeace spouting unsighted studies. The actual topic was about the tests that the CSIRO (Australia government run research division, quite respected in Australia) was running by growing GM wheat. CSIRO was growing some GM wheat for a study.

Here are the facts, my fellow escapists:

Greenpeace broke into the government research facility at night and, using whipper-snippers (line trimmers), completely destroyed the crop. The wheat was grown under controlled situations and was going to be fed to animals for research into GM effects on animals. The CSIRO's research was set back by about a year.

So, I ask you: Was Greenpeace in the right to destroy the crop?

The reason I ask is because my father saw no problems with their actions.

Completely wrong of them. That sort of research is the only way we will know what to do with GM crops.

While I am not a big fan of most of the agro-corps that produce GM products, mostly because they immediately went the retard route of only doing it to sustain their already shitty business practices (imo), They may well be important to people not dieing in the billions of starvation,
Nov 12, 2010
On the shorter side of things there is nothing wrong with "genetically manipulated" crops (even though a term "genetically modified" would be more accurate) as long as the crops don't produce dangerous toxins as a result of the said genetic modification.

In the long run, however, problems may arise. Such crops can be dangerous for biodiversity if they prove to be too resistant to the elements, the pathogens, the aggressive insects, the parasites and other things that are counterproductive to their growth. In a nutshell that means that such a crop can become dominant quite easily. Survival of the fittest is a gigantic competition after all.

All in all the humanity just needs to be extra careful before unleashing something like this into the wild. I don't see a problem in researching something like this, even more so: I encourage such deeds. Greenpeace if they were responsible for this are in the wrong without any shroud of a doubt.

P.S.: I use term "genetic modification" as a more accurate one, because many people aren't aware of the said technique, whilst being quick to judge it as "immoral". Scientists don't create new DNA from scratch in the case of genetic modification, they take the existent DNA and introduce their own sets of genes into that DNA, genes that once again are taken from the DNA of other organisms. No genes are being manipulated essentially, they're either added or subtracted. A large number of people are unaware of this, making ignorant assumptions and "leaps of faith" at the expense of said ignorance.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Well I think that greenpeace were definitely in the wrong. Genetically modifying foods is one of those things people have been doing LITERALLY forever, as long as we've been around. I'd go as far as saying there aren't any foods most people eat on a regular basis that HAVEN'T been modified by people in some significant way.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
As soon as I read the first word I guessed what nationality you were also I missed 7pm today haven't watched tv for a while now well except on tuesdays at 8:30 pm on abc2

OT Completely in the wrong the food we eat now is Gm food it has been so for centuries and has not harmed us


New member
Apr 19, 2011
I absolutely despise people like this.

My high school biology teacher used to work in a lab, testing the effects of electric currents on the brains of rats. This research was designed to help develop a cure for Parkinson's disease. Unfortunately the research was never finished because animal rights activists broke into the building and my teacher, along with several other scientists was forced to spend the night hiding in a cupboard while all their research was destroyed. At one point, he heard one of the activists say "If you find the fuckers, kill them".

What is wrong with people like that? What kind of deranged logic gives them the world view that the lives of thousands of humans are worth less than the lives of a few rats, and that anyone who thinks otherwise should be killed? Why is it so hard for them to understand that if they just calmed down, shut up and let scientists do their job, science would help the environment far more than they ever could?

Environmentalists have no idea what they are doing. In Yellowstone National Park, for example, environmentalists were worried that elk were dying out, so they shot all the wolves in the park. The explosion in elk numbers meant that soon, the bark had been stripped and eaten from the all the trees that beavers used to make their dams. Without the dams, the park dried up and the otter and trout left. The dry earth coupled with the massive amount of elk eating the grass lead to an incredible amount of soil erosion and park wardens had to start shooting elk by the thousand. All of this was predicted by scientists, but the environmentalists refused to listen.

For all their claims of wanting to preserve nature, they seem to lack a basic understanding of how nature actually works.