Poll: GTA5 Vs. SR3


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Shoggoth2588 said:
I strongly prefer Saint's Row as a series compared to Grand Theft Auto. Saint's Row is more light hearted and lets you make your own character which are both fine and dandy...but the side missions like racing, assassinations, etc are optional in Saint's Row. I feel like GTA likes to lock you out of plot missions if you don't want to go on a mandatory race mission or, training session. Saint's Row will have those elements in missions but there are clearly marked side missions versus the clearly marked plot missions. I liked Saint's Row 2 more than 1 or 3 but 3 is still a really, REALLY solid game.

One thing I hated about the GTA series was that in the games I played(VC and SA), I had to go through some stupid, difficult and mandatory races and activities I really didn't care about and never seemed like they had any effect on anything else. SR has races and such, but they're almost entirely optional(The forced insurance fraud mission in 3 got on my nerves but other then that).

OTOH, the activities in SR are pretty much always fun, varied and most importantly optional. Don't like Snatch? Good. Don't play snatch. Snatch doesn't care. The worst thing is that you miss out on getting the free kobra pistols and unlimited ammo unlocks from one of them. Want to play the demo derby? Have at it.

Some of them, like FUZZ(COPS Parody, with an emphasis on using chainsaws and flamethrowers on the people you're supposed to be arresting) and Septic avenger(Spraying liquidized shit out of a septic truck), are just fricken hilarious for their anti-social over the top nature.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I've played the original GTA, GTA2, skipped 3, beat VC and made it to San Fierro in SA before I stopped caring. I've played all the SR games except for 1(but I'm told the first one isn't particularly interesting).

So considering I have no urge to play GTA IV or V and I'm currently replaying SR3(I replayed 2 a couple weeks ago), I have go with SR3. It's not as weighty as SR2 but it's still solid and a lot of fun. I think that was the point, because of how downright dark and depressing SR2 was(Mercy killing, Aisha's death, etc) and it would have been difficult to go darker without making it a fallout game.

Not to mention there's something wonderful about being able to go on a tank rampage or fly an escort mission with an attack helicopter or fly a tank.

In a way, I want to think Volition got the idea of SR3 from Yahtzee. In his SR2 review, he said he felt like he was playing a supervillian, except without any superheros coming to ruin his fun. In SR3, due to the wackiness and the inclusion of more costumey clothing options(and the ability to have skin of pretty much any color, including metallic), I can't help but think they intended you to play the game as a comic book Supervillian(ess).

I almost completely forgot. SR has the ability to store cars in your gargage for later use, so once you steal a car it's yours forever until you decide you don't want it anymore, and you can reinforce it and customize it how you choose. So driving around town in an uparmored, nitro-boosted APC with a machine gun is pretty awesome.

As far as I know, GTA still hasn't done that(If I'm wrong, let me know).


- in Glorious Black & White!
Jun 22, 2009
Well, if you're only going to buy one game, I recommend GTA V.

True, the famous GTA satire has become a bit too heavy-handed to really be funny, and the game has nothing on the Saints Row series in terms of customization and sheer over-the-top irreverence. However, by taking itself that much more seriously and presenting a game world that's intended to be realistic first and crazy second [small](though 'crazy' gets plenty of spotlight yet)[/small], GTA V ultimately delivers a far meatier experience with massive long-term appeal where the Saints Row series never tries to be much more than mindless, short-term fun.

Mindless, short-term fun is by no means a bad thing, but remember: If you feel like taking a break from the (absolutely riveting) storyline of GTA V and just slaughter some peds or blow up some cars, then you always have that option. With Saints Row, this is no option - it's all you've got.

Besides, GTA V is quite simply bigger. It has a massively large map and a massively long (and well-written) story. Next to it, the entire Saints Row series looks like a mere flash in the pan. Simply put, GTA V gives you so much more for your money, it's not even in the same league!

That said, if the Saints Row series still appeals more to you, I suggest you look into SR2 first. Dated graphics, true, but it still takes place in Stillwater (a much more fun and diverse cityscape than dull, monotonous Steelport) - and the customization options are through the roof! SR2 is by far the best of the series.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Saints Row 2-4

all day, every day.

I getta make my own character, the story's aren't basically ripped off from prime time HBO crime dramas. Your still playing a horrible person, but least The Boss of the 3rd Street Saints seems to enjoy it with a child like glee, and I get a pimped out purple and gold tank in Saints Row (sadly, with no spinning rim option :( ) and a host of other odd and fun weapons.

Mean while GTA all has 'real' weapons >.> and 'real' is going to lose to a 5 foot long dildo bat and a gun that kills people with dubstep, and SUPER POWERS.


I want fun from my games. GTA does not provide fun. Saints Row does, not only that it makes me laugh. There for, Saints Row is better.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
SR3 was fun. GTA5 was great, though once you finished the story then the world felt dead and empty. I think SR had the fun stuff out side the story. GTA5 had awesome character stuff - but once the character stuff ended, thus the game lost alot of its character.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Really they're both pretty great for their own reasons. SR3 is more silly and intentionally humorous, but that's not to say that GTA5 doesn't have that classic "GTA Humor" like all the other games. One neat thing about SR3 is you can actually co-op story missions, so if you have any friends that also have it they could play with you. I will say that SR3 is a bit easier than GTA5 and the story is a bit shorter as well, however the character customization was very extensive, far more so than in GTA.

Beyond that, they're both sandbox "go crazy" games, so really you just have to decide if you want a smaller playground (the map for SR3 is much smaller than GTA5's) but have more customization options and the ability to get ridiculously powerful vehicles and play a game that tries to be over-the-top and silly? Get SR3. If you want a bigger playground with a game with a more serious and semi-based-in-reality (as in more "believable") story, go with GTA5. One thing I will say about GTA5 is that the heist missions were a lot of fun...too bad there's only 4 or 5 of them throughout the whole game.


New member
May 14, 2012
Saints row 3 is a bloody good time and it has moments that will stick with you for ages after finishing it and probably have you go back replay it again at some point in the future. It's so over the top and the characters are balls to the wall crazy yet they made the game so much better where normally I go out of my way to avoid NPC's as they have a nasty habit of annoying me the SR3 NPC's were a joy to be around.

Siding with Saint's Row series kinda makes me sad having played pretty much every iteration of GTA and loving most of them but I feel the series peaked with San Andreas, three and vice city were in there own right fantastic games and then San An came along and combined the whole package and made a fantastic that was a true highlight to the series and i still play today.

A bit thing that put me off V was the multiple playable characters it felt dis jointed every time I switched immersion kinda broke for me. I like investing in one person building them up to where they own everything. Not to say GTA V is a bad game in anyway shape or form it looks great and there is some fun to be had but once it is over you will probably forget it, there are so few stand out points in it and the few that are, are mostly Trevor and they stand out because they are just nuts.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
The way that I always viewed it was that in GTA, all you are going to spend your time doing is pissing about, so you might as well play Saints Row and have the tools to do so.

GTA V sure is a pretty game, and GTA IV has a city that really feels alive, but GTA has a more serious tone, and what most people do really doesn't fit with the context of the game.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
nomotog said:
Try saints row 2. The graphics are a really dated now, but it's the best of the saints row games. (SR2>SR4>SR3) Saints rows big selling point is the character customization. It's bonkers to see all you can customize, but then it gets better. You would expect a game with that much customization to have like a silent say nothing protagonist, but that is so not how it dose it. You talk. You talk a lot.

GTA 5 Looks really pretty. Like really pretty. The world feels really really real. The downside to it is that it doesn't really stick with you. My experience was, I enjoyed playing it, but after I stopped playing I didn't miss it.
Saints Row 2 rocks, and is my favourite out of them all (all the GTA's and all the Saints Rows)
Apr 5, 2008
Saints Row for me too :) I haven't enjoyed any city sandbox game nearly so much as SR3 and 4. 3 in particular, playing it in co-op is one of my favourite gaming experiences.

GTA: Vice City was the pinnacle of the franchise. A phenomenal city, great cars, great music, wonderful (if cheesy) story and cool characters. San Andreas was very good, but not great. GTA4 was so boring I couldn't play it more than a few hours. And I'm far from the only person to think so, just google "does gta4 ever get better" to see how often this question got asked.

GTA5 is a technical masterpiece and infinitely superior to GTA4, but is populated by vile characters who swear and say "nigga" a lot. But it lost the fun element in exchange for heads exploding, torture minigames and reprehensible behaviour.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
DoPo said:
TopazFusion said:
Ten Foot Bunny said:
I'm also considered weird among SR fans because I liked SR4 best of all.
Really? Because I liked 4 the best too.

Superhuman powers? Able to run superhumanly fast and blast everything out of your way? Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Yes please, yes please, yes please.
Haven't played SR4 yet, but I loved The Third. From the few gameplay footages that were made available, it looked like they took that mission from one of the DLCs (I think it was The Trouble with Clones) where you get high on Saints Flow and then went nuts with that segment.
I'd say Saints Row IV is only like The Trouble With Clones in the fast running department (which looks nearly the same). The super powers are varied and differ from TTwC, at least to some degree. Plus Saints Row IV lets you recover from being knocked down which was always a downer in the previous games. Press A (or equivalent) and you do a backflip back onto your feet, which is just as awesome as that sounds.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
I've only briefly played GTAV but I've 100% Saints Row 3's base game. It may not be as pretty but I still found Saints Row 3 to be quite a bit more engaging and addictive compared to any GTA I've played, and contrary to some people I actually found Saints Row The Third to be a much more satisfying experience than Saints Row 2. The controls are so much smoother, the game looks a lot better, the traffic density is much thicker and more believable, navigating Steelport feels much more fun than the tangled, shit-colored mess that is Stilwater, the soundtrack is more in-line with my tastes(Junkie XL, The Black Keys, DeadMau5, AND DETHKLOK? FUCK YES!) And while the customization was cut down a decent bit between the two I still prefer how my character and her various rides look and feel in SR3 as opposed to 2. I actually felt disappointed to go through 2 compared to 3 because it really feels like a step down, even though it seemingly has a lot of options that really should make it the better game. A lot more building interiors, more gang customizations, more unique cribs, and a supposedly bigger city. However, it's all in a city that looks shit-brown more than I'd like(seriously, whenever it's nighttime the sky has this baby-shit greenish-greyish-brown look that makes me sick, as seen in the screenshot)

As opposed to Saint's Row 3's more gorgeous color pallate:

I haven't played a whole lot of GTAV, but I can tell you I still like how my controls work and how my character and vehicles responds a lot more in Saints Row 3 as opposed to GTAV. It may just be dumb love talking here, but I still go back to Saints Row 3 more than I ever do any GTA. I'll be getting SR4 soon too, because I really want MOAR.


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Thank you all for your responses!! And based on everyone's comments I will be going the Saints Row route. Saint's Row 4... I need to crawl out of my college induced cave a little more often. I would like to thank you all for keeping this friendly, I've seen way too many of these debates get nasty. Thanks again!

Ten Foot Bunny

I'm more of a dishwasher girl
Mar 19, 2014
KB13 said:
Thank you all for your responses!! And based on everyone's comments I will be going the Saints Row route. Saint's Row 4... I need to crawl out of my college induced cave a little more often. I would like to thank you all for keeping this friendly, I've seen way too many of these debates get nasty. Thanks again!
Hope you enjoy it, my friend! :) I played about half an hour of SR4 and pretty much knew it'd rank among my top five games of all time. By the end of the game, that was sealed - it was brilliant from start to finish and easily clinched its spot.

If you can, I'd seriously recommend getting the two story DLCs, Enter the Dominatrix and How the Saints Saved Christmas. The former is one of the best DLCs ever, but not for anyone who's easily offended by in-your-face sexual references, toys, and/or imagery. No, there isn't any nudity, it's just boldly loaded with adult content. The Christmas DLC is perhaps tamer than the core game itself and can certainly be enjoyed by people of all ages and sensibilities.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Racecarlock said:
GTA V also suffers from explosively mean spirited satire. [...] I get it, facebook is terrible. Not the people who misuse it, no, it's always the fault of the service itself. Hence lifeinvader, a parody of facebook that has the subtlety of a nuke in a small japanese town.
On an entirely different subject here - What I understand of this, is that you say that Facebook is corporately selling the data gathered about it's users, is the fault of the users?

See, Facebook is, other than a platform to spew your entire private life on, a way for Facebook to gather and use that information -big data; raw and processed- and use it for both semi-ethical research [http://www.technologyreview.com/news/528706/facebooks-emotional-manipulation-study-is-just-the-latest-effort-to-prod-users/] and for straight-up commercial use [http://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonykosner/2013/08/31/new-facebook-policies-sell-your-face-and-whatever-it-infers/] and -of course- to "boost" views for their own on-site advertisements [http://consumerist.com/2014/06/12/facebook-is-now-selling-your-web-browsing-data-to-advertisers/]

But surely, it must be our fault that Facebook is shitting on our privacy. Don't they know the common phrase: "If you're not paying for the product, you are the product"?

Anyway, back to the subject: I choose GTA just for this kind of humour. It's over the top, but they have built a world around it and it works.

Plus, the amount of things you can do is simply huge. That extra year of development has paid off.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Whateveralot said:
Racecarlock said:
GTA V also suffers from explosively mean spirited satire. [...] I get it, facebook is terrible. Not the people who misuse it, no, it's always the fault of the service itself. Hence lifeinvader, a parody of facebook that has the subtlety of a nuke in a small japanese town.
On an entirely different subject here - What I understand of this, is that you say that Facebook is corporately selling the data gathered about it's users, is the fault of the users?

See, Facebook is, other than a platform to spew your entire private life on, a way for Facebook to gather and use that information -big data; raw and processed- and use it for both semi-ethical research [http://www.technologyreview.com/news/528706/facebooks-emotional-manipulation-study-is-just-the-latest-effort-to-prod-users/] and for straight-up commercial use [http://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonykosner/2013/08/31/new-facebook-policies-sell-your-face-and-whatever-it-infers/] and -of course- to "boost" views for their own on-site advertisements [http://consumerist.com/2014/06/12/facebook-is-now-selling-your-web-browsing-data-to-advertisers/]
Well that's why I don't constantly tell it details of my private life. I don't tell it more than it needs to know. I just use it to keep in contact with people.