Last week was the 99th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. According to passenger logs, 74% of women and 52% of children on board survived, but only 7% of the men did. The Titanic Memorial in Washington D.C. commends the men "Who gave their lives nobly to save women and children."
Now the Titanic sunk in 1912, when chivalry was celebrated and women were still viewed as second-class citizens who had to protected by men. I wonder, if there was a major maritime disaster today would the results be the same? Are grown men still as disposable in 2011?
** [I know technology and maritime rescue is dramatically different today, but assume for argument's sake in this hypothetical there would be a good chance you would die if you stayed on the sinking ship]
Now the Titanic sunk in 1912, when chivalry was celebrated and women were still viewed as second-class citizens who had to protected by men. I wonder, if there was a major maritime disaster today would the results be the same? Are grown men still as disposable in 2011?
** [I know technology and maritime rescue is dramatically different today, but assume for argument's sake in this hypothetical there would be a good chance you would die if you stayed on the sinking ship]