Poll: Has any one comment ever immediately killed your desire to buy a game?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Dragonlayer said:
Female Protagonist: Hold off your pitchforks and let me explain. This one doesn't "Kill" my interest in a game so much as it just makes me roll my eyes. On the one hand, I fully understand complaints levelled at the sausage-fest nature of mainstream gaming characters and a game attempting to break that formula has every right to proudly tout its alternative-protagonist as a major selling point. Moreover, I completely empathise with people who want a more immersive game that caters to their personal identity: a lack of character-creation and customization is often a huge turn-off for me personally. But as a cynical bastard, I can't help but feel that Indie developers on Steam cunningly use it as a pre-emptive method of escaping criticism, along such advertising tags as "Atmospheric", "Story-driven" and "Great soundtrack" (mmmm, subjective!). Do I want all games that dare challenge the glorious patriarchy cast into oubliettes for their outrageous independence? Not at all. But it's just a warning sign that I probably won't be interested in a title.
I don't know if that part applies. Not only they'll get the accusations of pandering the enemy. But their protagonist will be pretty much escrutinised to find every flaw that can be used to call her a sex object. Of course if their only sales-pitch is "we have a woman in our game", I'll roll my eyes as well...

The Tomb Raider's developer comment about how "the players will want to care for and protect Lara" had that effect on me.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Season pass, preorder offer with significant game content and day 1 DLC all royally piss me off and I refuse to support those practices any more.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Adeptus Aspartem said:
Yes. You guys here. The shitstorm about ME3, which i dodged 99% of the time because i didn't want to get hit by any spoilers, just killed my desire to buy it, which i haven't done to this day.

Keep in mind ME was without a doubt my favourite RPG since Gothic. And in both franchises i finished the first 2 games +10 times.
And as it seems i'll never buy the third installment.

Apart from that, when i browse Steam and i read: Early Access. It doesn't matter how good the game looks at first glance, come back to me when it's done. I'm not gonna be a guinea pig anymore. I want to play video games, not act as a paying beta(or alpha) tester.
Because sometimes these games need years to be finished and by that time i've probably burned through it already and i'll never expirience the full game. So, no thanks.
I think the Vangard gameplay in ME3 makes it worth the try, but that's just my opinion.

OT: Appeal to a wider audience: which usually means "remove all the features that make our game great and unique, and replace them with generic ones". Is it ironic? That comment kills my desire, and yet I like the Vangard gameplay in ME3.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
CaitSeith said:
OT: Appeal to a wider audience: which usually means "remove all the features that make our game great and unique, and replace them with generic ones". Is it ironic? That comment kills my desire, and yet I like the Vangard gameplay in ME3.
Yes, exactly this. The frequent quote from Bioware when they changed the weapons system between ME1 and ME2 was that they wanted to streamline the combat, and how overheating weapons "weren't feasible"

Then why now is DICE using the exact same combat system for Star Wars: Battlefront? I think Bioware knew they messed up with the streamlining from ME1-ME2, but by the time they realised how they should return to form, EA was firmly in control of the finances, and by then they were too far gone so they just continued streamlining for ME3.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Multi-player only.

It just doesn't work for me. I dislike how multi-player games are usually set up and I also dislike the fact that once the community has moved on to the next shiner game in the genre, the game is pretty much dead(if not effectively dead, actually dead when the serves get shut down).

I'm also leery about Early Access games. Some are great, but most of them I'll wait until they're out of early access and the game is more or less in place. I've bought early access a few times, but those exceptions are ones that got rave reviews and I loved what I saw so far. So if it's early access and I have doubts, I'll wait.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
*Takes a really deep breath*

Always online, even if it is singleplayer
Horrible DRM (I.E. Securom, which prevented me from buying Fallout 3).
Short singleplayer campaigns
Multiplayer only


New member
Jun 2, 2010
jhoroz said:
stormtrooper9091 said:
some (really angry) people said Undertale is the premier SJW game, what ever that means
Like I kind of get people calling it the Tumblr, furry game, but LOL at everyone actually thinking it shoves some SJW agenda just because you can spare monsters.

you can literally murder everyone and wipe out the entire universe in that game.

Yeah what the fuck is wrong with people, I mean it's god damned game

The Almighty Aardvark said:
stormtrooper9091 said:
some (really angry) people said Undertale is the premier SJW game, what ever that means
You should steer clear of Jessica Jones too then, I hear it's straight up feminist propaganda.
I heard that as well, but I had no interest in watching that anyway so no opinion obviously


New member
Jul 9, 2013
BloatedGuppy said:
Silverbeard said:
So, are you saying that Valkyria Chronicles had poor KBM support? Because I can honestly declare that the game was one of the best console-to-PC ports I've seen in a very long time. The controls made sense and I never once felt like I had to use a controller to be at my best in that title.
Yes, I am saying that. Game felt FAR more natural with a controller. And given I play PC almost exclusively and have my entire life, for me to say that is really saying something.
Was there a specific action you had trouble with wile using KBM? I'm as much of a PC gamer as you and I had no trouble with the controls at all. Apart from tank maneuvering, that is.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Silverbeard said:
Was there a specific action you had trouble with wile using KBM? I'm as much of a PC gamer as you and I had no trouble with the controls at all. Apart from tank maneuvering, that is.
Character movement and menu navigation was all pad-centric and felt far more natural using a pad. The only thing that was superior with KBM was aiming, and the game gives you all the time in the world for that, so it didn't matter. Whereas faffing about while running was actively BAD, because the AI can shoot you all day while you're doing it.


New member
Jul 9, 2013
BloatedGuppy said:
Silverbeard said:
Was there a specific action you had trouble with wile using KBM? I'm as much of a PC gamer as you and I had no trouble with the controls at all. Apart from tank maneuvering, that is.
Character movement and menu navigation was all pad-centric and felt far more natural using a pad. The only thing that was superior with KBM was aiming, and the game gives you all the time in the world for that, so it didn't matter. Whereas faffing about while running was actively BAD, because the AI can shoot you all day while you're doing it.
Really? I could manage movement just fine with a WASD setup and I used the mouse for all menu navigation.
That's part of what I meant when I called Chronicles a good PC port; giving one the ability to use the mouse to navigate menus is always a point in favour of the port.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Silverbeard said:
Nah this has all been part of an elaborate ruse. I tricked you!

Yes, really.

Silverbeard said:
I could manage movement just fine with a WASD setup and I used the mouse for all menu navigation.
Yeah I could MANAGE to play the game with KBM. It didn't feel good, and the game was very evidently created to be played with a game-pad.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Full priced multiplayer only is a pretty big deal breaker, along with "season pass"


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
"It has Trochievements in it!"
I have a few game interest killed by that statement and it's equivalences...
"It's also on PSN/Wii U VC!"
This only applys to PC-related games I could also get on a console not because it will "play better", but because I could actually play it without my computer going "Kill me!" metaphorically/mechanically speaking...Other than that, even though hearing that a specific game is only going to have multiplayer and/or will lack a single-player/campaign wouldn't kill my interest per se, it would however make me not want to buy it and instead keep hearing more about it as time passes...


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
"Romance options/Companion Romances"

I can't offhand think of a well-done romance that was in a linear storyline in a game. Nevermind this thing where they stick in some poorly written half-plot for 5/8/12 different people. I just see wasted resources or annoying hoops to jump through to get some unlock (Shop in Skyrim).

Granted, it won't kill my desire to play a game, since few of them make it their main selling point.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Seeing something has uplay in it or its own sign in system. Excessive dlc for something also kills my desire for it.
Apr 5, 2008
For sure. Multiple times.
Blizzard's forthcoming Overwatch. "No private servers". Interest gone.
EA game: Uses Origin. Interest gone.
Ubisoft: Uses uPlay. Interest gone.
Evolve: Asymetric monster gameplay...great. Has fuckton of day 1 DLC. Interest gone.
Anything with microtransaction in full priced game. Interest gone.
Any single player game: Requires always-online. Interest gone.

The Jovian

New member
Dec 21, 2012
"$50 Season Pass"

I was so close to lifting my embargo on EA products and actually buy a game they've done since 2010 (Command & Conquer 4 still sucks by the way). But then I heard that line and all of my interest for Star Wars: Battlefront evaporated as I remembered why I stopped buying EA's games.

By that logic "EA" as well. If its made by EA I won't buy it, even if it comes with a free sample of the elixir of life produced by the philosopher's stone (but if EA had one they probably wouldn't be such greedy bastards).


New member
May 28, 2008
Zontar said:
"Streamlined". That killed Supreme Commander, it killed the X series and it killed Civilization, my favourite RTS, Space Sim and Civilization respectively. Supreme Commander 2 was the "streamlined" pile of shit no one asked for, X Rebirth was the game that never should have been made by anyone, and Civilization V marked the beginning of the the downfall of the Civilization franchise (though most players wouldn't realize it until BB made it clear as day).
What? Where have you been? Civ players haven't been hating Civ 5 since Gods and Kings came out. And what is BB?


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
C14N said:
What? Where have you been? Civ players haven't been hating Civ 5 since Gods and Kings came out. And what is BB?
I'm aware of this, but they're wrong. Civ 4 was the high water mark for the series, the simplified controls of 5 was just lacking, wiht Gods and Kings only making it passable at best. And BB was a typo, it should have been BE, for Beyond Earth, which is effectively Civilization 6, but really is more like 5.5 without most of the features of 5 and the community actually is able to understand that it is, in fact, a bad game. Guess the developers figured that people tolerated 5 being a graphical upgrade and mechanical downgrade from 4, so they'd do it again with Beyond Earth.