Poll: Has Naruto gone too far now?


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
I never got into Naruto, so I don't really care what is happening now. Come to think of it, I don't know anyone in real life that watches it.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Akira Fumi said:
evilengine said:
Akira Fumi said:
When they needed filler episodes in order to drag the series on. That's when it went ''too far''.
I heard they only did that because the anime had to wait for the manga to be written, so they just fiddled around in the meantime.
I believe that was why too, but it still ruined things for me. Ninja slice of life. Do not want!
Don't feel too bad, I bought 19 Naruto volumes and I still can't decide if I actually like the damn series or not. A blande, cliched, repetative block with the occasional pecks of fruit and squidge of jam to liven it up. Call me indifferent but I'm too much of a chicken to sell the buggers, because you can bet the moment I do I'll end up actually liking the thing. Bleh.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Rednog said:
Lullabye said:
Rednog said:
Lullabye said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
Then there is Bleach.....um, if anyone can tell me what the hell is going on with Aizen and stuff, I'd really like to know. t just sorta stopped making sense the last few chapters.....
My strategy for getting through Bleach for the last chapters is "the magic black ball in Aizen's chest is responsible for everything that ever happened. Why? I don't care it just is! And apparently Ichigo is "special", but then since when isn't he? Oh and at least a year more of fighting is to come."
I was sooo hoping that when Aizen gave his "you're special" speech to Ichigo, they would have pulled a "Why am I special?"
"Because you're retarded."
And just have the series end like that.
Only if they had a "badum psh" on a black page over "End."
At least then it would make sense why they have it under the "comedy" tag in most online manga sites.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Syntax Error said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
No, I think the manga hasn't gone too far. There is still much to be resolved. The only problems I have with it are, yes, there are quite a few characters and he doesn't do enough with them, despite them being pretty well developed, and that damned cop out he did at one point in the manga.

That being said though, I love it. Not the American one though, that one can go die in a fire.

And to everyone:

[HEADING=1]One Piece has been going on for 12 years and is still going.[/HEADING]

Just a bit of trivia for you there.

EDIT: I forgot it's cool to hate on this series actually, maybe I'm wasting energy.
Gonna one-up you on that and say:
[HEADING=1]Hajime no Ippo has been going on for 20 years and is still going.[/HEADING]
The anime is on hiatus, though.
No kidding! That's a great show - way way better than Naruto or Bleach. I am hoping they'll do a solid release here in the US, as I think it will work out excellently for teens.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
VanityGirl said:
you know what? fuck it, i like it.
i don't care if people think it's lame.
i enjoy it.
i also enjoy bleach, outlaw star and black blood brothers.

the only problem i have with naruto is i feel it has a DBZ complex. it wants to DRAGGGGG some things out (like fights).
Woot, another BBB fan! Wish they'd scrape up some more money and do the ending action scenes up better, but what a great vampire story in there.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I stopped paying attention to Naruto after having to put up with a friend of mine who was creepily obsessed with it, and that was almost two years back, so I have no idea where the series is now. I didn't even know it was still going.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Honestly I have no idea. I never read the manga and I stopped watching the anime when they started some kind of tournament... A few cool moments, but nothing special.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
JanatUrlich said:
I got bored after like, the second volume. I just couldn't bring myself to care about it.

It's gone ridiculously far now
Similar for me. It's exactly the same with Bleach.

Darth Pope

New member
Jun 30, 2009
wrecker77 said:
Never liked it. BELEIVE IT!! Beleive what? That you need a new catchfraise!?
The irony of that being that was a catch phrase invented by the awful English dub.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
eelel said:
wrecker77 said:
Never liked it. BELEIVE IT!! Beleive what? That you need a new catchfraise!?
Watch it subed. He never says beleive it.
Trivia note, "Believe It" is just the pronounconym (or whatever you call it) for Dattebayo. Which means nothing - it's a combination of datte, ba and yo, each of which also is just an emphasis word you tag on, like we say "you know", "right", and some of us coincidentally say "yo".
And yes, I totally looked it up 'cause of the legendary Dattebayo sub group :p

Now, who knows what the word Naruto actually means? I can't find that answer 'cause of all the Naruto sites, pages, etc.

So the point is, Naruto is sounding like an idiot by saying those all together all the time. Which is in character - he kinda represents us stupid emo Americans, and all the cool kids have to just tolerate him until he grows up.


the God of Pants
Nov 24, 2009
Rednog said:
Though I must say Naruto beats Bleach any day in my book, I'm so sick of Bleach, the story just moves so slow and its just battle to frigin' battle and I could care less about the slew of characters that pop up.
Yeah thats starting to annoy me, quite honestly I'm just waiting for Urahara to come back show us how awesome he is and then I'm done.

Not reading the chapter where he is inevitably taken down so the main bastard character can take down the main baddy.
Rednog said:
My strategy for getting through Bleach for the last chapters is "the magic black ball in Aizen's chest is responsible for everything that ever happened. Why? I don't care it just is! And apparently Ichigo is "special", but then since when isn't he? Oh and at least a year more of fighting is to come."
Apparently it's so awesome that even the awesome creator awesome could not understand the awesome of the awesome ball that exudes awesomeness allowing others to be awesome, but only if they could be awesome in it's awesome universe.

Replace awesome with stupid or any other word and its pretty much the same. Except for the second and third.

Although Urahara just showed up so soon I will be done with this series!

OT: Naruto is actually kind of good to be honest. The manga's overall plot is good, beginning was pretty weak but it progressed to show them go from children to adults. Not the best series but it is nice for where they are going for it.

Although the fights should be severely trimmed so they can get on with it, two to three chapters would suffice for me. That way it ends sooner and I won't have to keep going to Onemanga every Thursday.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Lonan said:
Ok, all you fuckers who keep insulting Naruto, shut the hell up. Things are more than just entertainment to some of us. There is a depth of character in some of us beyond a single drop of water on desert sand. Even my friend, who judges everything, has a copy of all the filler. There was a good reason for the filler, the voice actor was playing a 12 year old boy, and his voice needed to drop for when he became a 15 year old. It's seems like many people view Naruto like an annoying rip-off of pokemon or digimon. Well, if that's how you view it, you should just not watch it. It's too good for you, you wouldn't understand, to use you're type of language.

I know that emotional people like Americans need to have an "opinion" on everything, but if you don't have an opinion, you're right. So everyone with an opinion on anything is wrong, because nothing is true at all. That is the ultimate truth. It's all an emotion. And you gents have VERY shallow emotions indeed. I would also mention that I have observed many comments against Japan on this site, and Naruto is a very Japanese anime, despite you're knee-jerk reaction that it's "American."

I don't EVER want to hear you're "it's just another thing" attitude to Naruto again. I don't want to hear it about anything else which is important to someone in such a negative and dismissive way. Although I suppose it's kind of beautiful that the character faces the same kind of contempt here as in the series. And it doesn't faze him one bit, which as also explored in the series, makes bitchy short lived woman angry. But they're just side characters, no one really remembers them.
I may disagree with your opinion, but I will fight for your right to have one. Too.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
riottrio said:
Unborn023 said:
Full Metal Alchemist's anime is absolutely disgusting. Almost like they took all the characters from the manga, ripped out their spines then wrote a nice giant fan-fic. I have no clue why they even bothered keeping the name.
i don't know if anyone ever told you this, but here is one loyal to the manga and very cool... i've only been dissapointed by it once, but that was actually a mis-translation on the manga's part (supposedly... it was still tonnes funnier in the manga)... and now i find that the website i watched it from has now stopped showing it :'( i'll be able to find it elsewhere.
The series is called "full metal alchemist brotherhood", kinda annoying how the crappier fan-fic one stole the real name and also confuising because there is supposedly already a movie or OVA called this!

anyway, to get back onto the topic of Naruto, i used to really despise it whilst all my friends loved it. since i got into manga, i've actually come to really love it, even the storyline before shippuden, which i remember finding retarded when watching the anime... perhaps the manga showed it seriously... i don't know.
I actually started watching the subbed Shippuden recently... why? to watch a particular fight... and it was frikking awesome! it was so much better animated than Bleach that i wanted to cry for being betrayed... which i wasn't but whatever... i'm too tired to make sense
Man, I'm living on these boards today. The source of FMA Brotherhood internet video is www4.funimation.com/video. You can lose your entire summer there by the way. You have been warned.


New member
May 11, 2009
riottrio said:
Unborn023 said:
Full Metal Alchemist's anime is absolutely disgusting. Almost like they took all the characters from the manga, ripped out their spines then wrote a nice giant fan-fic. I have no clue why they even bothered keeping the name.
i don't know if anyone ever told you this, but here is one loyal to the manga and very cool... i've only been dissapointed by it once, but that was actually a mis-translation on the manga's part (supposedly... it was still tonnes funnier in the manga)... and now i find that the website i watched it from has now stopped showing it :'( i'll be able to find it elsewhere.
The series is called "full metal alchemist brotherhood", kinda annoying how the crappier fan-fic one stole the real name and also confuising because there is supposedly already a movie or OVA called this!

anyway, to get back onto the topic of Naruto, i used to really despise it whilst all my friends loved it. since i got into manga, i've actually come to really love it, even the storyline before shippuden, which i remember finding retarded when watching the anime... perhaps the manga showed it seriously... i don't know.
I actually started watching the subbed Shippuden recently... why? to watch a particular fight... and it was frikking awesome! it was so much better animated than Bleach that i wanted to cry for being betrayed... which i wasn't but whatever... i'm too tired to make sense

If you 're looking for Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, you could try the Funimation website. It doesn't get dubbed the day of the Raw coming out, but it's pretty reliable, with only one week missed of the many that it's done(Raws come out on Sundays, and I think it's generally subbed anywhere Between Monday and Wednesday.).

O.T: I just grew out of Naruto. Admitadly I've only seen the english and japenese dubbed anime, but around the start of Shippuden I realized I was not entertained by it anymore, so I stopped.

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
everything goes overboard after 200 + episodes and countless manga chapters.

on this topic:
500 freaking episodes is too short for 'ya???


New member
May 26, 2009
Naruto Shippuden i like because it hasn't been fully caught and censored by the childrens cartoon networks. I also enjoy it due to it's deep character development now that each of them has mentally and emotionally grown by this point.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Shadowfaze said:
i used to like it. but then, it too popular.
Have a link [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitle6cd1cskka05i?from=Main.ItsPopularNowItSucks]; I'm probably not the first.

To be honest I've never seen it outside of Rule34 so I don't have a clue what it's all about. The blind chick is hot though.

... out of curiosity, how long has it gone on for?


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Naruto has its highs and its lows only follow the manga since the time skip scince even the subbed anime seems unberable to me wwith the slow as hell dbz staring contest scenes. Before the timeskip it was pretty excellent at points zabuza arc, sauskes kiddinaping not that i give a shit about sauske but it gave the supporting cast a chance to show off and they are the real stars with the deepest development as the series moves along.

After the timeskip, I really dont enjoy it much anymore could be good but they finnaly of made something of hinata and Naruto and it just dropped out of existance, has she even been mentioned or seen after that moment? And fucking Sauske needs to die long time coming the fecking albatross around the series neck.