Poll: Helping out a "noob"


New member
Jul 20, 2008
"If your a noob, you might as well not play star craft, less you wanna draw the heat." - Bob Dylan


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I've showed my sister and all her friends how to play Meteroid Prime and Super Smash bros. Melee; I've actually gotten much better for it. Yeah, three on one teams on Melee is always difficult, but doing it over and over again makes you uncannaly good.

I can still beat my sister and any three of her friends on Melee (which I proved with hilarious results), but I get my backside handed to me on a platter in Meteroid Prime.

So if a person wants to learn, then you should show them the ropes. At least, that's what I think.

Apologies Abound.

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
What tends to happen is that me and one other clanmate I gae with will make a small squad, then we wait for people to join. We kick anyone who doesn't follow orders, which frees up space for more people. More often then not we get at least one newb in the squad. So he'll then have not one, but FIVE people helping him out.
You know they've surpassed newbiedom when they manage to kill you with something other than explosives.

Conqueror Kenny

New member
Jan 14, 2008
I always stick to my prophecy of "Better safe than sorry." If you trust somebody then you are giving them a chance to betray you, just kill them.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
If someone is new and not too much of an ass about it (by this I mean they don't ask me to stand still and let them nail headshots or ask me if I can let them win) then I'll give them a helping hand and teach them a trick or two (it's only fair, we're all new at something at some point).

On the other hand, if they are being an ass (or noob...whatever you want to say) then I feel it is my duty to unleash hell on them and even have a little bit of overkill (I particularly loved it when I once heard someone saying 'you can't kill me, it's against the rules!').

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Depends entirely on the person. I'm more than happy to help someone who's polite, grateful, and simply a bit clueless as to how certain things work. On the other hand, if you act like an entitled brat, you can suck it.

I was playing PSO, and had so much money that my bank account literally couldn't hold any more. So I thought, hey, I'll share the wealth and give it to some new folks, help them get started. So I approach a low level player, and say hey, here's 1000 meseta (which at his level was a small fortune) and he said "That's it? Can't you give me some cool weapons, or something?"



New member
Aug 13, 2008
I remember the first (and only) day I played Runscape. As soon as my character was created and let loose into the game world, I noticed people attacking rats and other stuff. So I, the level 1 newbie, attack a Unicorn... and die... quickly. I then found out that you loose all your stuff after dieing and I had to beg people for FLINT just so I could stay alive! One kind soul pulled me aside and gave me flint, weapons, armour, and advice. I thanked him over and over. Then we parted ways. I knew I wasn't going to play Runscape any more, but I will always remember the kindness that stranger showed me.

Because of him, I always offer help to any newbies I come across.

... I just mute n00bs


New member
Aug 13, 2008
INF1NIT3 D00M post=9.68579.636650 said:
Well it depends on the game. If theyre a noob-tube-er in CoD4 I would verbally assault them and then do my best to hunt them down so I could burn thier possesions; If it is in a mmorpg then so long as they asked legibly and nicely in english I would do my best to help. However, if any noob inconveniences me, I say BURN HIM/HER.
noob-tubeing across the map in the begining of a game = dick
point blank noob-tube "tagging" = I don't mind

"Tagging" is the direct hit with the grenade which means that the person actually aimed. This takes some skill and I sometimes do it.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
I will offer a newb help if they are nice and somewhat polite. You just never know when they will end up on your team.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
For me it kinda depends on who they are. Like if they're new to the game, and I have a little experience, I'll help them as much as I can. However, if they're a little kid that shouldn't be playing the game, I won't help them out.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
It depends, noobs that think they're good annoy me - but I tend to help them out, come on we were all noobs on the games once a upon time


New member
Aug 9, 2008
I'll help someone if it looks like they need the help and if it won't take too much of my time unless they're being insulting or unpleasant.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Back when I played runescape everyday some dumbass 3 would come up and ask me for money or follow me around asking "kan i hav ur run plate?" I ignored those guys and went to a place where they'd get raped, but if they asked "how do I do" or "where is" I'd answer. When I played City of Heroes there was a problem with kill stealing, I'd be killing a level 6 and this random ass level 3 noob taking the last shot and getting most of the xp claiming he was "helping" me. And the ones that sat in Atlas Park on Broadcast "CAN I HAVE SOM INFLUENCE PLZ?!!" Oh and alot of te people who play city of villains are noobs


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Like some other people in this thread, I like to differentiate between newb and n00b. A newb is just a new player to the game, that's getting acquainted with how to play and will generally get better over time. Newbs usually type decently and have some semblance of intelligence, despite still being mediocre players. Newbs, unlike n00bs, can actually learn from their experiences and may quickly become a better player. Probably everyone could be considered a newb the first time they're playing.

A n00b, on the other hand, is just some moron who, no matter how long he or she plays, will remain terrible at the game. They can't spell, may use 1337 with no sense of irony, and are pretty easily insulted or offended. It seems they can't understand why they're so bad at the game, so whenever someone defeats them they're the first to call 'HACKER!!!' or 'CHEATERS' or some narsense. They're pretty amusing.


New member
May 28, 2008
If they ask something specific I'll tell them. But all the rest of the time I just kill everyone that gets in my way. The best way to improve is to get your ass handed to you by better people.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
That Ctrl Alt Del is probably the best hes ever done, because it actually hits the nail right on the head, and I agree totally. If someone is doing poorly, but is polite, trying to learn, and I think I can help, Ill give him advice and my perspective. Plus, helping a newbie makes a better player, and also is a tiny, harmless Ego-trip. But if they are douches, let em flounder.