Poll: How do you feel about the denial of EA being the Worst Company in America?

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
EA honestly did not deserve it last year. Comparing the incompetent schemes of EA to the life-ruining practices of BoA was like comparing a gas-station robbery to the Katyn Massacre.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
hazabaza1 said:
They're a shitty company but nowhere near the worst. Stuff like this along with metacritic bombing are some of the many reasons why gamers still have the reputation of being immature idiots.
Actually, this strikes me as a pretty good way to get them to rethink their general attitude. Of course, EA completely ignored it last time with a flippant comment, instead of considering the fact that their customers and potential customers dislike them enough to concertedly vote them to the top of a poll which, in reality, they shouldn't be within 100 feet of.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
TheJesus89 said:
EA is the worst game company, as far as I'm concerned.

Plummeting stocks mean their much criticized business practices are failing completely, and it's pretty obvious that gamers are more than displeased.

Activision follows a similar business practice, but are incredibly successful. Activision has made smarter business decisions, better acquisitions, and better use of their IPs.

Personally, I'd rather see Activision crumble. However, EA is quantifiably less successful, so is therefor the "worst" game company.

As far as other companies outside of gaming, who knows. All I know is that EA has consistently under-performed and delivered products that have either been sub-par or not functioning at all.
Activision were lucky. They have WoW and CoD, they can do handstands all day and still turn in 9 digit annual profits. And they didn't do it from being particularly good or smart either. They managed to drive away almost all of the staff who initially created CoD and treated their customers like crud. They strip mined the music game industry to destruction and so far their business strategy involves finding new ways for CoD players to give them money.

Since they've owned World of Warcraft, WoW has been leaking subscriptions consistently, but it doesn't matter because Activision can keep on draining the WoW bank based on Blizzards success as a company rather than any input that Activision has put in.

In that sense, EA's problem was going too high brow. People who play RPGs get a little miffed when the studio loses all of it's original staff, is stuffed full of DLCs and is pumped out yearly by three entirely separate studios with no formal connection to the origin of the IP.

And Battlefield arguably focuses a lot more on co-operation and large scale flexible warfare which doesn't attract the same sort of crowd that CoD's fast paced adrenaline lone-wolf gameplay can do.

I mean I guess Activision were clever to have the money to buy up Blizzard, but it's not like they created CoD out of their special, smart business environment, because they created an environment so hostile they ended up having years long legal battles with the people who made it in the first place


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Oh, just shut the hell up, if EA is the worst company in America then it must be a magical place to live in.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
As far as I know EA doesn't use sweatshops so no... I wouldn't concider them the worst.

Not to say that I like them.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
You know, most people really don't give a damn about child slavery, or workers in third-world countries being worked to death for the sake of their products. Do you know why? We're programmed not to. If we spent all our time caring about the plight of others we'd never get anything done! Go ahead and rage at me for saying this if you want, but I ask you; how many of you routinely sit down to eat and think "wow, I'm so lucky to have all this food, given how many people starve to death every day!"? None of you.

This is why EA is voted the most evil company in the USA. Not because it is, but because its brand of evil influences our lives, not the lives of people in Neverheardofyoustan.

If Apple employs slave labour in Beijing I will never know, nor care. If Apple pays every Chinese employee the equivalent of US$300,000 per annum I will never know, nor care. These are events taking place outside of "my" world, and do not impact me.

If EA fucks up a franchise I have spent ten years of my life investing in emotionally, that does impact my life. That is why they are so hated.

Human nature, people. Got to love it.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
BrotherRool said:
I mean I guess Activision were clever to have the money to buy up Blizzard...*snip*
More accurately, it was not Activision who bought Blizzard or arranged the merger; it was their parent company Vivendi Universal, who also rolled Sierra Entertainment into the mix.
And yes, they did get right to work ruining both companies from the top down.

Blizzard has become markedly worse since then; basically becoming "World of Warcraft...and kinda, sorta, sometimes makes other games."
Sierra and their franchises were consumed, and the company was basically dissolved and shat out of the mass that is Activision-Blizzard.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Ok, who are all of you and what have you done with the Escapist forum goers?

people here being somewhat rational when EA is mentioned? On the Escapist? What blasphemy is this?

OT: EA never deserved it for obvious reasons. There are plenty of other options for that "award" to be handed out.

As far as even within the gaming industry... meh, I like their games. And I must have a 6th sense about it because I've managed to avoid the titles that cause absolute rage even within the community (SimCity/Mass Effect.) They haven't really done anything that slighted me, so I'm still comfortable giving them my money.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
I am ok with em to an extent. Is EA a bad company? Yes. Worst Company in the entertainment industry? Likely. WACtavision gives em a good run. Worst Company in America? No chance in hell.

EA is awful and I will not buy any of their games new since the ME3 debacle (I will used since it ticks them off). Those who are ok with all of their BS methods bother me. But they are not the worst company in America. The crooked banks and mortgage companies are.

EA is bad, but EA has not screwed honest people out of their homes (like my parents for example). Suntrust, B of A, and all those other are the worst America has to offer. While we consider EA's practices to be "criminal", EA won't take your house away if you don't use their microtransactions in DS3. These bank leaders should all be literally thrown in prison for what they have done.

That's just my opinion.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
Didn't people actually vote EA over a bank(don't remember which one) that literally ruined the lives of many, many people in a poll last year(or was that the year before)? EA may be a terrible cancer on the video game industry, but they have yet to actually reach that life destroying level of evil.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
Then there is the whole bunch of damage control from EA and anyone who even dares to defend it is associated with it is a shill.


Other companies don't even bother with Damage Control, they are that scared.

Also, a reason why EA is as bad as the other companies

The others on the list may affect our lives, the environment, etc, but they're taking one of the very few methods of escape we have from this miserable existence, one of the few means of forgetting the shit we're mired in day by day, and leading the pack of fucking corporations bent on turning it into just one more capitalistic perversion. Turning an outlet from the world into one more corrosive, soul-grinding, money-means-all aspect of this unending nightmare that the free market has made the world.

It's the same as if a corporation were to invent a machine that blocks the everyday person from sleeping, and forced you to jump through hoops and be nickle-and-dimed for a few hours of respite from the droning, pointless days that you must endure for the rest of your life.

That's why EA is worse.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
There exists tobacco and alcohol companies, pharmaceuticals, food, guns, private "security" forces, strike breaker PIs, and the mass media...but a company that makes video games is the worst? Just on principle, I don't think that could be possible. Not unless EA is run like Aperture Science or something.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Personally, I think EA does definitely make some boneheaded business decisions that I don't always agree with, but they are a business and that's their right. It's your right and mine as consumeres to react appropriately. I feel that the only way to really send any sort of message that they will understand is to not play their games if you feel they are making decisions you don't agree with. Don't pirate the game. Don't buy the game used. Don't buy the game but not buy any DLC. Just don't play it, period. Once again, they are a business and while that doesn't excuse decisions they make, the structure of their business means they won't always make choices based on the same criteria as you. They are. sorry to say, not evil.

As for being the worst company in America? Yeah, that's just garbage. There are companies that truly actively hurt people and/or the environment in pursuit of high profits instead of just making videogames you don't like. Maybe you should think about that for a moment if you really think EA is the worst company.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
Worst company in America? No, not really. They're bad, but not that bad. Worst game company? Certainly in my opinion they are. They didn't deserve worst company in America last year, even after the whole Mass Effect 3 ending fiasco, so why this year?


New member
Feb 3, 2009
If someone genuinely believes EA is the worst company in the US, they are daft. I mean seriously, dangerously daft. There are companies with much bigger consequences that EA's somewhat anti-consumer policies.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
sabercrusader said:
Worst company in America? No, not really. They're bad, but not that bad. Worst game company? Certainly in my opinion they are. They didn't deserve worst company in America last year, even after the whole Mass Effect 3 ending fiasco, so why this year?
SimCity put a new lease of hate.

razer17 said:
If someone genuinely believes EA is the worst company in the US, they are daft. I mean seriously, dangerously daft. There are companies with much bigger consequences that EA's somewhat anti-consumer policies.
Depriving people of the only form of entertainment that hasn't been completely destroyed by big business in an era of bread and circuses is a bad thing.

Too bad other sites are blind to reason.


Until I get thrown out.
May 16, 2011
gyrobot said:
Are you serious? I'm not trying to be insulting here, but you have no sense of scale. The fact that EA is even on the list is embarrassing.

Companies which have ruined lives and violated human rights have done worse than EA. Why didn't you go after the companies who make reality shitty, instead of a game company?

Just read up on other companies or follow the news, because you need a reality check very badly.