Poll: How do you see virgins?


New member
Nov 16, 2010
The poll amuses me.

As though a hallmark of ones existence can be marked by when sexual intercourse takes place. From an evolutionary perspective this makes sense...but at the same time, intellectually it's rather...what's the word...hmm, I'll go with pitiful.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Marter said:
I view them as someone who has not had sex. Their reason is their own, I'm not going to judge them one way or another.
There are too many differences in people to outwardly state something about virgins.

Are they choosing to stay virgins? For personal or religious reasons? Or are they Chris-Chan?

ultiet uasc


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Depends on if they care about it. Those that don't worry about it have self-confidence, and are most likely waiting for a decent person.

If they are desperate about it and act like a loser, and all they do is complain they can't get any, thats when I say get a hold of yourself, get off your ass and put forth the effort. It is not nearly as difficult as you may think.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
In terms of friends, their sexual history really does not concern me a great deal. Given my age (37) and the age of my peer group, I would be astonished if any of them were actually virgins, and yes women do sit down together and talk about sex. It is a part of life, one of many facets of people and people are the things that interest me the most.

I pretty much consider those old old enough to begin an adult life and who cling to virginity like it is some amazing prize to be ludicrous - the sorts of people who think that it is automatically some magical, wondrous, transcendental act and that when you finally do it cherubs drop from the sky and sing the hallelujah chorus...

While it CAN be magical/wondrous/transcendental, I swear that is more likely to happen when you know what you are bloody doing, when you are experienced and understand your body and theirs a little bit more. I smirk a little at those two virgins finally getting in to their marriage bed and finding that sex is...not necessarily awesome right off the start line.

I consider sexual compatibility to be of critical importance - Yes compromise is a good thing. But if you are fundamentally at odds, it's not great. If one party wants to fark morning, noon and night and the other wants to save it for birthdays, christmas and Guy Fawkes, then how do you reconcile that? And how do you know until you try? Tastes and sex drive evolve with time.

In terms of potential partners, I have deflowered a virgin or two in my younger days (and vaguely recall being one). These days? I cannot be bloody bothered with them. If I am dating someone and it turns out she is a virgin, we're done. I like women who know themselves, know what they like, know how to please themselves. Not that I want them to give me chapter and verse before we start, but just to try having enough awareness of themselves. Hell, I once wanted to toss a virgin out of bed and tell her to go and spend six months masturbating regularly before she even thought of having another go. She had no concept of her own orgasm, what the build up felt like, what was happening, what she could do to make it better. I simply do not want to waste my time with that ever again. It might have been fun to teach someone once, now it is exasperating and dull.

Again, I'm in my 30s, and my partners had better have sorted themselves out before I even bother. I'm not into dating teenagers or early 20-somethings (indeed, I like women a little older than me). So short of starting to pick up former nuns, I doubt it will ever happen again.

Summary TLDR - If you are waiting until you feel mature enough and ready enough to deal with sex and its consequences, fine. Good for you. Keep it safe, sane and consensual. Have fun. If you think it is some mystical act ordained by your deity of choice.... whatever. They wouldn't be the sort of person I socialised with or gave a damn about.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Marter said:
I view them as someone who has not had sex. Their reason is their own, I'm not going to judge them one way or another.

It would be nice if certain societies didn't make it seem like sex was such a rite of passage that if you didn't have it by X age, you were some sort of loser. Besides, male or female, not everyone is into sex and some people are content to not have any. It's not harming me in any way for them to decide that, and I'm not going to waste energy judging them.

Flare Phoenix

New member
Dec 18, 2009
LadyMint said:
Marter said:
I view them as someone who has not had sex. Their reason is their own, I'm not going to judge them one way or another.

It would be nice if certain societies didn't make it seem like sex was such a rite of passage that if you didn't have it by X age, you were some sort of loser. Besides, male or female, not everyone is into sex and some people are content to not have any. It's not harming me in any way for them to decide that, and I'm not going to waste energy judging them.
Exactly. Most of my friends, when they find out I haven't had sex, look at me as if I'm some sort of freakish alien. They tell me I'm missing out, and to be honest it doesn't feel that way to me. I'm not really missing out on anything because I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything (if that makes sense).

I have no real magical reason as to why I haven't had sex yet, I just haven't. Whether or not I do in the future I have no idea, but I have no desire at this point in time to go out an actively pursue it.


New member
May 26, 2008
I see virgins through a telescope... crying into their heinz soup alone and mentally plotting how they would wipe out the human race for their suffering.

Arizona Kyle

New member
Aug 25, 2010
Marter said:
I view them as someone who has not had sex. Their reason is their own, I'm not going to judge them one way or another.
:thumbs up:

i agree lol its just a word anyways


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
I see them as people who haven't had sex yet. There are a multitude of reasons why people don't have sex. I don't hate them, I don't praise them. I COULDN'T CARE LESS if someone has had sex or not. That's not my concern. That's not my problem. It has NOTHING to do with me.

I simply don't care if someone is a virgin or not.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Its all relative to age

If you say 12 year old virgin i say "good"
If you say 16 year old virgin i say "Not surprising"
If you say 18 year old virgin i say "They're late bloomers"
If you say 21 year old virgin i say "Must be religious or socially inept"
If you say 40 year old virgin i laugh


New member
Mar 12, 2011
So we are talking about virgins, or virgins?

I myself being a virgin, but not wanting to, consider social pressure around having sex to be way too exagerated. Sure, you can say "You'll know when you get laid" but for me it's not that big of a deal to insert my penis in a woman's vagina. I consider much more valuable to actually have people that -love- you around you, being them male or female.

If we are talking about proud virgins that carry it as a symbol of purity and whatnot... well then, good for them, I don't share their thoughts


New member
Feb 10, 2007
Vault101 said:
There are all kinds of reasons somone hasnt had sex it dosnt really affect you as a person

the Idea of the "virgin" is completley outdated anyway Virginity is not somthing special or "a gift" (note how those two Only really apply if your a woman....double standard)
LOL! I was thinking this very same thing. Isn't it strange how it's a special gift for women and a determent for men? So we put the concept onto women to make them cherish and keep their virginity while we put the concept on men to loose it as soon as humanly possible...... WHY!? Why set up our children for this kind of frustrating drama but passing on two completely opposing views? Is it some kind of sadistic game?

Here on this side of the ring, weighing in a just over 100 pounds, sixteen year old new contender, Jenny Watson!

And in this corner, weighing in at a 130 pounds, seventeen year old Johnny Everyboy! Johnny is a long time contender but so far has only won in private practice rounds. Let's hope he has better luck this time.

Ready.... FIGHT!

Seriously why do we do this to ourselves? I suspect the previous generations to ours had a completely different thought process utterly unknowable to us.


New member
Jun 18, 2007
honestly I lost mine when i was 18 and after feeling like something was wrong with me because all my friends had already lost it after i lost mine i was just like uh thats it? lol


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Are we talking male virgins or female virgins? And how old are they? There is a breadth of perceptions based on any of those combinations.