Poll: How Far do you Agree with Piracy?


New member
Sep 9, 2008
I'll go with F because that's what I usaully do but if I like it I buy it anyway cause I know what it's like hoping your game will sell.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I buy games to support the developers, I consider it to be a bit like voting, by bying games I like, I do my part ensuring that games like that will continue to be made in the future. But if I don't care about supporting something I'm not gonna pay for it either, as long as there's a free option.

The best way imo to battle piracy is to make sure the paying customers gain benefits the pirates don't. Proper hassle free online is a good example. But unfortunately it's often the pirates who reap the benefits, for e.g. being able to lend your DRM free pirate copy to your friends is 1 point for the dark side.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
I personally think that it is fair game to download a game that is a "classic" but classic games are very much different than music or movies, classic games that I enjoyed playing back in the day and can't find anymore should prolly be considered the same as almost anything else losing it's patent due to age.

Anyways, option C imho.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
If spreading human culture for free is evil, then where does that leave publishers trying to profit out of it?


New member
Apr 25, 2009
sometimes i try the game first but i only use it if i want to have a very old game (like doom starcraft1 etc.) and if mine game was destroy but i almost never use torrents.
and i only use it to try if there isn't a large enough demo. (i almost always buy the game if i tried it to help the game)


New member
Feb 5, 2009
I don't trust Demos. They usually are just bits of the game and usually the best part of the game and when you actually buy the game it will either suck or be good but that's all about chance. Therefor I'm better of just downloading the game, trying it out for half an hour, one hour or so then go out and buy it. Simple has that.

Then again if you already own the game and the disc is faulty you have every reason to pirate it.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Rutawitz said:
how many people actually get caught and in trouble for pirating?
idk but the rules are never the same some countries say the one that upload it is the one that is in flout others say both and some even say the one that download it.

so now i ask who is in fault


New member
Apr 25, 2009
AndyFromMonday said:
I don't trust Demos. They usually are just bits of the game and usually the best part of the game and when you actually buy the game it will either suck or be good but that's all about chance. Therefor I'm better of just downloading the game, trying it out for half an hour, one hour or so then go out and buy it. Simple has that.

Then again if you already own the game and the disc is faulty you have every reason to pirate it.
agree with the demo thing


New member
Apr 17, 2008
Count_de_Monet said:
Well, this thread is dead, you can't admit to B, C, D, E, F or G without having your post deleted...
You're an idiot.

I don't pirate, but I can still see why some people would choose some of those options. By choosing it it's not saying that YOU HAVE DONE THOSE, it's saying that YOU THINK IT IS OKAY IF____.

Read the sentences before trolling.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Information should be free. Though I have to admit, it's a bit different if you're talking about films, games and music.

But in general, I'd say my idea is that if I REALLY love something, eventually I'll buy it, if for nothing else for the collectors value. Video games are a different cup of tea, since they tend to be fairly short lately [10-20h of gameplay MAX, and at the end I'm always feeling ambivalent towards the game [BioShock, Fallout 3 come to mind] ], also as a student, I don't have the cash to spend 50$ on a game that in the end, will leave me feeling a bit empty and disappointed.

But in general, the important thing here is, that one already mentioned. If you download it, you probably wouldn't buy it. As much as people like the idea that 1 download == 1 lost sale, most people just wouldn't bother with it. I think downloading has made me a bigger consumer. It's just the outdated view on the IP rights if you ask me.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
They're my 1's and 0's

I'll arrange them however I want. One might as well copyright a gesture.

That said my decision depends entirely on business ethics. If you treat people like thieves they won't see any reason not to oblge. Money is paid to thank the creator for this wonderful arrangement of data that you never would have thought of yourself.


New member
May 14, 2009
b) But i would most probably get a refund first, and if i couldn't i would B). I've never had the need to though.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Eykal said:
Count_de_Monet said:
Well, this thread is dead, you can't admit to B, C, D, E, F or G without having your post deleted...
You're an idiot.
By choosing it it's not saying that YOU HAVE DONE THOSE, it's saying that YOU THINK IT IS OKAY IF____.
Read the sentences before trolling.
Actually he said that because few posted were deleted on the first page because they admitted to having done an illegal things.

Kuliani said:
I have also deleted the posts where the user admitted to having done an illegal action to protect them.

Please comment ABOUT the illegal action, but DO NOT admit doing an illegal action on these forums.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Eykal said:
Count_de_Monet said:
Well, this thread is dead, you can't admit to B, C, D, E, F or G without having your post deleted...
You're an idiot.

I don't pirate, but I can still see why some people would choose some of those options. By choosing it it's not saying that YOU HAVE DONE THOSE, it's saying that YOU THINK IT IS OKAY IF____.

Read the sentences before trolling.
Why don't you calm down with the senseless name-calling? There was no reason for that. What the dude said was perfectly legit.


New member
May 20, 2009
I'm about a D on the scale, on the basis that if you've bought the game, and subsequently given it away/lost it or something like that, then the company which you originally bought it from won't actually lose sales. However, I wouldn't do that for games that are less than about five years old or it just feels a little bit wrong for me. It's hard to explain, but if it's a relatively new game I feel an aversion to obtaining it by means other than actually directly PAYING for it.


New member
Nov 18, 2007
Credge said:
The entire debate is hypocritical. People will rant and rave over movies, music, and games but won't even shrug when it comes to literature, pictures, and art.

If you're against piracy, ask yourself to what extent. If you're against it all, then great, you're not a hypocrite. If you're against some of it, then great, you're a hypocrite. If you're for all of it, then great, you're not a hypocrite.
That's because literature, pictures, and art are generally not centers of piracy and are already handled well by our copyright laws.

I don't get what's so hypocritical about wanting to play abandonware. Granted, no one has a right to play a game just because they don't have access to it (or don't have the money), but with abandonware there is no official legal route to buy it. With most games, and most piracy, people are pirating *new* games. So, if your goal is to put money in the pockets of the developers when you can, how is it not logical to support abandonware but decry piracy of new games?

I think you've got it all wrong. Just because someone is an extremist doesn't mean that they aren't a hypocrite.

I also find it only slightly hypocritical how people will rant and rave about how piracy is ruining the gaming industry and then they'll go out to Gamestop, sell off their used games, and buy a bunch more used games and repeat this process again and again and again not stopping to think for a moment that those ARE actual lost sales.

It's a fairly laugh worthy double standard. People think they are justified in their actions because they payed for it while complaining to people about how those SCOUNDREL PC gamers are ruining gaming by pirating! For shame! How could they do such a thing?
Firstly, if you pirate a game you get it for free. Though you save money, you're at least as likely to pirate the next game as to buy it. If you buy a game from someone else, THEY get your money, and it improves their purchasing power. They can then use that money to buy another game, perhaps even one by the same developer. Thus, in one way it allows the used buyer to contribute at a different price point to the economy, for something of lower quality. (scratched disk or whatnot)

Secondly, assuming that they ARE lost sales, this has been going on since money was invented. Ever buy a used car? Go to a yard sale? The right to resell what you own is a well established one, why should it be different for games on a CD or DVD? If I buy all my cars used, am I causing lost sales and stealing from all those manufacturers and companies which made all that stuff? Should I always buy a new house rather than an old one?! People seem to have coped fine so far with used markets, why get in a tizzy about them now?

Except all piracy on the PC has done has moved terrible game developers away from the PC to consoles. Now you guys get to put up with the plethora of shovelware that we've had to suffer through for ages! Yay for you!
Good games get pirated, bad games get pirated. The idea that somehow pirating *selectively* hurts bad games is laughable. It could only happen in a world where most pirates try before they buy. but how can you possibly think that this could be the case? Indeed, isn't there a strong incentive to pirate the good games because, well, they're good games?


New member
Jan 4, 2009
C and a bit of E. I think rare/old games that are almost impossible or ridiculously overpriced at internet auctions could be downloaded without moral dilemmas.

Also it's a shame that nowadays most games dont have demos like they used to, and i often have noted after bying a game that it has been utter disapointment. I believe that more demos would prevent some downloading, on the other hand it might also bring down sales on bad games but that would be only right.

Global release dates! I know a guy ;) who downloaded Fallout 3 because it came to Europe 2 days after the US release date. He was very satisfield with the game and bought it that 2 days later.

PS:No DRM or securom version is perfect and everything can be eventually cracked, Currently they are mostly harming customers who legimately bought the game.