Poll: I hate the imperial system. America, I'm looking at you! Give it up, metric is simply better!!!!

3 legged goat

New member
Feb 28, 2010
I use metric and imperial although I use imperial more often. Metric is better though and we should use it. We should also stop using Daylight Savings Time. That shit is retarded.

Professor James

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2010
Aidinthel said:
Professor James said:
I'm neutral on the whole issue. I like metric better in some ways and imperial in others.
Ok, I am genuinely curious now. If you have no strong opinions, what circumstances led you to find this old thread?
I was going to create another thread about the metric system but I decided to necro this one.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Professor James said:
Aidinthel said:
Professor James said:
I'm neutral on the whole issue. I like metric better in some ways and imperial in others.
Ok, I am genuinely curious now. If you have no strong opinions, what circumstances led you to find this old thread?
I was going to create another thread about the metric system but I decided to necro this one.
You were going to create a new thread to tell people that you have no real preference for either system? But instead, you resurrected an old thread to do it?

Help me understand that. What is the point of doing saying "I don't really care" in the first place?


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Didn't we already try switching to metric, and wasn't it a colossal failure?

Dis is America, dammit! Inches ftw.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
In the aircraft industry (and flying in general), we use Imperial units - regardless of the country. China is the only exception that I know of.

If the tower says, "Descend and maintain 3000," they mean feet.

Metric may be easier, but it isn't the industry standard when dealing with aircraft.

Long story short, I'll keep my slugs, feet, inches, etc.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Even in metric you have to decide on what's going to be your standard. SI, CGS, LH? If only everyone switched to the system that's based purely on properties of the universe. Sadly, my butcher still refuses to serve me 46 million planck masses of mince.


New member
May 23, 2010
3 legged goat said:
I use metric and imperial although I use imperial more often. Metric is better though and we should use it. We should also stop using Daylight Savings Time. That shit is retarded.
You may live somewhere light and sunny, but not all of us have that priviliege.
I only geta couple of hours of daylight in the winter, and if we didn't have daylight savings time, I would have to wake up to complete darkness on autumn mornings.
Waking up while it's still dark is horrible. I need to be able to wake up to daylight for as long as I can.

OT: Yes, imperial is annoying. Speaking to american people can be a hassle since I always need to find some online converter.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Zantos said:
Even in metric you have to decide on what's going to be your standard. SI, CGS, LH?
I'm pretty sure that at least a significant portion of the countries use the International System of Units (SI). And I'm pretty sure that's the whole point of having an international system in the first place. Countries, I've been in, have been consistent in the length of "kilometre" for example.

Of course, when in science/engineering fields and such - yes, you need to specify what you're using. For the average person on the street, no, not really.

Liquidacid23 said:
learn both... if you have an IQ over room temperature in northern Alaska, durring the winter, at night, in an igloo you can do it

/problem solved
Are you talking Fahrenheit or Celsius?

Sorry, I just had to :)


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Liquidacid23 said:
DoPo said:
Liquidacid23 said:
learn both... if you have an IQ over room temperature in northern Alaska, durring the winter, at night, in an igloo you can do it

/problem solved
Are you talking Fahrenheit or Celsius?

Sorry, I just had to :)
either... so long as it's not kelvin cause then it doesn't work :p
Yeah, I know, it just seemed like a fitting question to ask in the context of this topic.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
As a Brit Im a bit half way house.

We buy fizzy drinks in ml and L. But at pubs we buy pints and milk comes in pints, they tried to change this but gave up after HUGE backlash over it. We drive in miles and do speed in miles but we run in km. Im probably part of the last generation to do weight in stones, and meat in lb's and oz, though I do use kg too. Similarly I do short measurements for stuff like DIY in both feet and inches as well as cm and mm, but paper stuff like school work I think in metric.

But if your doing physics of ANY KIND, put aside your preconceptions and just use metric. Imperial in anything to do with physics or engineering is just dumb. A system that is divisible by 10 uniformly across all units just makes sense. It makes conversion SO EASY. Makes manipulation SO EASY! There are what, 3 feet to a yard but 12 inches to a foot. Yet there are 1760 yards to a mile but 2025.37 yards to a nautical mile.


Use metric. Keep your idiosyncrasies like milk and beer in pints and cars in mph but for the love of all things great and holy convert to SI for technical stuff!

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Meh... as a Brit I am quite accustomed to using both! I say my height in feet and inches, and my weight in stone (no... not pounds) and long distances I use miles and speed in miles per hour (or even nautical miles and knots! :p) Hell I say altitude in feet too, I can't translate that very well to metres! But short distances I use meters not yards... I talk in litres, (or pints... but that's only beer or milk!) and weights of things that arn't people I prefer grams!

And you Americans for some reason think us Brits are using the metric system... I bet you don't know how far a chain is, or a league! :p


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Yeah fuck the Imperial system, it makes no mathelogical sense. Aliens observing us are laughing their asses of at our non-standrad units.

and while we're at it
fuck seconds/minutes/hours/days/years in mechanical equations. No one wants to convert that shit.
I propose a rocking metric time system.
1000 Smackles to a Mingle, 100 mingles to a Hangle. Future generations and their momentum equations will thank me.

1 Hangle=24hours
1 Mingle=14mins 24 seconds
1 Smackle=0.864 seconds
there are about 36 524 Mingles in a year.

Edit: I guess scientists would refer to a day (hangle) an 100 Kilosmackles or 0.1 megasmackles

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Liquidacid23 said:
Elementary - Dear Watson said:
I bet you don't know how far a chain is, or a league! :p
a league is around 5.6 kilometers or 3.45 miles rounded for sea and 3 miles or 4.8km for land.. and one "chain" is 66 feet which is about 20 meters :p
Lol, I was kidding! I just picked 2 of the more obscure measurements! For some reason a Chain is how long a cricket pitch is as well! I don't know why they used that measurement as a standard, but oh well!


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Try living in England.

Distance - miles
Short distances - (centi)metres
Weight - kilograms or stones if you're talking about how much a person weighs...
Temperature - C except when people use F for seemingly no reason
Volume - litres

Now that's a messed up system.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
We use Metric almost exclusively in the sciences, though the main exceptions being Degrees Fahrenheit and MPH for meteorology (Fahrenheit is actually more precise than Celsius here, since it's a smaller unit, and thus, a higher gradient), since that's what the public is familiar with.

But everything else is done in Celsius, meters, liters, etc.