Poll: I hate the imperial system. America, I'm looking at you! Give it up, metric is simply better!!!!


New member
Jan 5, 2011
DoPo said:
Zantos said:
Even in metric you have to decide on what's going to be your standard. SI, CGS, LH?
I'm pretty sure that at least a significant portion of the countries use the International System of Units (SI). And I'm pretty sure that's the whole point of having an international system in the first place. Countries, I've been in, have been consistent in the length of "kilometre" for example.

Of course, when in science/engineering fields and such - yes, you need to specify what you're using. For the average person on the street, no, not really.
I suppose normal people don't have those issues, but whenever I step out of my comfort zone and study something that isn't quantum physics, they always seem to want to use their stupid, loosely metric based but not in an SI way systems on you. Biophys and chemistry use calories and litres. Astrophysics is just as bad, either some sort of CGS or something stupid like a parsec. Physics world problems.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
ApeShapeDeity said:
P.S. I have no problem with the conversational use of imperial units. It's where, I believe we need a standard, global system for engineering and science.
S.I is accepted pretty much everywhere else. America, why you so awkward?

Matthew94 said:
We use both in the UK
OP was referring to engineering; the only time I've seen nonSI used is on an old machine or an american one. When it matters, the UK use SI


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Liquidacid23 said:
learn both... if you have an IQ over room temperature in northern Alaska, durring the winter, at night, in an igloo you can do it

/problem solved

This thing crashed on landing because some very smart people scewed up with imperial and metric calculations. It happens, and this isn't the only incidence of units causing massive damage.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Wha, te, ba, the Metric System! Phooey! My Car get's 40 Rods to the Hogshead, and that's the way I like it!

(Cookie For Reference, although I didn't reference it correctly I'm sure)

OT: I like the Imperial System, although I am fluent in the Metric System much better. I don't care if America changes it or not.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
The problem is not the Average Intelligence of an American Citizen, which many of American Escapists seem to believe is nonexistent, but rather the problem of implementation.
While the American Government, as well as American Scientists, Engineers, Mathematicians, Physicists, Chemists and the like have naturally adopted metric, the same cannot be said for colloquial use or in the case of our many road and highways. The real obstacles to introducing metric into these facets of American life are the sheer geographical size of the country as well as the problem of the states.
First of all, the country itself just far too large to rapidly introduce metric for use on road. The effort required to switch them all over would require large scale interstate cooperation and spending that just doesn't seem likely in this current situation. You would also have to rapidly change all of the testing and licensing requirements at every DMV in the country in a way that wouldn't prevent already capable drivers from qualifying or cause too much slowdown. The problem is that most DMV's are run by the individual county/city/state, rather than by a single national office. Even now, DMV's have a very bad reputation for being slow and inefficient in some parts of the country. Changing the official system would only worsen the problem. Even then, Imperial has been established as colloquial/customary unit measurement throughout the United States.
Outside of the impression given by our cultural exports, ie Hollywood, there is no single or solid "American Culture". There are a number of common tropes and idioms, but it's not enough to establish a traditionally defied national identity, which is also my theory on why we just don't get into the world cup.
In the end, metric has been adopted where it counts, and it's not going to hurt anyone if people use imperial at home or daily speech.
Although it would really help math and science scores if we started teaching it at the elementary school level, rather than in High School or University.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Liquidacid23 said:
that's funny because I know both and have no problem with it... god help us if i'm one of the smarter people in the world cause then we screwed
This needs to be said, Foot-pounds are the most ridiculous units of energy everywhere. It's so fucking confusing and always messy to put in calculations!

Yes, Mass, temperature and distance are easily understood and converted. But when you're doing dimensional analysis on a pair of equations, and they're all wacky shit like footpounds cubed over twenty cubits you want to stab an american.