Poll: IGN is dead to me


New member
Mar 1, 2009
thebridgetroll said:
come back when you stop menstruating, OP.
I think the OP has a valid point and I can see why they have a little frustration towards it. But I'm afraid your post has made no useful contributions but instead a straight up insult.

Anyway, swiftly moving on.

I don't go to sites such as IGN for game ratings or things of such, Generally my group of friends have a very similar interest in games as I do, so if they like it then by some offshoot, I'll most likely like it too.


New member
May 14, 2010
Pac Man CE was fun as hell, so I have a feeling that this one probably is too.

The only relevant factor to rate a game on is fun, everything else is superfluous.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
You can't say pacman is not a 10. It is decades old yet everyone knows it. It is a best of the best game however I do not believe any game deserves a 10. A 10 is perfection, no game is absolutely perfect, none. I believe you should forgive IGN, It is just someones opinion, just because you disagree does not mean the site is wrong.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
You shouldn't get amgry for them giving a perfect 10 to an XBLA title. What you should be angry about is the way they can give phenominally high scores to mediocre titles, while picking apart other legitimately good titles with a fucking microscope. It's like they realise that they're waaaaaayyyyy too soft on some games, so they savage other games unnecisarily. I have no problem if they are hard to please, like Yahtzee (even though he's a critic rather than a 'reviewer') or if they are full of the milk of human kindness, just pick which they are!

In summary, don't be angry that they really like an XBLA title. Be angry because they're inconsistant.


New member
May 5, 2010
Generally as a rule of thumb i only watch reviews on game websites so i can see what the gameplay footage looks like.
If it looks good i'll rent the game. That way i can ignore what reviewers and critics are saying and i can make up my own mind, cause someone once told me: Never let anyone tell you if you will like something.


New member
May 16, 2010
Space Spoons said:
Isn't IGN in everyone's back pocket? Like, the point where you can mail them a check with "8.5 or better plz" scrawled in the memo line and automatically get a good score on your game?
i think if your microsoft or activision or blizzard you can ;P.

ign is pretty damn weak period their review scores at lest imo overfluff some developers titles while downgrading others, their news is chronically late, usually by several days. and their previews tend to make even the most steaming pile of shit sound like cake. if there is any real reason to keep going to ign it is for the occasional exclusive reveal, and just for a place to get movies, tv and comic news to check out on occasion.

ign needs fixing tho badly in many areas i dunno if pacman deserves a 10 cause i not played it, but some of the game i have played and can base a judgment on vs their reviews their does seem to be a ton wrong with their scoring system or their reviewers in general.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
slipknot4 said:
KarumaK said:
Pac-Man was already legendary.

Now there is a better version... I fail to see the problem.

EDIT: Where is the; Y U MAD? option for the poll?
People like pac man?
Thought it was mere a myth...
That statement is so obviously incorrect it doesn't even qualify as sarcasm.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
If that is your list of 'best games ever made' than you haven't been playing games that long, but i digress. IGN hasn't been a good source of unbiased reviewing for awhile now, but this score is not as crazy as you make it sound. Older franchises get bumped ratings on things based on their past. While a 10 is a little overboard, if you get a lot of content out of not that much investment and if this is the best game of it's genre, then why not?

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
agentmaine said:
Mass Effect 2
Half-Life 2
Starcraft 2
Fallout 3

When you see this list of games, you most likely think "this is a list of some of the best games ever made
Fallout 3 is ok..but the rest are god awful. And did you play Pac-Man C.E DX? That game is awesome.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Wha... What? They gave a game a 10?!?! Oh dear Jesus Christ, they should be burned at the metaphorical stake. I mean a 10!?!
In all seriousness, calm down a bit, it's just a single game review.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
I lost faith in IGN after they rated Magneto as a better villain than the Joker. I remember reading a comment at the time which summed it up perfectly.

"If you were trapped in a room with Magneto the worst he could do is kill you. If you were trapped in a room with the Joker, the best he could do is kill you."

Ever since then I've never even given IGN consideration.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
To those saying its rated a 10 compared to other XBLA games, you do know that includes:

Portal, Braid, Limbo (even though the ending sucks), Super Meat Boy, and multifarious other debatably better and superb games, right?


New member
Nov 20, 2009
"Did you know "Pac-Man" used to be called "Puck-Man?"

Now that I got that out of the way; yes, IGN has really put down some titles that deserved ratings higher than many over-hyped games that get lots of IGN love. Metro 2033 deserved a rating higher than a 6.9 "passable." It was probably one of the better games of its year.

I have stopped trusting IGN, however, I do occasionally watch their videos to see what games to play: usually the ones with ratings under 7.