Poll: "I'm a cactus!" and other random phrases.


New member
May 18, 2011
Beanbag chairs led to the development of "You know what else is fun to sit on? BEANS!"
Also anything kenji says. That game is pretty random....


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
TrilbyWill said:
Nile McMorrow said:
Person: "Why is not working?"
Me: "Because <insert baked goods/pasteries/fruit/breakfast stuffs/something relevant/something completely irrelevant here>"

I have recently developed the rather annoying yet laugh worthy nonsensical rant/philosphical comment about situations. I'll come back and post an example later.

Also 'Shenanigans'.
so, "why is the internet not working"
"because sausage rolls"

yeah, that works.

OT: let's ask the Queen of Random Things:
Of course Pinkie.
Indeed. Or alternatively "Because Bagels."

Also I said I'd comeback and post an example of a stupid rant.
There were like chickens everywhere man, and I was like be chill like bagels and then there was a shotgun and it was like whatttt and then boom there werez explosions from London buses and I wad likes oh whatttt and things went waffles, doyougetwhatimeanman?

I said it was nonsense.


New member
Aug 7, 2010
Cheese in a sleezy voice used instead of your argument is invalid in a fashion similar to the chewbaca defence , comes from my obsession with cheese from a long time ago .

Lucian The Lugia

New member
Nov 4, 2011
"Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!" is probably the best random thing I've heard lately.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Lieju said:
"Ich bin laden."

That was really popular by a group of kids I know who studied German few years ago. They found it hilarious.
Translation . " I am a shop" Although I don't know if it's grammatically correct.
Actually, it's not correct. "I'm a shop" would be "Ich bin ein Laden", "Ich bin laden" means either "I am shop" or, interestingly, "I am loading."


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Eh, I don't know. The problem I have with most users or threads who claim to be "random" is often times it comes across very transparent and forced. The definition of random is that it occurs without any conscious decision or discernible method, yet on so-called-random internet posts you can almost immediately spot how much effort was put into making it seem like no thought went into it. Like that one tween who posts this kind of drivel on their facebook:

"lol!!11 i am a pretty easliy amused person, and im very random. one moment im really calm ( or shy), next bam!! iM iN yOuR fAcE dOiNg WeIrD cRaZy ShIt. DESUDESU SUPERSAIYAN MONKEY PANDA!!1!!1 OMGWTFBBQ!!"

And don't even try using the "It's the internet, what did you expect?" excuse on me. That may be a free pass for acting like a complete tosser, but for this rAnDoM shtick it's a cop out and you know it.