Poll: Ipod or Zen?


New member
Mar 7, 2008
TheGreenManalishi post=18.70826.705173 said:
iPods sound terrible and are so bloody awkward to use, you'll be thankful with a Zen, even if the snail-paced scrolling menu gets on your nerves.
yeah cause selecting songs on a cd or letting itunes import song automatically and then either dragging and dropping the songs onto the ipod or hitting the sync button is REALLY hard

as for the sound, the ipod uses the better audio codec than the zen, zen is still mp3, which is the older standard, ipod uses the mp4 standard

it's not too hard to change the bit rate of the songs you put on

also headphones play a large part in the sound

my vote is for ipod, you'll get the most bang for your buck, it's the most cross platform of any of the players out there and it's the only one that has DRM free music you can buy for it


New member
Sep 7, 2008
I would pick the Zune, sure its a bit bricky but I got an ultra bad-ass one with 80 gigs of face-smashing awesomeness. I have 12 whole movies, a ton of pictures, and a little over 3 thousand songs and I only have about half the space filled up. The best part? It's only 250 bucks! An iPod? Their .mp3 players come in 6 boring colors and are 250 bucks for an 8 gig thing the size of a square of tissue paper (and they are about as fragile as one too, I dropped my Zune dozens of times and nothing bad happened. My brother's friend hit a bump in the car and it fell on the floor, blacking out the screen for all eternity.) Epic fail imo.

So... yea... get a Zune instead. If you HAVE to get an iPod or Zen, get the zen.


Bringer of Words
Jul 30, 2008
Wow, this is the thread I've been looking for to completely open up a can of capitalistic commentary.

Apple's iPod is an MP4 player designed and pushed by Apple. The design and interface are simple, easy to pick up, and easy to use. If anything, they're the Macintosh manifestation in portable media player format. In that sense, they're two and a half pains to deal with once you've gone beyond the realm of "Wait, so the on button turns the thing on?" The dumbed down format of the MP4 player does it's job, but does so only when you aren't trying to do anything else. Using their patented full-of-oneself program iTunes, Apple makes life infinitely more difficult to deal with. Apple's default (and only) setting is to base your iPod entirely off of your iTunes. So should you ever make the grievous mistake of having to get a new computer, formatting your old one, or an Act of God comes down to smite your iTunes, if you so much as think about ever plugging the iPod in again, you'll lose every inch of media on it. For the coup d'grace, they won't even let you transfer files from the iPod. Only third party programs can do it, and the best you'll find is ad-ridden shareware. It's honestly a giant pain start-to-finish once you're done playing "My-First-Computer." That being said, it is the only MP4 player on the market, so if all of your media is in iTunes format, then you'll either need a converter, or another iPod. I'd suggest a converter, because iPods honestly aren't worth the effort. That, and they're more expensive for less tech.

Zen, Creative Labs smaller of the MP3 players, is a robust and versatile MP3 player found frequently on the market. The MP3 capabilities, settings, and playability are all above and beyond the call of duty for MP3 players, and does so in a simple and functional format. Unlike the iPod, which prides itself on inaccessibility for anything but iTunes, the Zens all act as drives for any computer running XP or later (dunno about Macs, but likely the same format). In terms of play-back, the sounds between the various MP3/4 players aren't notably different, with the only major differences being Equalizer options. The biggest selling point for MP3 players on the market (versus Apple's MP4 iPod), is that they're all high quality for low-cost. When you compare the two companies 4GB products you come up $100 for Zen [http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8891504&type=product&id=1211587312779] and $150 for iPod [http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8500491&type=product&id=1186004962410].

Optionally, you can get 2 GB Zen Stone for $40 [http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8891452&type=product&id=1211587312639], or a modest similar Shuffle for $50 [http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8501551&type=product&id=1186004971618].

But really, this all boils down to taste. If you like paying more for less, in terms of memory, but MP4 and iTunes dictatorship accessibility, then buy the iPod. If you aren't sold on iTunes, or like the idea of being able to plug your media player into whatever the hell you want without deleting itself, then go for an MP3 player.

Wrestling with iTunes is always more effort than it's worth, and I think the MP4 format is more a way to try and monopolize the market more than upgrade the format. In terms of audio quality, they're larger files because they're less compressed, but no more or less qualitative than WMA, which works on all media players, not just the iPod. The only thing you lose out on if you go Creative is less third-party stuff like arm straps and FM broadcasters.

I'd go with the Zen, because you're saving yourself a lot of potential issues down the road. That, and money right now. As almost without fail, MP3 players of like size and function are cheaper than iPods.

Cleverly Made Up post=18.70826.705573 said:
TheGreenManalishi post=18.70826.705173 said:
iPods sound terrible and are so bloody awkward to use, you'll be thankful with a Zen, even if the snail-paced scrolling menu gets on your nerves.
yeah cause selecting songs on a cd or letting itunes import song automatically and then either dragging and dropping the songs onto the ipod or hitting the sync button is REALLY hard

as for the sound, the ipod uses the better audio codec than the zen, zen is still mp3, which is the older standard, ipod uses the mp4 standard

it's not too hard to change the bit rate of the songs you put on

also headphones play a large part in the sound

my vote is for ipod, you'll get the most bang for your buck, it's the most cross platform of any of the players out there and it's the only one that has DRM free music you can buy for it
I'm going to disagree. While you mention the drag-and-drop method of Audio CD importing, there are companies that have been doing that to the MP3 format for years, long before the iPod even existed. Really, all you're paying for is MP4 capability, which Apple is reigning a death-grip on. No one else has the rights to it, so they can't.

Instead, look at the facts. Yes, iPod is the most cross-platform, but you'll find DRM [http://www.napster.com/index.html?darwin_ttl=1220805253&darwin=iAd10] free [http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=BHqecrgLESIp4juJ5tK3AmAfJns5Zi_ntugfzk72YE8DAKQgAEAEYASDHmPgFOAFQ4bKxPmDJxuiIgKTUE6AB69fg_gPIAQGAAgHIAsHhigbZA7dZa5P4NTkw4AMQ&sig=AGiWqtz84yA7GvO9Q-tNwfaQGeCEormrrg&q=http://www.emusic.com/promo/new25free/index.html%3Ffref%3D700276%26refsrc%3Dgoogle] music [http://www.amazon.com] just about anywhere, if you look for it.


New member
May 8, 2008
I have a Zen, I had an Ipod but it broke.
I had a 4gb ipod and got it for £140, I bought my 30gb Zen for £110 and I've never looked back.
The whole apple wheel thingy is overrated in my opinion, you can scroll just as well on a Zen, even faster actually, I've used my friends ipods numerous times and the scrolling on them is god awful snail crawl slow. Plus Zens are bulkier and more resilient, mine has scratches all over the place on the back(the screen is pristine)from having dropped it loads of times, just recently I was doing a muscle up on some scaffolding and forgot to zip my trouser pocket up which my Zen was in, I went through the motion and it fell out of my pocket a good 5 metres to the ground, I thought it was broken for good but it worked fine still. I've dropped my ipod significantly shorter distances and it's suffered immensely, my click wheel stopped working for some time after I dropped it once, it's not that reliable.

Go for a Zen, you won't be disappointed. And an ipod is an mp3 player, some of you guys are going on like it's in a league of it's own and shouldn't be "classified" as an mp3 player.

Tanner fool

New member
May 24, 2008
well its interesting
cause u see
ive got a zune
and i think zunes should be the big kid on the playground
cause zunes just seem so much better than ipods
and they are
but i never heard of zens?

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Hmm... I seem to recall a similar thread to this one not long ago.

I'll say here what I said there; I tried an iPod Shuffle and found it decent but lacking, most especially the lack of an FM tuner so I can catch news and weather on the run. When the Shuffle shuffled off this mortal coil, I didn't look back.

There are plenty of good music players out there; the Zune is nice, but there are other models. My current one is a Samsung, and in everything but high-end music fidelity it's a winner; lightweight, about the size of a pack of gum, 4GB of SSD storage, 12 hours' continuous play on a charge, FM radio, OLED text display, and $50. I am pondering getting a Zune or other model to get some high-end audio, like my deceased MPIO put out.

-- Steve


New member
Oct 17, 2007
I didn't even know Zen's were still in production.

(Huh? what's a Zune? is that like a fruit?)


Burrowed Lurker
Apr 10, 2008
I've got both a Zen Vision:M and an iPod Nano, and I prefer the latter.
However, I don't have to wrestle with iTunes as I'm on Ubuntu nowadays and use gtkpod to transfer files.
Still, I have had to use iTunes and as long as you turn off auto-synch you should be fine.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Go with the Zen, I love mine to death, it plays everything, is customisable, and is a LOT cheaper.

And WTF, the output port really does smell like fruit! Am I going insane?


New member
Apr 30, 2008
I like my Ipod. Bought one, its still going 2 years later. Zen might be better but eh...this works so fuckit. Im not blowing MORE money on something

Ixus Illwrath

New member
Feb 9, 2008
Nerdfury post=18.70826.705399 said:
Get a Microsoft Zune. They are superior to all others. Though I will say my OLD Zen was fucking fantastic til it just wore out after five years of solid use.
The Zune owns if you use a PC, iPod if you have a Mac.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
The most creative products have better sound quality; and don't require iTunes taking over your computer -> Creative Zen.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I've got a zen V myself and love it, tho it's getting a bit old and quirky now.

If you're a brit, get to play.com and have a look at the Sony 818 walkman, it actually comes with GOOD earphones, 8gb of space, plays videos, and just has top class reviews all over, and its half price, I'm certainly considering one.

Of course if you get an ipod, replace the earphones, partly for quality, and partly because the white cable is the equivalent of wearing a t shirt with the words 'I have an expensive ipod which can easily be sold for cash, please mug me!'.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
SenseOfTumour post=18.70826.706388 said:
If you're a brit, get to play.com and have a look at the Sony 818 walkman, it actually comes with GOOD earphones, 8gb of space, plays videos, and just has top class reviews all over, and its half price, I'm certainly considering one.
I can heartily recommend it! I bought one off there about a month ago and I absolutely love it, the sound quality is top notch!
Can't fault it, I genuinely do prefer it to the iPod Nano I had before.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
NewClassic post=18.70826.705654 said:
I'm going to disagree. While you mention the drag-and-drop method of Audio CD importing, there are companies that have been doing that to the MP3 format for years, long before the iPod even existed. Really, all you're paying for is MP4 capability, which Apple is reigning a death-grip on. No one else has the rights to it, so they can't.

Instead, look at the facts. Yes, iPod is the most cross-platform, but you'll find DRM [http://www.napster.com/index.html?darwin_ttl=1220805253&darwin=iAd10] free [http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=BHqecrgLESIp4juJ5tK3AmAfJns5Zi_ntugfzk72YE8DAKQgAEAEYASDHmPgFOAFQ4bKxPmDJxuiIgKTUE6AB69fg_gPIAQGAAgHIAsHhigbZA7dZa5P4NTkw4AMQ&sig=AGiWqtz84yA7GvO9Q-tNwfaQGeCEormrrg&q=http://www.emusic.com/promo/new25free/index.html%3Ffref%3D700276%26refsrc%3Dgoogle] music [http://www.amazon.com] just about anywhere, if you look for it.
actually it was apple who mainstreamed the drm free songs

apple was also one of the first to allow a lot of mpX formats, most of the time before the ipod came along you had to encode your files in what ever wonky format the player forced you to use

so sorry to say before apple most companies were NOT doing the mp3 format, it was very rare to find a company that would do that