Poll: Is Microsoft out?

Matthew Jabour

New member
Jan 13, 2012
Well, this reveal sort of backfired, didn't it? What with no backwards compatibility and a block on used games, it seems Microsoft's shot themselves in both knees. But can they survive this? Is there any way they could pull something out and sell reasonably well, or are they out of Generation 8?


New member
Nov 20, 2009
I don't think too many people will be bothered about backwards compatibility. A lot of serious gamers will sure, but the majority of gamers I know pretty much only play Call of Duty and Fifa (or whatever other sports game), both of which get updated annually anyway.

I for one have never understood the attitude that backwards compatibility is a make it or break it feature for a console. Sure, it's nice when they have it, but I don't feel companies should be obliged to provide it. It's not like my 360 is going to disintegrate as soon as I buy a new console. A block on used games is just silly, and is going to hurt the retailers more than it will Microsoft.

I haven't voted in your poll. I don't thin Microsoft have "ruined their chances", but nor do I think they "could still pull through." I think they'll be fine, and still very successful.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Declaring it an absolute failure at this point is too early. From what I've seen, a lot of 360 fanboys are already sold on the system, disregarding all the "speculation" and making it clear that they don't care even if it is true, and I'm sure Microsoft can continue relying on the less informed gamers to buy the console. However, I seriously doubt it will be as successful as the PS4, as Sony also has an established fanbase and seems to be doing more to appeal to people who have never become particularly attached to either company. Whether or not it outcompetes the WiiU is up to whether or not Nintendo ever gets its act together.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
Judging from their actions on the server, OS, and Console fronts I would say that MS may not survive the decade.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
It's a little bit premature to call them "Out" when the generation hasn't even started yet.

They do seem to want to shoot themselves in the foot. Time will tell.

Zeh Don

New member
Jul 27, 2008
I think Microsoft have made another Windows 8 scale mistake, and completely misjudged their entire market. The difference is that they can't patch these issues like they could with the desktop-unfriendly Metro interface.

The lack of backwards compatibility isn't going to kill too much business - the block on used games and game lending will, the internet connection requirements will, the TV focus from 2004 will, and the belief that core gamers are no longer required for the success of their Xbox brand will.

Microsoft's stock is down 1% and Sony's is up by nearly 9%. I think Microsoft are in for a rude awakening.


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
It's not over till it's over! Let's wait for E3 at least. And hell, even then, it still won't be clear.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
All the Fragheads / Sport nuts who don't care about reading the fine print will be all over this like a rash.

I also guess that they will be more popular in the US where they can fully support all those features shown in that presentation.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
considering the base they're still gonna be around, though the less desired elements will piss some people off.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
I do not see anything that interests me all that much here, mandatory Kinect? Gtfo. Mandatory install with a tiny hard drive? Fail. Backwards compatibility? Not that bothered by its absence. Sport that isn't even popular and barely aired in my country? Get real Microsoft. Smart TV functions? I have a smart TV. No used games? Not the end of the world, used to that as a PC gamer already.

I probably wont get one of these, also that Call of Duty... What in anyway shape or form was next gen about that game?


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Do I think Microsoft will go belly up? No, that's ridiculous, their company is massive and they make mucho deniro from other things besides the Xbox. Do I think they've more-or-less lost this console generation? Well, unless Sony pulls some terri-bad DRM out of their ass or Nintendo suddenly stops pumping out kid-friendly stock games that sell like fried gold at the last second, yeah, I think they have.

These decisions are not only stupid but the majority of them either have nothing to even do with video games or are focused on solely making the company more money over the enjoyment and satisfaction of the consumer-in other words, the EA approach to PR.


New member
Jul 31, 2008
I wouldn't rule out Sony's chance of messing things up yet!

In all seriousness though, my prediction is that all this fury will fade into begrudging acceptance, which will change to general acceptance (though we'll all still complain because we're on the internet and that's what it's for).

It's not been long since initial reveal, some people wanted to be angry, some people are angry because they've been riled up and I'm betting a whole lot more people were just bored by the reveals and are fairly indifferent.

I don't think the console will flop. There will be titles that people will want to play despite the platform, there will be friends that get the console who people will want to play with, there will be parents and grandparents that buy the console as gifts, there will be roomates and housemates that get the console, there will be a price difference that may go in xbones favour, there will be new features and updates that may improve the ugly features announced today, etc, etc.

In all honesty, while I'm not supporting no backwards compatibility, installing games, always online, stalker kinect, no used games, etc if the xbone gets a seriously awesome exclusive title (better than any of the PS4 titles) then I could probably overlook these things. I'd still complain about them, but I'd deal with it. I already deal with two of those on PC and one of those things in previous console generations. That's half the list of shit things (..so far).

If this generation is a massive fail for Microsoft, it will not be because of what we've heard today about the xbone.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I have no idea if they're "out", but I don't see them getting my money any time soon.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Now, now, don't be hasty.

Foolish people will always be there to buy the new shiny.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Unless they show a completely different console at E3 they are not winning me over anytime soon. I am not a online player I like to sit down with friends and play split screen and be able to go and do the same at my friends places. What I get from the Xbox is that they will only let me use my games on my console I can't lend them out, they are likely to discourage local gameplay, will prolly force me online as much as possible. There is just nothing for me except screwing over the industry by buying a xbox.

People keep saying to wait for answers but last time I checked that was what today was for and they made almost as many questions as they answered and well if they didn't want me to judge the system they would have actually cleared up the misconceptions when they had the chance instead of making things even more awkward.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Speculating with my head instead of my heart for a moment...
The Xbox brand probably carries enough clout that it will do well initially.
Certainly better than the WiiU.

But the long-term tell is all about that service.

If the service sucks, the console sucks, especially since you have to do a Steam-esque DRM check every day, which kinda defeats part of that whole "convenience" angle consoles are supposed to push over PC (cue the smartass blathering about how "everyone is online" and going in circles uselessly).

Oh, and the more games that use the optional integrated Always-Online feature, the worse it gets.
I hope and pray for the utter, ruinous failure of every game that pulls that shit when it doesn't have to (so, basically everything but MMOs).

Zeh Don

New member
Jul 27, 2008
Microsoft's E3 conference will likely be as disconnected at it's Xbox One reveal, given the company's recent track record of having no fucking clue what it's doing. Windows 8 is a perfect example of this. It's terrible as a desktop interface, but great for tablets... that are selling poorly and no one wants.
Today was the first day the world got it's look at Microsoft's vision for the future of gaming consoles. And I'm having a hard time finding people who are actually happy - not simply "not angry", but actually pleased - with what was shown. It's so utterly distant from what they needed to achieve as to beg the question: "What are they fucking thinking?"

Microsoft's E3 press conferences have a solid history of missing the mark by a large degree. If they can't even reveal the console without pissing off their intended audience, how well do you honestly expect E3 to go?
A strong focus on Kinect will undoubtedly eat up the bulk of the floor time - as it has since it was first revealed - and because the people interested in Kinect are the people who Microsoft are banking on to drive the demand for their new console. Halo and some Call of Duty will round out the show. That's it. That's their game plan.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
They aren't out they just aren't in it for the games, they are now making a general media device to compete with smart-TV boxes all around.

Games are also doable on the box but MS knows the biggest TV crowd cares not for gaming as much lazy lounging and novelty.


New member
May 14, 2013
While I won't be too hasty in judging the new xbox, I will need a lot of convincing to get over the red ring of death cock up. Not to mention the stuff mentioned above.

For the first time in my 20 plus years of gaming I am seriously considering the PC.