Poll: Is Not Dating a Certain Race Racist?


New member
May 5, 2010
Easton Dark said:
LetalisK said:
Easton Dark said:
CriticKitten said:
YOUR definition: "the belief that some races of people are better than others"
"I find white women more attractive than black women"

More attractive = better, there is no way around that.
If a person is shallow and bases other's value as a person on their looks, yeah, I guess.
That's what the whole thread is about, so thanks for confirming it again I guess.

You know, that's not fair to be so rude to you. I talked about shallowness before actually, and this topic is incredibly shallow, but that's what the thread's about, so looks are as far as the argument can go.
I haven't seen a whole lot of people in here talking about how they judge a person's value by how much they want to get in their pants. That's what "booth babe" threads are for...though usually in the inverse, I think.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
CriticKitten said:
I'm not exactly sure how many ways I can adjust the word "no" before it starts to get repetitive, but....no. Just....no.
I will use this quote in just a moment.

One person's personal preferences are in absolutely no way an indication that anything which doesn't fall within those preferences is "inferior".
What... WHAT IS A PREFERENCE THEN. "Oh I like this just as much as everything else" ISN'T A PREFERENCE. You like something more than something else.

I like Oblivion more than Skyrim, though I would happily play both. The fact still is, Oblivion is superior to Skyrim in my mind, and I will want to play it more often.

Except that your definition and your explanation of the definition are in clear disagreement with each other, as far as I'm concerned.
You say that, but where WHERE, point me to the fucker, because I swear to you, it does not.

I'm simply of the opinion that any action as it relates to a person's biological makeup is inherently not racist, because the notion of claiming that humans are born with racist tendencies sounds like an absolute load of hogwash to me, and a good way for people to make excuses for their racist behavior.
Tell me I misunderstand you here.

Are you telling me that your preference in physical features is biological.

No. No. No.

Here's the spot I told you about earlier.

I'm not exactly sure how many ways I can adjust the word "no" before it starts to get repetitive, but....no. Just....no.

LetalisK said:
I haven't seen a whole lot of people in here talking about how they judge a person's value by how much they want to get in their pants. That's what "booth babe" threads are for...though usually in the inverse, I think.
You haven't seen the "I'm not racist, but I don't date x race because they're not attractive" posts? I see them everywhere, on the walls, in the toilet, in my alphabits.



New member
Aug 6, 2012
If it's purely looks than maybe, MAYBE, it's not racist. Though it still makes a person genuinely shallow as hell. So there's really no positive outlook on this. You're either racist or shallow, pick which one is less worse I guess.

Ian Mantell

New member
Mar 2, 2012
Zachary Amaranth said:
Shadowstar38 said:
No. It's not racist. Unless preference in the looks of your mate is somehow discriminatory now. Hasn't been for thousands of years at least.
By its nature, preference in your mate is discriminatory. Seems weird to act like this is a sudden thing. That also doesn't equal racism. Though refusing to date black people is probably racist.

The issue here is "who cares?"

You hurt nobody through your actions, so whatever, right? People are still free to self-determination.

Thorsten Schocke said:
It was NOT racism that started the riots in capetown? It was NOT racism that made slaves out of men and women and after they were freed still had to suffer for decades from restricted education and people rights? And then there was germany.
So...Not dating black people...Will lead to the Holocaust?
Yeah, just that you cut my reply to your needs and not in regards of the text it was directed at. So you're misusing my opinion on someone who in my view stated that being racist is not making you a bad person.

To the above. Racism started horrible things, agreed? Worse. It starts right here in such a spot where someone can get away with an ambiguous "my friend says" poll. Stating racism "isn't bad" is a level of ignorance that's beyond comprehension. That's my point. I give less than a dime what someone else likes "in bed". Making it a public thing what someone else DISLIKES "in bed" ( dating used to be more...? ) is something I'd delete from a forum. Just people who think racism is harmless should be reminded. History tends to repeat itself when you start to forget it. And don't you retry discontexting me. Thanks a lot.


New member
May 5, 2010
Easton Dark said:
What... WHAT IS A PREFERENCE THEN. "Oh I like this just as much as everything else" ISN'T A PREFERENCE. You like something more than something else.

I like Oblivion more than Skyrim, though I would happily play both. The fact still is, Oblivion is superior to Skyrim in my mind, and I will want to play it more often.
Okay, this long winded paragraph is going to seem really silly and moot at the end of my post, but oh well, screw brevity.

I think you're conflating having a preference and thinking something is superior. While they can both occur at the same time, they're not the same thing and one does not necessitate the other. For example, I prefer the Seattle Seahawks. However, you can't assume what I think about any other team, and only a little bit about what I think about the Seahawks, based on this little bit of information. I may think they are clearly the superior team compared to the New England Patriots. Maybe I'm so sure they're so better than any other team that they're going to go 16-0. I could concede that the Denver Broncos are probably the superior team. I could think the Pittsburgh Steelers and their fans are total pieces of shit. Or I could like the Seahawks for no other reason than I like Seattle and it has nothing to do with how I view them as a team. Preferring the Seahawks also doesn't preclude me from also being a fan of other teams, like the Green Bay Packers, nor does it mean I must think less of every other, some, or any team. Nor does it mean I have to get depressed when they lose or get super excited when they win. I could be a fairweather fan or someone who paints their chest at games and "impresses" everyone with my rock hard nipples when it's 10 degrees during the game. There are so many shades of gray(giggity) in there that it's impossible to assume how important that preference is to me, if at all, or how it affects my behavior given the limited context.

You haven't seen the "I'm not racist, but I don't date x race because they're not attractive" posts? I see them everywhere, on the walls, in the toilet, in my alphabits.
I'll do one better and extrapolate it to "...because I'm not attracted to X", because I don't think anyone here is arrogant enough to claim attractiveness is an objective quality in this case. I'll even throw in the comparisons to sex and assume they mean "...because I'm not attracted to X" if they don't further qualify their statements.

Posts: 9, 24(sex), 34, 42(about his own race), 46(generally), 53(waffled between being absolute and qualifying it, but we'll give it), 60(sex), 62(sex), 72, 88(including his own race), 90, 95, 103(sex), 122, 123(repeat from earlier), 142, 150, 151, 167(sex), 188(sex), 198(sex)...and then I stopped here thinking "wtf am I doing?"

So 21 out of 198. Though none of them made an objective assessment, yeah, that's a good handful, so point taken.

Want to know the sad part though? The (probably vast) majority of the rest of the posts were either along the lines of "Depends on why" or "Yes, but it's not bad" and arguments thusly. In other words, most of the posts(including my own) were in agreement of it probably being okay, but we're arguing why it's okay. I need a beer.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
One of my best friends is a black guy. He refuses to date black women. Is he racist? Well there you go.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
Yes he's racist, and kinda weird. Why does he not date black girls? It's probably a weird and neurotic reason. I've met plenty of interesting and pleasant black women. If he's just point blank refusal, than he's got problems.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Nope, it's not. Sorry to all those political correct people out there, but this is just another case of "let's use words we don't really understand".
Racism describes a philosophy (and I guess here's where the first among you frown), after which a certain race is superior (or inferior, depending on your perspective) based on the fact they belong to that race.

That's it. If you say "all black people are thieves" then that's racist, since you imply a direct connection between being a criminal (a term usually connected with negative attributes) and their race. Same for the other side of the spectrum by saying "Only white men are fit to lead a company." (here you declare a set of positive attribute exclusively to white men, therefore denying those qualities to all other ethnicities and gender...s).

"I find all black people unattractive" however is - in and of itself- not racist. It's a preference of yours, a matter of taste. It might OFFEND people, sure. It's uncomfortable to hear someone say that you could never be attractive to him/her, no matter how hard you try. But unless you go on proclaiming that race's general inferiority, ineptitude or claiming that i.e. "one simply cannot be attracted to these people" you're not in the dreaded "racist"-territory.

Won't stop people from calling you that though.

Funny little detail at the end: If you'd consider the refusal to date a certain ethnicity (based on your personal taste) as racist, then following this logic, that would pretty much make every human who's NOT bisexual sexist.

So yeah, guess the message of the day is "Know your buzzwords."

Arcanite Ripper

New member
May 1, 2010
myeeeehhhhh. This isn't much of a question.

Most of these "Is this racist?" topics that plague human concern can be solved by clear analysis of the definition.

In the scenario there's no racial-superiority mistheory, no real discrimination that cannot boil down to simple preference, and not enough evidence provided to say prejudice is a deciding factor in his dating life.

So my conclusion is no. Presumptuously-judgemental maybe, but no notion of genuine racism.


New member
Apr 27, 2010
Yes, it is by the very definition racist. If you met someone and immediately though "Oh, I can't be friends with you because you're Brazilian and I don't have Brazilian friends" even if you have things in common, you're a racist.

If you think "I won't even bother meeting that person because they're black, and I don't like black people" You're a racist.

If you judge anyone before you've gotton to know them purely based on race, you're racist.

And if it's just about physical appearance, then you're racist AND shallow.


New member
May 23, 2010
If you are attracted to someone, but won't date them because of their race, that's racist.
If you tend not to be attracted to people of certain skin tones and complexions, that's not something you can help. Not racist.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
LetalisK said:
You know, you should do a break down of every thread a few pages in. It would probably save people a lot of time.

If anyone else responds I'm just going to point to this post and the last paragraph.


New member
May 13, 2010
Technically yeah, it's preference based solely on race (or possibly stereotypes of that race). That's just what racism is.
Does it suck? Little bit.
Big deal? Not really. So long as you're going out of your way to be an arsehole to someone your little prejudices aren't that much of a problem, sexual preference is a big deal and not something easily changed. There are much more important things to worry about and bigger problems within the sphere of who we're sexually attracted to (we being universal) that should be challenged.

It is a shame though, like race matters. I find physical attractiveness derives from personality to a great extent, I can't imagine not being attracted to a blanket race any more than not being attracted to a blanket hair colour, it's just beyond my comprehension. If someone is interesting, smart, funny, kind and confident then I perceive them as more attractive and that's not a trait unique to me, it's pretty damned common. Black people (african american is such a fucked up method of describing a race imo) are no less or more attractive than white people or asian people. Disgustingly broad racial identities.


Gullible Dolt
Nov 20, 2007
If you're into a person but their race is what is keeping you from acting on your feelings then you might be racist.
If you're only attracted to white people or not at all attracted to white people, that's just preference.
Just like you're not a homophobe if you're not attracted to the same sex.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Not wanting to date someone of a certain ethnicity because of the ethnicity is racist and bigotry.

Not wanting to date someone of a certain ethnicity because 'it doesn't turn you on' is fair enough.

Technically you cannot rule out a whole group of people based on skin tone/nationality if you haven't seen everyone that is, has been or will be of that category. (Likewise you can't really say you're heterosexual/homosexual in till you've seen the everyone that is, has been or will be of the corresponding gender).

Ask yourself a question: "Are you a bigot?" when you say "I don't date Chinese people". Then perhaps rephrase it so it cannot be mistaken for being racist. Or if you are a racist, get some help. Work out why you are a bigot.

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Everyone has standards and preferences, though. I?m black, but I wouldn?t ever date a black girl because I?m not attracted to them, I wouldn?t want to conform to a stereotype, and perhaps subconsciously, it might remind me of my sister or something. Not to mention I?ve grown up in a city of predominantly white people, which is probably why I?m most attracted to white girls.

I wouldn?t date a Muslim, or a devout Christian, or any devout Theist, because I?m an Atheist Anti-Theist and I?ve had enough of that shit from my mother.

I mean, I guess I must be sexist and/or homophobic if I refused to date men, right? Perhaps I?m an objectifying transphobe because I have a fetish for transgender women?

Simple sociology, people.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
runic knight said:
I don't feel attracted to men, that does not mean I find them repugnant. I do not feel attraction to largely over or underweight women, that does not mean I find them repugnant. Attraction does have a very inherent nature to it (hell, that old adage "you can't help who you love" sort of is based in the idea). At a base level, if attributes of a person are something that have no attraction to, then that is not racism.
What you try to claim here seems to be presuming the motive of the person simply because it is easier to attack that way.
I'm using the word "repugnant" in the sense that it is the opposite of attraction. You're either attracted to something, feel nothing for something, or repelled by it. Any further coloration of the word is irrelevant. I'm not attacking anyone.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
rhodo said:
dementis said:
I just don't find the features of certain races attractive. I don't think finding certain features attractive makes you racist, hating someone for the features does.

Because all asians have small eyes and big teeth, all black men have huge lips and afros, amIrite?

Gosh, this thread is scary. Scary.
I'm not saying that, most races have minor physical differences that don't usually appear in other races. That in itself doesn't make them unattractive but some people will find those features don't match up to what they find attractive.

For example, the hair colour I find most attractive is Auburn. That hair colour tends to only naturally occur within Caucasians, now liking that hair colour the most doesn't mean I'm racist it's just what I find attractive.

I don't understand how you came to the conclusion that I was saying every race carries the stereotypical appearance just because I said there are features that tend to occur more frequently in one race more that the others.