Poll: Is the Doctor (Doctor Who) Gay?


New member
May 4, 2011
If I remember correctly, the very first Doctor's companion was his grand daughter. He was in love with Rose more recently as well.

So no, he just sees himself as an old man now. Being an old man is cool.

Chase Yojimbo

The Samurai Sage
Sep 1, 2009
He practically had a non-sexual relationship with Rose Tyler while David Tennant was playing the Doctor. However, the new Doctor, Matt Smith, from what I watched on the documentary before the new season began, they wanted to make it more 'sexual' for the more desperate alone in a basement of their mothers' fans out there. I consider the show to be in respite until they replace Matt Smith, the faster the better IMO.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
HerbertTheHamster said:
I really doubt the BBC would dare to air that, considering doctor who is a family/kids show.
The fact that this sentence makes sense shows that there's something wrong with the world this society.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
I don't think he is nor do I give a shit. Besides, he's a freaking time lord, non-human, so he's naturally going to be awkward with humans so it's gonna look weird to all of us because he has this vast amount knowledge of time and space.

Your poll is a little too biased by the way, not that this criticism might mean anything to you, it's just an opinion, like my answer.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Oh yeah. there is a current hero on tv that isnt instantly having sex with all women he likes, even if he has other, real problems to deal with. he must be gay. Also he doesnt look like a buffed out duke-nukem clone and i don't like his non-machismo way of movement, so he must be one of those homesexuals.

1)Who cares
2)What i said above
3)people who numerize their arguments never get as far as number 3

Ekonk said:
HerbertTheHamster said:
I really doubt the BBC would dare to air that, considering doctor who is a family/kids show.
The fact that this sentence makes sense shows that there's something wrong with the world this society.


New member
Apr 24, 2011
The Doctor has been regenerated so many times, I think he must have been a little curious once, right? 800+ years is a long time.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I assumed he was beyond sexuality as an advanced species, therefore anyone aesthetically pleasing with the right personality would be able to woo him, but they'd need to be pretty damn spectacular. It varies from incarnation to incarnation with the latest being pretty much oblivious to anyone's advances.


New member
May 14, 2010
interspark said:
Theseus32 said:
interspark said:
Theseus32 said:
30 years of canon. He's got kids. He's got grandkids. Hell at this point he's probably got great grandkids as his granddaughter Susan got dropped of in 2300ish and hooked up with a revolutionary.

The thing is, rather than have the doctor dashing through time screwing everything that moved, he was always more interested in the adventure and the science. Conversely he's not exactly been mincing about time and space either. He's around a millenia old. One would assume that at some point the libido would fade a tad. So no. He's not gay. He just doesn't put that high of a priority on physical intimacy. Closest he got was with an aztec chick over 500 years ago. Sex just never seemed to be a priority. With any of the time lords for that matter.

Not sure if trolling or just very stupid.
a really hope you're talking about yourself there, because otherwise that's just pretty rude. and i'm not suggesting the doctor just suddenly start doing it with someone on screen, it's just a question of which way we think the doctor would go, goven the choice
Ok. I have seen the entire Dr Who series, start to finish, 1960-current multiple times. 50 years. The reason I think you're trolling is because I find the very notion of the doctor being remotely interested in sex vaguely repellent. The reason I find it repellent is because now it's a topic. 50 years. FIFTY years and no one gave a shit. Now all of a sudden, it's a question. Now that's fine in and of itself. They want to have matt smith get it on with whatshername then fine. There's plenty of canon to indicate that it's just something he hasn't had the time or inclination for. But the problem with asking if he's gay is that it forces a retrospective glance and a defense of 30 odd years of entertainment where you can plainly see that the remotest possibility of it never occurred to them. A fruty man with a piccolo obsession hanging out for years with a late teen boy in a skirt. Were they worried that someone might think they were fucking? NO! IT NEVER EVEN OCCURRED TO THEM! To look back on it now is bloody abbarant.

You'd be better off thinking of the doctor as an intergalactic space eunuch. I mean don't get me wrong we all had our suspicions about his relationship with Romana (female timelord hottie for those not in the know), particularly considering that there's a good couple hundred years in there we're never told about, but by and large it's just something that never came up.

It's such a complete non issue, and considering that a lot of us grew up watching the doctor back in the day, even contemplating it is like contemplating your grandparents going at it. You figure it must happen at some point, you just don't EVER want to think about it.

So again, my assumption is either that a) you are deliberately trolling or b) you clearly aren't really familiar with the series.
oh my god! literally everything you just said is rendered obsolete by the fact that the doctor. has. REGENERATED since then! he can be black-white boy-girl short-tall straight-gay! what he got up to with Rosa or Romana is completely irrelevant! that was quite literally another person! and i am NOT trolling in the slightest! i'm simply voicing my opinions and suspicions to see if others agree with me, it's what fans do!
That's kind of my entire point though. You're totally and utterly wrong about what a regeneration means. It doesn't change every single aspect of a person, it just changes the appearance. Same guy, different teeth. That's the way its always been. But there are similarities. It's the same GUY for one. It's (largely) the same personality for one. And for those of you REALLY paying attention, there's even a pattern to the personalities. Hartnell was a dick. A loveable dick, but a dick none the less. Trouten was flamboyant and goofy. Pertwee was flamboyant and serious. Tom Baker was goofy, but had an undercurrent of being a dangerous bastard with a firm moral compass. Davidson was nice, and a little bit oblivious.

Then Colin Baker started the whole cycle off again by being a lovable dick. McCoy was flamboyant and goofy. Then there was the movie one which didn't really happen. Then there's Eccleston who was flamboyant but serious followed by Tennant who was goofy but dangerous followed by Smith who is nice and oblivious. It's a pattern. There are 5 personalities to the doctor. It's not like he starts with a blank slate every single time. It's the same guy who swiped a tardis from Gallifrey way back in the day and pulled a runner with his granddaughter. It is not in any way, shape or form another person. He still gets maudlin about Susan now, 600 odd years later, because she's his granddaughter. He still misses Gallifrey because that's his home. He's more lonely now, more isolated, and definitely more jaded, but it's the SAME GUY. So again, this entire notion is ludicrous. Do time lords change? Sure. But look at the master. Gets dumped in time waaaaaaay into the future, goes senile, and the second he manages a regeneration wakes up and realizes, "That's right! I'm an utter bastard! I'd forgotten!"

So again, saying "well tennant was straight, but smith is clearly a friend of dorthy." is exactly the same as saying "Well sure, I was hetrosexual, happily married with 3 kids, but that was LAST week, who's to say what I'll wake up craving tomorrow!"


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
HerbertTheHamster said:
I really doubt the BBC would dare to air that, considering doctor who is a family/kids show.
Is Torchwood considered a family/kids show? (Neither is considered a kids show over here, so I really can't tell.)
Doctor Who is considered a family show and Torchwood an "adult Doctor Who" in the UK, mainly because Torchwood deals with sex, drugs, death etc more than Doctor Who. At least that's what RTD said ;)

OT: The 9th and 10th Doctor's were less towards gay tendencies, or at least openly. Mainly because of Rose Tyler. Although you never know what Captain Jack did between episodes! I don't know enough about the older series to say about the older Doctors.
Matt Smith is a little more flippant. But I don't think that Moffat would play around with his sexuality too much, as that (unfortunately due to the nature of the human race) would alienate viewers.

Edit: Finally found what I was looking for;



New member
Feb 22, 2009
SomeLameStuff said:
Two words.

Rose Tyler.
Like captain jack, omnisexual?
Each doctor has a different personality, so it could be that Smith's doctor is more attracted to the likes of Rory.... rather than the gorgeous AMY POND. OH MY GOD. I'D HIT THAT.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
I'm pretty sure Matt Smith is a homosexual? Correct me if I'm wrong haha.

Personally, I stopped watching the show when he came on the scene. Just doesn't appeal to me anymore, boo. So glad it's gained so much popularity not only inside, but also outside of Britain.

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
Just so you know, he doesn't actually become a different person each time. his personality traits just get shuffled around a bit in the regeneration. Some get pushed back and some get pushed forward but he's essentially the same person.

As you may have seen from the Ecclestone Doctor onwards, he's been perfectly happy with anyone of any sexuality so I honestly don't think it's an important distinction for him. (At least according to modern writing)

Why is it that the current doctor is almost always the "greatest"? is it because his stories haven't actually been written yet, so people are optimistically overlaying his potential for greatness as opposed to his actual level of awesomosity?

I still say that Peter Davison was the greatest, and the quintessential old style Englishman.

Celery is cool.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
interspark said:
yes, i could have just said, "is doctor who gay?" but i like to be accurate and correct, ok?

alright, so he flirted with River but he was waving his hands around like Bernard Black on a Saturday when she was kissing him and backed away from her afterwards, also he prances around the place all the time, frequently boasts of men who were attracted to him and described Amy's friend Jeff as "good-looking", i dunno, it's just the feeling i get! what do we think?

also, River frequently kissing the doctor could mostly refer to future regenerations

edit: ok, a lot of people are bringing up stuff like Rose and the doctor's kids, don't forget, we're talking about the current doctor, anything can change after regeneration!
Considering that they brought some sort of romance between him and that guy from Torchwood. I would say both. However, considering that he's a alien and therefore not human, I'll say he's a deviant.

I've got a question for you now: Does It matter and, if yes, why?

Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
interspark said:
meganmeave said:
We're talking this current doctor, right? I say wait to see if he resists Captain Jack Harkness again - if he ever makes a re-appearance that is. If he does, he's straighter than straight.
haha, very well put, i hope jack comes back ^_^
They could bring Captain Jack back, but it would really piss off Rory...

Captain Jack: Hey Doctor, I'm back! And who's this lovely lady?

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
Geo Da Sponge said:
interspark said:
meganmeave said:
We're talking this current doctor, right? I say wait to see if he resists Captain Jack Harkness again - if he ever makes a re-appearance that is. If he does, he's straighter than straight.
haha, very well put, i hope jack comes back ^_^
They could bring Captain Jack back, but it would really piss off Rory...

Captain Jack: Hey Doctor, I'm back! And who's this lovely lady?
Ha! they should bring him back, make him go after Rory and completely blank Amy all the time. Her character needs bringing down a peg or two, she's not Aphrodite.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
I'm so very tempted to post an animated GIF of that Matt Smith gay sex scene...


As for the Doctor, I'd say he's possibly straight, but might also be bisexual or pansexual. His eccentric personality has no bearing on his sexuality, however.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Nerf Ninja said:
Geo Da Sponge said:
interspark said:
meganmeave said:
We're talking this current doctor, right? I say wait to see if he resists Captain Jack Harkness again - if he ever makes a re-appearance that is. If he does, he's straighter than straight.
haha, very well put, i hope jack comes back ^_^
They could bring Captain Jack back, but it would really piss off Rory...

Captain Jack: Hey Doctor, I'm back! And who's this lovely lady?
Ha! they should bring him back, make him go after Rory and completely blank Amy all the time. Her character needs bringing down a peg or two, she's not Aphrodite.
Let's not say no to a threesome.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
HerbertTheHamster said:
I really doubt the BBC would dare to air that, considering doctor who is a family/kids show.
Whats that supposed to mean?

Homosexuality isnt an "adult" subject, its simply a subject, no more adult then two parents kissing or being in love

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
JediMB said:
Nerf Ninja said:
Geo Da Sponge said:
interspark said:
meganmeave said:
We're talking this current doctor, right? I say wait to see if he resists Captain Jack Harkness again - if he ever makes a re-appearance that is. If he does, he's straighter than straight.
haha, very well put, i hope jack comes back ^_^
They could bring Captain Jack back, but it would really piss off Rory...

Captain Jack: Hey Doctor, I'm back! And who's this lovely lady?
Ha! they should bring him back, make him go after Rory and completely blank Amy all the time. Her character needs bringing down a peg or two, she's not Aphrodite.
Let's not say no to a threesome.
Ok, but you bring the beer... oh you mean in Doctor Who! yeah... I totally meant that too!