Poll: Is your home country your favourite country?


New member
May 27, 2011
Chamale said:
This is an idea I just had for a poll. Let's see how many Escapists believe that their home country is the "best" one (use whatever definition of best you like), and then compare the answers from the United States to those from other countries. There's a stereotype that Americans are arrogant and think their nation is superior to the others, but I suspect that people from other countries may be just as arrogant*.

*We Canadians, of course, are humble and modest in addition to being intelligent and cultured.

Sorry to the people from 190 countries I didn't specify, but I think that the Escapist has more Americans than any other nationality.

EDIT: I posted a poll originally, but somehow it vanished. Is it possible to edit a poll onto a post?
I've been to the following:

United Arab Emirate

And I could work in any of those countries as well. But at the end of the day I still prefer the US. I just feel better here.


New member
May 8, 2011
'Merica! FUCK YEAH!
Here to save the mother fuckin day!

To answer your question yes I love being American.

Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
<-----Check out the username :D

Britain all the way :p... The reason why British people have bad teeth is because they have to have something that puts a downside to having an amazingingly sexy accent, yes?....
I guess the arrogance is relevant to most countries, but yes stereotypically Americans are arrogant and think they're all the bee's knees ¬.¬.

Grafin Drachen

New member
Jun 20, 2010
I think we're all naturally inclined to say ours is our favourite. Even with the downfalls, we've adapted to make ourselves "happy" in whatever local we're situated in.

When we look at or visit other countries, we either see the best of the best, or the worst of the worst and never get a critical look at the "nuts and bolts" of the location. When it comes to countries we only hear the best of, we are closed to everything else (Unless it becomes major news). (Thinking Japan here.. Everyone glorifies it's culture (while I personally am NOT a fan, and don't really see why anyone else is.) But right now, it's been given the dog-house treatment by Mother Nature.) On the opposite end of the scale we have war torn countries like Afghanistan that are always being promoted as bomb first, who cares about later. When realistically, there's a lot more positive going on than we know. They've actually gotten off the third-world country list and are ebbing out a nice niche on the bottom on the second world classification right now.

When we visit a country, we're secluded to what they want us to see for the most part, and when we are exposed to something less desirable, a lot of them are such smooth talkers that they are able to flip it into an over glorified lie. The saying goes, you can't polish sh*t, but Mythbusters have proved that analogy wrong, but no matter what, it's still sh*t.

As a Canadian who's well learned of other countries, either living in them, or knowing those who do, Canada's pretty cozy, but we've got our issues. The US is nice, but it's got this over cocky feeling and on a national level, the economy and standard of living are a little bit lower than what we Canadians have. On a critical level, I'm not going to say Canada is my favourite as I really have no clear way of making a call on that unless I spend a year in every country and experience the raw effect of each. But again, happy here. For a clouded view without heed or really evaluating the pros and cons, Costa Rica is quite nice. They may be a bit of a poorer demographic, but they always seem happy, the have a lot of natural tropical beauty and the people seem friendly.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
Hmm, whilst i'm British, i'm not happy with our crazy politicians, gutter press, low wages, high inflation, privatisation and long working hours culture.

I think my favourite country may be France actually, its just so blimmin lovely. Everything about it. Except maybe the people.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
I have no stake in my country, or any other for that matter. Absolutely hate patriotism.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
well, I was born in South Korea, but I have been living in Canada for quite a long time now. I have to say I prefer Canada over South Korea now. I still love South Korea but I don't agree with some of the things in South Korea

Tye Hillesland

New member
Jul 13, 2011
I live in America and I honestly don't really care for my country. Not that I hate it or anything, but I have always felt more allegiance to my state than my country. Being Oregonian I live in a very boring state, but the natural beauty is amazing. Also Oregon's founding father John McLoughlin's deeds were definitely something to be proud of as well. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McLoughlin)
All in all though I guess if I had to pick a country I would either choose Norway or the UK. I have been to the UK and it was awesome, but I am of Norwegian decent and I find the country to be really interesting so... meh. I don't know.

I'm going to choose Nepal... Because it is Nepal.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Australia, and yeah, favourite country. Though New Zealand looks pretty good to me. Have to get Australia and New Zealand to come together and form one new country when I've got some free time.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Never been to another country, but then again, I don't need to.

I'm from Autralia aka the best country.

I don't have any truck with nationalistic snobbery, but I do quite like my country.

The only problem I face with being in Australia is that it is very far from America and Europe (and also not "big" enough to warrant dedicated servers for many games) so in order to cope with delay and general lag issues I'm often forced to join Asian servers in games where I don't understand a single thing being said by anyone.

At least in less popular games anyway.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
TheLoneBeet said:
I live in Canada and I'm pretty fond of it.
I live in Australia and all I here about Canada is good things ... except this one time I heard there were a bunch of snobby people in French-Canada that would only respond if you spoke french..

OT: I like Australia the most because it has character. I've never been overseas, but Canada seems like a good second.

EDIT: Scratch that, I've been to New Zealand for a week ... too small yet has it's own hell-pit (Rotorua. It smells like arse).

EDIT2: Just for you
Pegghead said:
Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Oi Oi Oi!


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Yep, Good ol' America is just as fucked up as anywhere else. I might have said Australia if the government didn't seem so determined to put it's boot up everyone's ass. (the people are great though...well mostly)


Elite Member
May 29, 2009
Fuck no. Australia is a piece of shit country. Retarded politicians, retarded laws, retarded culture. Fuck this place. Get me outta here.
I want to move to a place that isn't fucked up. So that doesn't leave me with many choices...
Maybe some sensible country in Europe. I'd say Germany but they're tight-ass when it comes to video games...


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Do you mean the country you are born in, or the country you call home? If you're talking about the country you are born in, my "home" country is provably not-the-best. The Malaysian government racist and corrupt. Shanty towns are everywhere and the government doesn't do anything to help the poor, the government discriminates like hell against anyone non-Malay and rigs the electoral system to ensure that the same party has won for decades in a row, despite incredible incompetence. They use bullying tactics to scuttle the opposition's chance at winning. Now, to be fair, the Malaysia government aren't super evil, and the Malaysian people themselves are fine for the most part, but the fact that the opposition leader has been arrested time and time again on sketchy "sodomy" crimes is proof that the system is very corrupt. I'm no fan of the Malaysian Opposition leader, but he has a right to run for office, and the current Malaysia government just keeps arresting him over and over again (they don't have the Double Jeopardy rule - even if the court acquits, the government can just keep on arresting you indefinitely.

Which is why my family got the heck of Malaysia and settled down here in sunny ol' Australia (after living for a few years in England and Singapore). Australia has its problem with racism, but believe me, the government is less racist here than in Malaysia. I want to stress that most Malay Malaysians are fine. There's no problem with them. It's the vast corrupt government that's the problem, and the Malays have suffered just as much as anyone else under the current rulers.