Poll: Jim sterling VS Extra credits


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Extra Credits, has a terrible way of lying. It has been two years....two years and they still don't even have half of the "upcoming episodes" list filled out. Seriously every episode now is just something about how video games are Gods or a silly frequently asked questions one. They were cool when they were here, but now they are just lame. Jim on the other hand is my favorite Anglo-American fellow here.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
EC shows me a new side of gaming almost every week. Jim either states the obvious or is simply wrong.

I do agree that EC latest episodes havent been all that good tho, and than Jim gets a bit better almost every week (sometimes his fuck ups are epic).

But the industry should really pay attention to us, we are the ones that know better, we are the ones that care enough to spend our time trying to improve their product, and we are not even getting paid to do it.


New member
Jan 4, 2011
I enjoy both of them. I find neither of them to be pretentious or annyoing, and I'd very much like if they continued doing what they do.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
FFHAuthor said:
I used to be very into Extra Credits and it did have a lot of extremely good information on it, but there's a difference between looking at your viewers as people who are interested in being educated, and people who are ignorant fools. Too often EC's presentation has been very much based along the lines of them viewing the audience as a group of fools who they have decided to enlighten, rather than a group that they're presenting information and theories too.

They've got a lot of high minded concepts and ideals about gaming, but they're on a different level, which I can understand, but the fact is they feel that they're better than the average gamer and that they don't need to regard us ordinary decent gamers as anything less than an unwashed and drooling mass who should be despised for feeding into the bad issues that the games industry is filled with. It often feels like they're looking at us and saying 'this is your fault, you need to change because we know better than you'.

Jim says a lot of the same issues, but he's not speaking from some mountaintop (despite the god complex joke he has going) he has the pure and simple message that he's one of us, he's a regular gamer, he's just normal and he's talking about issues that we're concerned about and bringing in information that we might not be familiar about, plus he's spurring conversations about issues that might not be in our heads.

Jim is the buddy you know saying 'Man, did you hear about this?'
EC is the stuck up boss saying 'You need to do this.'
I don't really get that feel from the show. Could you provide some examples of what you mean?


New member
May 8, 2011
Jim's show offers very little insight, and often I feel that he doesn't really have enough material for his episodes, with the same point hammered in over and over again. He's had some fun ones, but overall the style of humor isn't really me.

Extra Credits, on the other hand, is usually well written and researched. They've offered some really interesting stuff with actual insight from time to time.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
ChupathingyX said:
EC came off as way too preachy to me and they always thought what they were saying was right.
If we were having a discussion, I would certainly hope you though your opinion valid. If they didn't advocate what they thought was right, they'd be trolls, not commentators.


Apr 4, 2010
Hookah said:
I enjoy both, I think a lot of people on the Escapist find EC 'pretentious' because they are drooling morons who would find the most basic theoretical concept hard to understand.


Pretentious - Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

The Extra Credits guys seem academic, high-concept and self-righteous "yes", but in my opinion they are ultimately well-meaning. I would suggest that they aren't just making episodes to impress teh interwebz.

Jim has really improved too, and is consistently entertaining and informative.

Yes, I went for EC in the end, but Jim deserves credit too.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I don't understand. What exactly is Jim's position on fragging? How does it differ from EC?


Sep 9, 2010
Devoneaux said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
Devoneaux said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
Theres a fucking mute button for a reason. Just because people elect not to use it... ah fuck who cares.
Excuses excuses. A mute button doesn't make the problems go away. It just enables bad behavior.

"Yeah, I know my neighbor regularly beats his wife, but if I close the blinds, then I don't have to see it!"
Dude that isn't remotely the same thing.

If I have someone bothering me, and I don't wish to be bothered by it, I mute and I'm not longer bothered. That isn't the same as ignoring a mugging on the sidewalk because I don't want to be involved.

To use your example, muting someone is like the Wife leaving her abusive husband because she doesn't wish to be further abused.

...like really, WTF?
you can mute a person, but that person doesn't go away, other people will still have to put up with him. At the end of the day, a report function would be vastly better to the current system in place that does little more than enable poor behavior. Get it? Just because you don't see the link doesn't mean the scenarios aren't related.
All those people has the same option/chance to mute him. They choose not to. So no, I don't get it.

Also a lot of these sites, and Xbox Live do have report buttons... again, the majority just plain don't use them.


New member
Mar 30, 2012
him over there said:
ThePenguinKnight said:
The industry should listen to us. But if I had to choose I'd say Jim.
Thread winner right here everybody, we can go home now.
What's there to say that hasn't already been said? Would you rather I jolt down a paragraph or two to further explain what everyone else has but in slightly different wording?


New member
May 24, 2011
Krion_Vark said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Another thing: Jim Sterling is a gamer first, journalist second. (There, I edited it, can you annoying folks leave me alone now? Find someone else to spam.) Extra Credits are games journalists. Big difference.
James is actually a game designer/teacher. The artist whose name escapes me right now. Is a video game artist. Dan not quite sure what he is exactly. So yeah their is a big difference between them and Jim Sterling. But they aren't game journalists.
He's an animator at pixar, I think, don't hold me to that