Poll: ME1 vs ME2: the crew


New member
Feb 21, 2009
I just spend the last month playing both Mass Effect 1 (reformatting my PC left me with no ME1 saved characters) and Mass Effect 2, and the one thing I didn't think Bioware could do is make the crew as interesting as the first.

Well, as for now, I'm not sure, both crews had their interesting points, but something in me still favors the original crew more.

I still prefer Wrex and Garrus over most of them.


Thane was awesome but I didn't like the way Bioware handled his story and interacting with him at a lot of points (the trance segments when he starts remembering things were just silly), it's like all the mystery of his character was suddenly depleted when I started learning more about him.

Jacob was as bland as Alenko, Miranda though was a giant step up from Ashley.

I liked Jack a lot, but since I didn't choose her her 14year old angsty personality just got worse, and after all I did for her...teenagers..ugh..lol

The only time I liked Grunt was on Tuchanka, but later I figured it was because Wrex was there.

Mordin was just a comedic side kick I found more annoying than funny.

Samara seemed like one giant plot hole covered up with the convenience of the way her character acted based on her rules (I was knit-picking when I met her), I did like her presents though.

Now I know some of the original crew reappears but obviously that doesn't count, especially since I found Garrus as a complete badass in the Archangel portion of the game, Bioware has had enough time to flesh out more the original crew so even if they seem better it still doesn't count.

Anyways...enough of that, what did you guys think?


New member
Mar 6, 2008
just a heads up you might want to throw a spoilers warning somewhere

not sure how people will react about you revealing some info that your not supposed to know..

I like the new crew I feel like they were a lot more diverse and they joined you mostly because they had loyalties to you and didn't care about the mission so much.

I feel like in the first one it was about the mission, while in the second it was more about you. Which I thought was pretty cool


New member
Feb 9, 2010
Frankly, Legion is my favorite character as a crew member, so far

I also enjoyed Thane quite a bit and they finally developed Tali into being more than a plotpoint to explain the Geth, which is all she was in ME1.

Garrus still remains sort of shallow, but overall I still like him.

Ashley and Kaiden are both acceptable, if a bit irritating, in their own way.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
PDizzle418 said:
just a heads up you might want to throw a spoilers warning somewhere

not sure how people will react about you revealing some info that your not supposed to know..

I like the new crew I feel like they were a lot more diverse and they joined you mostly because they had loyalties to you and didn't care about the mission so much.

I feel like in the first one it was about the mission, while in the second it was more about you. Which I thought was pretty cool

Sorry almost forgot.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
2nd crew, definitely.

Thane, Mordin and Miranda are definite favourites of mine (assuming I can't pick Garrus because he was in the first crew).


Friday Only Superhero
Aug 5, 2009
Mordian was the best one. Especially his remarks about human sex with biotics. Fantastic.

I just wish there was a more Renegade romance option. None to the options were really Renegade, sigh.

mad benji89

New member
May 4, 2009
i prefered grunt to wrex to behonest i dont know i think it was hes need to kill anything in sight and when he tells storys about killing turians and how he gets exsited about it made me think that he just basicly a big insane kid, kinda lol

but garrus i think will always be one of my top characters just how he acts so badass all the time i liked him on the first one because how he was a c-sec officer and he had enougth of going by the rules so he desided to join you because spectures can do what they want and the only people they really have to listern to is the countcel.

i liked doing tali's side story that was pritty cool not going to go into detial to much though because dont want to ruin it for people who either half waythrough it or not on that bit yet but its a good one

legion was kind of cool having a geth on your side but half of the stuff he said didnt intrest me that much its somthing what you would expect a machine to say because he dosent have he's own feelings or thoughts lol
imagen if you could have a relationship with legion on the game it would be like screwing all the geth at once lol
Dec 14, 2009
Tali and Garrus are my 2 favs, they really fleshed out Tali, her voice actor was really good I thought. Hell, I always liked Garrus, he sort of meshes with my Femshep (Garrus lost his squad, and she lost her unit on Akuze.) As for the new guys? I like Thane and Mordin. The problem with the other human characters is that they can't hold a candle to Shepard and seem lackluster by comparison.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
I liked one in ME2 better. Mordin is hilarious, and Jacob is a certain step up from Kaiden. Besides, Garrus is back and i like him.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
The ME2 crew, because I didn't put effort into learning tings about my crew in ME1, so that's my fault.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
I think the second crew, mainly based on legion and mordin. I do miss wrex though :-(

Good that you still have Garrus and I actually like Tali a lot more in this game, she seems a lot more grown up (probably because she's completed her pilgrimage). Thane has his moments and Samara is quite cool if a little intimidating.

I never downloaded Zaheed due to a lack of internet connection for my 360, but I've not heard much love for him in general.

Yeah I was never a big fan of Kaiden (guess who got left to die in the first one lol)

EDIT: I just remembered the best bit about legion....anybody else ever walked in on him doing the robot? that tickled my funny bone XD

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
2nd crew for multiple reasons.

Mordin has single handly become one of my favorite characters, It's fun to watch Joker and EDI fight and Mordin is a pretty awesome character. Overall, I feel that all of the characters in ME2 are better then the ones from ME1 and I'm glad Garrus and Tali stayed as they were two of my favorite.


New member
Dec 15, 2009
Definitly liked the first group more... I liked Garrus and Tali in ME2, but does that really count?

I still don't like Jack... her story is predictable and she goes through no character growth what so ever.

The only new character that is as interesting as the first crew (that wasn't also part of the first crew) is Mordin... but 1 character isn't enough to flip the balance.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Almost a tie, with the second crew edging out because both of the best from the first crew (Tali and Garrus) also show up.
I find the second crew kind of polarizing. On one hand, Miranda and Jacob can cease to exist and I wouldn't notice for a few days. On the other, Mordin and EDI are some of the funniest characters ever. Thane and Legion are both cool, and both Tali and Garrus show a different side of themselves that wasn't shown in the first game.
However, both Liara and Kaiden/Ashley were bitches during the second game. So that may have tainted my view of the first crew a bit.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Anyone who doesn't like Engineer Ken Donnelly and Gabby that's Engineer Gabriella Daniels is heartless and sucks.

Ditto for Yeoman Kelly 'Kelly' Chambers.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Amnestic said:
Anyone who doesn't like Engineer Ken Donnelly and Gabby that's Engineer Gabriella Daniels is heartless and sucks.

Ditto for Yeoman Kelly 'Kelly' Chambers.
You mean Scotty...?


Eagle Est1986

That One Guy
Nov 21, 2007
Mass Effect 2; Tali, Garrus, Legion, Thane, Mordin. All great characters.
Whereas, I Wrex and Tali were the only crew members I really liked in the first game and I liked Tali more in 2.

Also; EDI, not squad but still crew and I really like her (it's?) sense of humour.