Poll: ME3 ending DLC(Spoilers are likely)


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Not all Synthetics were destroyed if you destroyed the Catalyst. How does EDI's body live if you used her in the final push? (I didn't but think about it, that means the Geth are still around) In essence, its:

Control the Reapers like a hypocrite

Create a fusion of synthetics and organics

Destroy the Reapers

OT: I'll buy the better ending, I want my shepard to have the best ending. (I destroyed the reapers BTW)
Apr 28, 2008
HELL no. That would give EA the idea that if they make endings intentionally shitty, they can sell more endings through DLC, and get more money.

I most certainly do NOT want that kind of shit to happen.

And besides, it's look supremely stupid since quite a bit of people raised a large shit-storm about the day-1 DLC. Asking for endings in more DLC seems insanely hypocritical. Assuming the people wishing for ending DLC complained about the day-1 DLC, of course.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
I just don't get the outcry, personally. As Shepard, I've sunk hundreds of hours into all three games, with the last two having a fairly palpable air of desperation. I've gotten used to the feeling that Shepard's missions are going to be won by the skin of his teeth, and that with the stakes being so high, the price for success has to be proportionately high.

I just don't see how BioWare could've gotten away with giving us an ending where Shepard kicks down the door to the Citadel Child's fortress, kicks ass, chews bubblegum and ends the Reaper War. I also don't see how his or her heroic sacrifice could feasibly leave a window of opportunity open for Humanity's allies to return home.


Just... No. I'm of the mind that BioWare had acknowledged that the scope of their story was so big that nobody could just walk away scott-free. Nobody could conceivably go "Welp, that's over! Thanks for the warm welcome, Humanity, we're going back to Palaven's dregs, now. Kthxbai!"

If anything, I'm rather curious to see what happens when you've got three or four species stuck in the same galactic cluster, who all need to rebuild their lives somehow, knowing they'll never be able to return home. I'm assuming there'd be plenty of casualties, what with Turians and Quarians needing dextro-amino acids in their diet, but that's part of the game plan, as far as I'm concerned.

Basically, at the age I'm at and with the culture I've gained over my years of reading and playing games, I'm actually glad BioWare didn't just flat-out give me the ending my guts wanted to see. I'm glad they basically went "Well, here's what's more likely to happen, considering what you've done" and had the honesty to do so.

What's the alternative? Your standard Hollywood Happy Ending that would've made even *less* sense? Shepard being all but deified by unimaginably grateful trillions?

Nah, no thanks.


New member
Mar 11, 2012
synobal said:
Nimcha said:
I surely hope not. In stead, I hope EA/Bioware try to get people to warm up to the current ending, which is actually rather good in my opinion. It surely is incredibly bold to not fall into the trap of ending the series on a high note when the story doesn't call for that.
I wish bioware would sit down and talk about what they were trying to do with that ending since they apparently were too subtle for 90% of their audience. From the way are freaking out.
Tell me...

... if they tell us that they will give us another DLC, that makes the previous ending a hallucination by Harbinger, that makes god-child and his choices an illusion to convince Shepard to give up, that gives us a real ending... that makes blowing up the relays senseless because they are no threat anymore, that renders the whole supposed synthetic/organic struggle moot, and we get that, one way or the other... won't that make you feel like a real nitwit for defending a really stupid thing?

I mean... if.... only if...

IamLEAM1983 said:
What's the alternative? Your standard Hollywood Happy Ending that would've made even *less* sense? Shepard being all but deified by unimaginably grateful trillions?

Nah, no thanks.
TBH, if I get what I want, be it a DLC with a publicity stunt never seen before, and that gives me the emotional experience I crave after 3 games, then hell they are... GODS yeah take my money! Because then the disappointment would be part of the experience and prepare for the reallllllly good stuff. Devilish fuckyoucustomer capitalist oh yes, but one hell of an experience.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
MomoElektra said:
synobal said:
Nimcha said:
I surely hope not. In stead, I hope EA/Bioware try to get people to warm up to the current ending, which is actually rather good in my opinion. It surely is incredibly bold to not fall into the trap of ending the series on a high note when the story doesn't call for that.
I wish bioware would sit down and talk about what they were trying to do with that ending since they apparently were too subtle for 90% of their audience. From the way are freaking out.
Tell me...

... if they tell us that they will give us another DLC, that makes the previous ending a hallucination by Harbinger, that makes god-child and his choices an illusion to convince Shepard to give up, that gives us a real ending... that makes blowing up the relays senseless because they are no threat anymore, that renders the whole supposed synthetic/organic struggle moot, and we get that, one way or the other... won't that make you feel like a real nitwit for defending a really stupid thing?

I mean... if.... only if...
If they retcon the ending that is their business, but I doubt bioware will. The endings are perfect as they are.

As for to whether I'm stupid or a nitwit well I don't really feel the need to answer personal attacks. I don't think being the minority when it comes to 'popular' opinion is persay a bad thing either.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
MomoElektra said:
synobal said:
If they retcon the ending that is their business, but I doubt bioware will. The endings are perfect as they are.

As for to whether I'm stupid or a nitwit well I don't really feel the need to answer personal attacks. I don't think being the minority when it comes to 'popular' opinion is persay a bad thing either.
If they change the ending it means it's everything but perfect which would mean you are definitely so very much wrong (yes, I'd enjoy that immensely) .

I didn't say that you are a nitwit, I asked you if you'd feel like one.
Geesh, you even lack basic reading and comprehension skills.
THAT was a personal attack, for your information. Maybe you learn something.
Obvious troll is obvious. You should perhaps work on your subtly.


New member
Mar 11, 2012
synobal said:
MomoElektra said:
synobal said:
If they retcon the ending that is their business, but I doubt bioware will. The endings are perfect as they are.

As for to whether I'm stupid or a nitwit well I don't really feel the need to answer personal attacks. I don't think being the minority when it comes to 'popular' opinion is persay a bad thing either.
If they change the ending it means it's everything but perfect which would mean you are definitely so very much wrong (yes, I'd enjoy that immensely) .

I didn't say that you are a nitwit, I asked you if you'd feel like one.
Geesh, you even lack basic reading and comprehension skills.
THAT was a personal attack, for your information. Maybe you learn something.
Obvious troll is obvious. You should perhaps work on your subtly.
Why? I have lost all subtlety so you finally get what I'm saying, and now you're complaining I'm too obvious. And I'm not a troll. Get a dictionary. Honestly...
I don't want to rally you up just because. I want to rally you up because I think there might still a smidgen of hope you still have some brain cells somewhere in your head. But, apparently, there aren't.

You know, active ignorance and fallacies and tone trolling and whatnot like that can be considered offensive, too.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
MomoElektra said:
synobal said:
MomoElektra said:
synobal said:
If they retcon the ending that is their business, but I doubt bioware will. The endings are perfect as they are.

As for to whether I'm stupid or a nitwit well I don't really feel the need to answer personal attacks. I don't think being the minority when it comes to 'popular' opinion is persay a bad thing either.
If they change the ending it means it's everything but perfect which would mean you are definitely so very much wrong (yes, I'd enjoy that immensely) .

I didn't say that you are a nitwit, I asked you if you'd feel like one.
Geesh, you even lack basic reading and comprehension skills.
THAT was a personal attack, for your information. Maybe you learn something.
Obvious troll is obvious. You should perhaps work on your subtly.
Why? I have lost all subtlety so you finally get what I'm saying, and now you're complaining I'm too obvious. And I'm not a troll. Get a dictionary. Honestly...
I don't want to rally you up just because. I want to rally you up because I think there might still a smidgen of hope you still have some brain cells somewhere in your head. But, apparently, not.
*throws out some food pellets for the troll. Goes and buys a book on the care and feeding of trolls*


New member
Mar 11, 2012
Be honest: You just disagree because you like the attention it gives you.

synobal said:
*throws out some food pellets for the troll. Goes and buys a book on the care and feeding of trolls*
I'm not sure if you realize how unintentionally hilarious you are.

You first feed someone (you consider a) troll and THEN you read about their feeding habits?

And please, will you stop with the tone trolling and respond to what I'm saying, if you have to respond in the first place.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
MomoElektra said:
Be honest: You just disagree because you like the attention it gives you.
You caught me I secretly loath the endings and am busy writing a fan fiction with a new ending! How did you know?! how?! You're like the Holmes to my Moriarty.


New member
Mar 11, 2012
synobal said:
MomoElektra said:
Be honest: You just disagree because you like the attention it gives you.
You caught me I secretly loath the endings and am busy writing a fan fiction with a new ending! How did you know?! how?! You're like the Holmes to my Moriarty.
Now that you've shown that you, indeed, have a brain and humour, would you kindly use it?


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Way I see it, the endings were rather depressing in their own way. Still each and every one of them contained the foundation for a very very bright future for the galaxy.

I would of liked a proper, happy ending with full closure and all that sure, and if they put out a DLC with it Ill get it and enjoy it. But ultimatley the endings they have now are just fine in my opinion.
Shows a very different approatch than the standard "... and they lived happily ever after." deal and instead goes for a more realistic sort of deal (not what actually happened but the feel to it), namely that the shit that was fucked up remains fucked up and recovery is a slow and painfull process, but that people have the chanse to recover and maybe... become even greater than they were before in due time.

Melancholic and depressing for such a long series where you hope for a good happy ending sure. But honestly? I find it appropiate.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
The notion that any alternate ending dlc should be free is just ludicrous. You don't like their ending, so you demand a new one. But you refuse to pay for it, they should just give it to you because you bashed the one they did already so much.

I know the word entitled gets thrown out a lot around here, but jeez guys.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Wierdguy said:
Way I see it, the endings were rather depressing in their own way. Still each and every one of them contained the foundation for a very very bright future for the galaxy.

I would of liked a proper, happy ending with full closure and all that sure, and if they put out a DLC with it Ill get it and enjoy it. But ultimatley the endings they have now are just fine in my opinion.
Shows a very different approatch than the standard "... and they lived happily ever after." deal and instead goes for a more realistic sort of deal (not what actually happened but the feel to it), namely that the shit that was fucked up remains fucked up and recovery is a slow and painfull process, but that people have the chanse to recover and maybe... become even greater than they were before in due time.

Melancholic and depressing for such a long series where you hope for a good happy ending sure. But honestly? I find it appropiate.
Which is exactly how I feel on the subject. I don't think EA or BioWare is required to give me the emotional response I would personally crave - just the one that's the likeliest, that respects the ground work set in place by the other two games.

The current endings do just that. Saying you want a supposedly better ending just for the sake of feeling all kickass is a bit of a weak excuse. Plenty of other games can cater to your badassery needs. I'm glad ME3 went the way of Human Revolution and presented me with an ending that answers the right questions, as far as Shepard's personal ethics and overall importance are concerned.

Captcha: Want more?
Nope, thanks. I've digested a great space opera and I just ate a slice of sugar pie. I'm good.


New member
Mar 11, 2012
TheAbominableDan said:
The notion that any alternate ending dlc should be free is just ludicrous. You don't like their ending, so you demand a new one. But you refuse to pay for it, they should just give it to you because you bashed the one they did already so much.

I know the word entitled gets thrown out a lot around here, but jeez guys.
The endings are hated because they are tacked on, half-assed, and have no resemblance to the series. An Hero and become god of the machines, Apocalypse, or An Hero and space magic sends your friends to robotic jurassic park.

None of it makes any sense. None of it reflects anything you've done in the series prior to that point. There is no "Good" ending. Just bad, worse, and stupid.

They sold a game without an ending. They might as well have just taken the ending cutscene from one of their other games and played it after Anderson dies. It would have made EXACTLY as much sense as the garbage they threw together in I'm guessing less than a week.

I hated those stupid Dream sequences with the kid in the forest when I was playing the game... At least the ending proves my first instinct about that garbage was right. "This is hackneyed, boring and stupid," said I. And it turns out it was all that and more.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
Lithan said:
TheAbominableDan said:
The notion that any alternate ending dlc should be free is just ludicrous. You don't like their ending, so you demand a new one. But you refuse to pay for it, they should just give it to you because you bashed the one they did already so much.

I know the word entitled gets thrown out a lot around here, but jeez guys.
The endings are hated because they are tacked on, half-assed, and have no resemblance to the series. An Hero and become god of the machines, Apocalypse, or An Hero and space magic sends your friends to robotic jurassic park.

None of it makes any sense. None of it reflects anything you've done in the series prior to that point. There is no "Good" ending. Just bad, worse, and stupid.
Hey that's great. I disagree but that had nothing to do with my post. Well I guess my post contained the word "ending" I wasn't discussing the content of them. And you didn't actually talk about anything I said.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
If people want one badly enough, I'm sure they'll do it. It'll make them money anyway.

Though I have my own problems with the ending, I'm content with it as it is and it'd be hard to see how the DLC would be anything more substantial than maybe a few cutscenes; whatever people's opinions of the ending, it certainly has an air of finality about it, and I can't see how they'd actually be able to continue with the story.


New member
Mar 11, 2012
It actually directly addresses what you said. They didn't put in the work for a proper ending and that is why people are pissed off and have every right to get one for free. It's like releasing a book with a misprint where the last chapter is replaced with a recipe for saurbraten, going "Screw it, good enough." Selling it. And then going "OMG! You want us to print you the last chapter for FREE! That costs MONEY!"


New member
Jun 2, 2009
Lithan said:
It actually directly addresses what you said. They didn't put in the work for a proper ending and that is why people are pissed off and have every right to get one for free. It's like releasing a book with a misprint where the last chapter is replaced with a recipe for saurbraten, going "Screw it, good enough." Selling it. And then going "OMG! You want us to print you the last chapter for FREE! That costs MONEY!"
Actually no. They released the ending. They finished the story. Then people got angry because it wasn't the ending they wanted and demand that Bioware do it different. You don't get to do that. They made the game, you can like it or not. But you can't demand they give you a new ending free of charge.

Your analogy would work if the game broke and didn't end. But it does end, you just don't like the ending you got.


New member
Mar 11, 2012
You ever see the episode of futurama where Fry gets the devils hands and performs an opera... but loses the hands and has to complete it without them.

Yeah, that.

Or how about a choose your own adventure book where every ending is just "You get raped by a goat."

I'm gonna go into the spooky cave, "You get raped by a goat." Well good thing I kept my thumb on the last page, I'm going to head away from the cave towards the mountains. "You get raped by a goat." Damnit!

Hey, they ended it.

Compare the last mission in ME2 to the last mission in ME3. One is distinctive, involved, thought-provoking, and interesting in that it utilizes your whole crew and has character-specific conversations and insight.

One isn't.