Poll: Metro Exodus vs Far Cry 5 vs Wolfenstein the new colossus. which of 3 upcoming SP FPS will own?


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Metro Exodus

Far Cry 5

Wolfenstein 2 new colossus

So my friends, these 3 are most talk upcoming SP FPS. but there are 3 different types of for example, Metro is semi open world which feature linear and non linear levels, Far cry is huge open world and wolfenstein is linear.

based on track record of previous games in each franchise. Metro Exodus will easily own both games combine. wolfenstein new colossus will be worse of it and far cry 5 even though looks stale will still be much better than new colossus. its atleast playable and tolerable and less cinematic (even though far cry 3 and 4 have long unskippable cutscenes) plus far cry 3 was actually good but FC4 suck and franchise is now stale.

Metro series is getting third game and its known to have each and every game is improve upon prevoius. last light improve upon 2033, redux version is improve version of both and give best Metro experience ever.

so guys my answer is simple.

which one you think will be best? vote and discuss


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I haven't played Metro Last Light(I liked 2033 okay) so I can't comment on what I expect from Exodus.

Far Cry 5 has the problem of being a Ubisoft game(Large open world with towers and collectables). OTOH, it does have creepy religious fanatic militia to shoot.

Wolfenstein TNO was great, so I hope for more of the same nazi killing, retro future fun from this one. So Wolfenstein.

Rip Van Rabbit

Apr 17, 2012
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus without a doubt.

The New Order managed to make a tired, world-weary seemingly stock-standard fps protagonist seem sympathetic and relateable. As far as the setting, narrative and gameplay goes...none of the games you mentioned can really present a more consistent experience the way that the New Order managed to do so. It's not without minor issues, but I only have nitpicks at best for an otherwise solid experience.

The Metro series might have atmospheric sections, but it is insultingly linear on top of having an unnecessary morality system. Clunky gunplay and braindead enemies undermine the tense atmosphere somewhat. The less said about the story, the better.

Far Cry has long since devolved into "Ubisoft: The Game...in First-Person...again". I'm tired of collectathons, hunting, bullshit climbable towers, enemy outposts and whatever bloody task/challenge/fetch quest that I have to achieve to unlock slightly better shit.
I don't have a lot of faith in that particular franchise, but hopefully Far Cry 5 will end up becoming a pleasant surprise, just to break the monotony at least.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Smithnikov said:
Farcry 5 has already pissed off conservatives, so I'm rooting for it.
Wolfenstein II is more topical now, sadly. Nazis in the US.

I'm only excited for Wolfenstein II because I loved the first one and the standalone expansion. I don't like Metro at all. I might give this one a chance a bit later on. Far Cry 5 is an Ubisoft game which makes it automatically a bargain bin at best.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I'm not really interested in any of them, but out of the three, I'd go for Wolfenstein II - it looks so bonkers that I can't help but appreciate it.

Metro looks...fine, I guess? Post-apocalyptic settings in fiction are done to death though, but I guess it could be okay.

Never been into Far Cry, and Far Cry 5 looks like more of the same. Also:

Adam Jensen said:
Wolfenstein II is more topical now, sadly. Nazis in the US.
This. :(


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Far Cry 5 will obviously be the single greatest work in the history of all humanity.

New Colossus will hopefully improve on the shitty weapons of the first game.

Metro Exodus will be some shitty scripted shooter that nobody will remember.
Feb 26, 2014
I've enjoyed and beaten FC4 and never played Metro or Wolfenstein, so of this list FC5 is the game for me. Though I may give in to the temptation of killin' me some Nazis. As for which game will be better, probably Wolfenstein. If only for being topical and not being an Ubisoft title. FC5 may sell more though, because it is an Ubisoft title.

Dalisclock said:
Far Cry 5 has the problem of being a Ubisoft game(Large open world with towers and collectables). OTOH, it does have creepy religious fanatic militia to shoot.
Apparently, FC5 is ditching the towers and the minimap. https://www.pcgamesn.com/far-cry-5/far-cry-5-tower-wingsuit

Drew Holmes said:
"We really wanted to focus on exploration with a sense of, 'I'm not sure what to do or where to go'," Holmes says. "The removal of the mini map was so you're not staring at a little corner of your screen saying, 'what's new in the world?' You've got to actually pay attention to the world and the art side is doing a good job of making sure there are good landmarks to orient yourself. That it becomes more [or] less the game guiding you on where to go, and more of you saying, 'where do I want to go, what do I want to do today?'"
Something about not holding the players hand as much.


Regular Member
Jan 15, 2013
I voted Far Cry 5 because I'm probably going to put the most time in it of the three, but I expect Wolfenstein to be a more quality product overall. I'm not even slightly interested in Metro.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Ezekiel said:
I guess I most want Far Cry 5. I kind of liked FC3, but I skipped 4. None of them are gonna own, though.
only Metro will.

I cant see anything to be excited about far cry 5. I also like FC3 but FC4 suck. so was primal and 5 looks more of same. same stale ubisoft open world formula.

New order was mediocre game so i doubt sequel will be any good.
Mar 30, 2010
As I really liked the first two installments of the series I'll definitely be getting Metro: Exodus. Not really a Far Cry fan (although Primal's Survivor mode is the most fun I've had with the series) so I'll probably skip this installment. And the last Wolfenstein game I played was Spear of Destiny, so I have no idea what the modern incarnations are like.


Jun 29, 2008
I'm a huge Metro fan but I'm worried about the open world and the surface, not to mention the shitty scripted trailer. And why aren't they following the books anymore? Even LL's story was a huge downgrade compared to 2033. Not sure about the Wolfenstein, I still haven't played the New Order.

I'm actually really interested in FC5 which is weird because (even though I liked FC3) I absolutely couldn't give less of a shit about 4 and Primal so I skipped those entirely. I like the setting and the idea of shooting redneck cultists. I've always wanted to re-create Waco.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Major_Tom said:
I'm a huge Metro fan but I'm worried about the open world and the surface, not to mention the shitty scripted trailer. And why aren't they following the books anymore? Even LL's story was a huge downgrade compared to 2033. Not sure about the Wolfenstein, I still haven't played the New Order.

I'm actually really interested in FC5 which is weird because (even though I liked FC3) I absolutely couldn't give less of a shit about 4 and Primal so I skipped those entirely. I like the setting and the idea of shooting redneck cultists. I've always wanted to re-create Waco.
new metro is not open world game. it just have non linear levels outside. inside metro underground, its linear.


Jun 29, 2008
B-Cell said:
new metro is not open world game. it just have non linear levels outside. inside metro underground, its linear.
OK, fine. I'm worried about the "non-linear" surface levels. With a hub. And a day/night cycle. But totally not open world.