Baffle2 said:
Well, I don't want him here if he's a racist, but we certainly could do with some more racy material if that's what he's offering. I'm thinking nipple tassles, supposedly edible underwear, maybe a game of dog toy vs sex toy, that sort of thing.
He's mean when he talks about the people who voted for trump, calling them stupid and evil, and that he's not sorry anytime their voting choices bring them pain and suffering. That plus an old tasteless joke he's apologised for, and a general distaste for bigoted nerd dudes has led people to try and pretend he's big into eugenics and secretly a nazi by stretching so hard they've pulled something.
Samtemdo8 said:
undeadsuitor said:
I can taste the salt on this site now.
His Marvel Bias and DC/WB Zack Snyder hateboner is certainly going to further test my patience
And I disagree with him vehemently on the 2009 adaption of the Christmas Carol movie with Jim Carrey.
also DC fanboys claim he's unfair to dc, rather than accepting the movies are shite, and ignoring the good reveiws he's given to good dc movies.