Poll: Movie Bob rehired?

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Yet another thread showcasing what the Usual (Leftist) Suspects get away with.
Oh, it's only a little white genocide and playful mobbcking of fellow forumites..
Pathetic behavioral styles do go hand in hand with hypocritical double standards..
Well, Russ did say about political extremists overrunning the forums.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
The Lunatic said:
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Yet another thread showcasing what the Usual (Leftist) Suspects get away with.
Oh, it's only a little white genocide and playful mobbcking of fellow forumites..
Pathetic behavioral styles do go hand in hand with hypocritical double standards..
Well, Russ did say about political extremists overrunning the forums.
Yeah, although possibly sharing those sentiments himself, it wouldn't make it politically extreme to him...


New member
Aug 13, 2009
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
MrCalavera said:
anthony87 said:
Nice attempt to downplay the shite he comes out with but when said shite includes gems like this:

I don't have to stretch very far.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
I've always been partial to this one myself.



New member
Aug 13, 2009
Marik2 said:
Avnger said:
Hot damn! The KiA "concerned citizen" squad is really out in force. It's going to be an amazing next few days. I think I'm going to need more popcorn though.

anthony87 said:
Oh no! How dare he say that whiteness isn't the end-all-be-all of existence!!?!?!11!?!

If you still have issues with the sociological and demographic fact that diversity is very much going to be the future and "whiteness" is going to slowly die out, I feel nothing but pity for you. Might want to get building yourself a "safe space" bunker and fill it with survival supplies. The coming decades are going to be rough for you.
It's funny how he and others feel threatened by a random fat guy on the internet with no power.
Care to point out where I gave the impression that I feel "threatened"?

*you keep using that word.jpg*


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Zhukov said:
Wait, that's what you're pissed off about?

Being angrily pro-immigration and calling someone (a Trump supporter?) a Nazi?

Come on, at least go for the juicy stuff. Like the eugenics joke. At least that one was actually sketchy.
Not pissed off. People really need to stop trying to infer my tone from text.

Just enjoy highlighting hypocrisy is all.

EDIT: To clarify somewhat, I'm not disagreeing with what he's saying about the benefits of immigration, I just didn't want to snip out the individial line because I figured it'd look disingenuous. But that Whiter America line really jumps out at me. There's no middle ground for racism.

It's either all bad or none of it is.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
anthony87 said:
Windknight said:
I must say I find this rather ironic, since from what I can recall he only ever reviewed American movies starring white people mostly running around in superhero costumes. You'd think such a staunch advocate of diversity would have a more diverse taste in movies.


Regular Member
Feb 26, 2014
That guy does have a bit of an issue of 'stop liking what I don't like'. I generally don't really care for his stuff but I don't care if they want to publish his video's here.

By the way, I can't see any polls. Is there some button somewhere that I can press to make them visible again?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
anthony87 said:
Not pissed off. People really need to stop trying to infer my tone from text.

Just enjoy highlighting hypocrisy is all.

EDIT: To clarify somewhat, I'm not disagreeing with what he's saying about the benefits of immigration, I just didn't want to snip out the individial line because I figured it'd look disingenuous. But that Whiter America line really jumps out at me. There's no middle ground for racism.

It's either all bad or none of it is.
Opposing the people who say America should be white is racist?

Good lord. Now I've heard it all.

It's like saying that it's sexist to condemn Elliot Rodger.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Zhukov said:
anthony87 said:
Not pissed off. People really need to stop trying to infer my tone from text.

Just enjoy highlighting hypocrisy is all.

EDIT: To clarify somewhat, I'm not disagreeing with what he's saying about the benefits of immigration, I just didn't want to snip out the individial line because I figured it'd look disingenuous. But that Whiter America line really jumps out at me. There's no middle ground for racism.

It's either all bad or none of it is.
Opposing the people who say America should be white is racist?

Good lord. Now I've heard it all.

It's like saying that condemning Elliot Rodger is sexist.
No, stating that more people of a certain colour makes a country inferior is racist.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Blood Brain Barrier said:
I must say I find this rather ironic, since from what I can recall he only ever reviewed American movies starring white people mostly running around in superhero costumes. You'd think such a staunch advocate of diversity would have a more diverse taste in movies.
Weak, sir. Very weak.

He reviews the big, popular movies because they're, y'know, big and popular. Reviews of big movies get more views than reviews of smaller movies.

Plus, you're just plain ol' factually wrong.


Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
Zhukov said:
Blood Brain Barrier said:
I must say I find this rather ironic, since from what I can recall he only ever reviewed American movies starring white people mostly running around in superhero costumes. You'd think such a staunch advocate of diversity would have a more diverse taste in movies.
Weak, sir. Very weak.

He reviews the big, popular movies because they're, y'know, big and popular. Reviews of big movies get more views than reviews of smaller movies.

Plus, you're just plain ol' factually wrong.

So where are the African movies? There are burgeoning film scenes in Korea, Iran, Indonesia - where are his reviews of those movies? There is currently a renaissance in independent LGBT cinema - where are his reviews on those films?

He needs to put his money where his mouth is. If he's going for money and fame over supporting non-white, non-minority cinema then he has no right to criticize others like politicians who also support white people and trod on minorities for monetary reasons.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Palindromemordnilap said:
Samtemdo8 said:
His Marvel Bias and DC/WB Zack Snyder hateboner is certainly going to further test my patience :p
You realise you're accusing him of exactly what you're doing but from the other end right? And why is Youtube recommending so many "DC sucks" videos if you're not actually watching them?

anthony87 said:
Of all the tweets you could have gone for, you went for that one? Really? The sentiment there is not exactly unreasonable. You could have gone for the one where he talks about purges or something but instead just one where he says "white supremacy is bad and the wall is stupid"? Damn dude, either you're not bringing your A game or you've sort of revealed what your real problem with him might be
Mostly because I watch Comicbookcast2 for Superhero movie news as in things like how the movie is developing or when its it coming out. And I still end up getting said recommended videos of shit I disagree with. But sometimes watching say, Maximillian Dood play Marvel vs Capcom or Injustice and I still end up getting recommended of negative videos on DC.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Yet another thread showcasing what the Usual (Leftist) Suspects get away with.
Oh, it's only a little white genocide and playful mobbcking of fellow forumites..
Pathetic behavioral styles do go hand in hand with hypocritical double standards..
In their defence (because I'm nice like that) I can see how my initial post could very easily be taken as "Up with Whitey" or something similar.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Pseudonym said:
By the way, I can't see any polls. Is there some button somewhere that I can press to make them visible again?
Nah, I can't see it either. Poll eating has been a problem for a while, and I've got a hunch that none have been getting through recently.

OT: Well, I enjoyed the Big Picture. Admittedly not enough to actually continue following Bob when he left the site, but the comicbook histories were pretty interesting, even to someone who doesn't actually read comics. I don't use Twitter, and so I have no idea if Bob's Twitter 'rep' is justified or not, but as long as it doesn't bleed into his videos I can't say I care much.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Blood Brain Barrier said:
So where are the African movies? There are burgeoning film scenes in Korea, Iran, Indonesia - where are his reviews of those movies? There is currently a renaissance in independent LGBT cinema - where are his reviews on those films?

He needs to put his money where his mouth is. If he's going for money and fame over supporting non-white, non-minority cinema then he has no right to criticize others like politicians who also support white people and trod on minorities for monetary reasons.
Nonono, see, you misunderstand. When Bob says he wants diversity, he means in cash-grabbing corporate rehashes of every last bit of pop culture from the last 30 or so years. You know, the stuff that matters.

Besides, who the hell cares about people from places that don't even speak English, anyway?
Aug 31, 2012
Moviebob? Yeah, our areas of interest never really intersected so I didn't watch his stuff. Good for those who are interested in it I suppose.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
anthony87 said:
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.
Let me know when a black supremacist is the President.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.
Let me know when a black supremacist is the President.
I imagine that would be in the news if it were to happen.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Until I see an official statement from Russ, I'm taking this as hearsay and rumour. I mean bringing back Moviebob seems counter to Russ' goals.