Poll: Movie Bob rehired?


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
vallorn said:
Kyrian007 said:
Mmmm. I'm not sure which is better. The escapist getting back some content creators... fantastic news. Bob Chipman coming back. I didn't agree with all of his movie reviews, but I like the style and his concerns were always valid even if I was able to overlook them. The screaming and crying of the Bob haters... mmmm, delicious.

Yeah, can't determine which is the best. Sounds like we're gonna get all three, so we don't have to choose. That's the best thing about it.
Eh I don't hate Bob I hate his views, as do most sane people. So since advertisers are usually at least semi sane I'm sure they will appreciate a "Best of Moviebob's twitter feed" when they advertise on the Escapist Nuevo.
I'm pretty sane. I don't hate his views, or the ways in which he expresses himself.

Of course here's the "(post something Bob has said), try and defend that" reply. I'll go ahead and blanket answer, "maybe its about time we should think about it." That ought to cover it.


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
Kyrian007 said:
vallorn said:
Kyrian007 said:
Mmmm. I'm not sure which is better. The escapist getting back some content creators... fantastic news. Bob Chipman coming back. I didn't agree with all of his movie reviews, but I like the style and his concerns were always valid even if I was able to overlook them. The screaming and crying of the Bob haters... mmmm, delicious.

Yeah, can't determine which is the best. Sounds like we're gonna get all three, so we don't have to choose. That's the best thing about it.
Eh I don't hate Bob I hate his views, as do most sane people. So since advertisers are usually at least semi sane I'm sure they will appreciate a "Best of Moviebob's twitter feed" when they advertise on the Escapist Nuevo.
I'm pretty sane. I don't hate his views, or the ways in which he expresses himself.

Of course here's the "(post something Bob has said), try and defend that" reply. I'll go ahead and blanket answer, "maybe its about time we should think about it." That ought to cover it.
All I'm gonna say is that if you're seriously saying "maybe its about time we should think about it." to Eugenics then maybe you should reconsider that. I mean, it's not like Eugenics theory wasn't used to subjugate, murder, and enforce breeding policies on the native Australians and Americans in order to try and breed them into being what the current dominant group thought of as the ideal human form. Oh wait.

Hmm, what about instituting IQ checks for voting? Sure, let's also have Service Guarantee Citizenship while we're at it? Surely that will get everyone on board.

(Unless you can't tell I'm being very sarcastic. I'm not sure but I think if I'm talking on this forum I should expect people to be unable to get a joke. Not like there's precedent for snarky jokes getting people suspended or anything though hmm?)


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
vallorn said:
Kyrian007 said:
vallorn said:
Kyrian007 said:
Mmmm. I'm not sure which is better. The escapist getting back some content creators... fantastic news. Bob Chipman coming back. I didn't agree with all of his movie reviews, but I like the style and his concerns were always valid even if I was able to overlook them. The screaming and crying of the Bob haters... mmmm, delicious.

Yeah, can't determine which is the best. Sounds like we're gonna get all three, so we don't have to choose. That's the best thing about it.
Eh I don't hate Bob I hate his views, as do most sane people. So since advertisers are usually at least semi sane I'm sure they will appreciate a "Best of Moviebob's twitter feed" when they advertise on the Escapist Nuevo.
I'm pretty sane. I don't hate his views, or the ways in which he expresses himself.

Of course here's the "(post something Bob has said), try and defend that" reply. I'll go ahead and blanket answer, "maybe its about time we should think about it." That ought to cover it.
All I'm gonna say is that if you're seriously saying "maybe its about time we should think about it." to Eugenics then maybe you should reconsider that. I mean, it's not like Eugenics theory wasn't used to subjugate, murder, and enforce breeding policies on the native Australians and Americans in order to try and breed them into being what the current dominant group thought of as the ideal human form. Oh wait.

Hmm, what about instituting IQ checks for voting? Sure, let's also have Service Guarantee Citizenship while we're at it? Surely that will get everyone on board.

(Unless you can't tell I'm being very sarcastic. I'm not sure but I think if I'm talking on this forum I should expect people to be unable to get a joke. Not like there's precedent for snarky jokes getting people suspended or anything though hmm?)
Well, maybe its time we should think about it.

Its like I'm psychic or something. That's what I said, and yes, I meant it. I didn't say "maybe its time we should do it" I said "think about it." See, the issues that people hate Bob for expressing his opinions on are generally ones where the folks opposite Bob generally deflect and shift blame or try and say there aren't problems there to begin with. So someone with a platform (even a Bob sized small platform) throws out a Swiftian Modest Proposal and the opposition starts screaming about how we shouldn't even talk about it? Even think about it? The funny thing is, that's why he said it. And I think maybe its a good thing it was said because... maybe its about time we should think about it. Maybe the problem isn't bad enough to warrant such an obviously overharsh scenario, but if it gets people thinking maybe the problem is there... is bad... then the conversation is the important part. Not the ridiculous Modest Proposal.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Kyrian007 said:
See, the issues that people hate Bob for expressing his opinions on are generally ones where the folks opposite Bob generally deflect and shift blame or try and say there aren't problems there to begin with.
This is actually quite why I despise Bob and his politics. From my position on the political spectrum, I see his saying outrageous shit as an attempt to deflect and shift blame, and pretend his own ideology had nothing to do with it, and that's giving him the benefit of the doubt he has half an idea what he's talking about in the first place.


New member
May 28, 2016
*shrug* If he brings back that "comics are weird" thing, cool. I don't have time to read comics any more, but I still enjoy hearing about the weird and wacky shit.


some asshole made me set this up
Jul 31, 2009

for what it's worth he adresses some concerns in a blog post he just put out

tl;dr: he's going to try to tone it down and not get into as many spats on social media


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
vallorn said:
Seriously though, couldn't Eugenics be just fine as a science? Like if one thought it up today and never veered into the sphere of getting rid of the undesirables and whatnot? Isn't Genetic Counselling a form of Eugenics too?


New member
Mar 28, 2010
totheendofsin said:

for what it's worth he adresses some concerns in a blog post he just put out

tl;dr: he's going to try to tone it down and not get into as many spats on social media
So, basically he DARVO's and offers a non-apology. But at least he's admitting somewhere along the line, at some point, he maybe fucked up, so at least it's an improvement. But you know what, he's entitled to his opinions, and I support his right to have and voice them. Just like I'm entitled to form my own opinions of his politics.

Seriously though, couldn't Eugenics be just fine as a science? Like if one thought it up today and never veered into the sphere of getting rid of the undesirables and whatnot? Isn't Genetic Counselling a form of Eugenics too?
No, it's not in a vacuum. Now, when you start talking about the implementation and implication of genetic counseling, like for example aborting Downs syndrome fetuses, then there's an ethical debate to be had about balancing children's quality of life and prospects versus right to exist and bodily autonomy (and it's currently being had). Sadly that debate's being derailed by the pro-life lobby, and at least in my opinion a woman's right to choose trumps all other concerns, but the ethical debate exists.

Now, we get to the point where genome editing comes into practice, the spectre of eugenics can and certainly will raise its ugly head again.

The issue with discussing eugenics in any form, was it was an inherently white supremacist pseudoscience based on biological determinism and that's never, ever going to change.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Well I'm certainly looking forward to future discussions about the misunderstood nature of eugenics, and the problem of the working class.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
totheendofsin said:

for what it's worth he adresses some concerns in a blog post he just put out

tl;dr: he's going to try to tone it down and not get into as many spats on social media
another tl:dr He's an 'intellectual' and despite that he frequently messes up, but when he does its all an edgy joke, and really its Gamergate's fault again, it was photoshopped, his dad works at Nintendo and he'll get you banned, and #sorrynotsorry, he's just like James Gunn and the right-wing Nazis see him as a major threat to their world and really when you break it down, he's basically a new-age Jesus and we should all be lucky just that he shares the world with us.

He really hasn't learned anything. He's not sorry for what he said, he's sorry he got caught. He won't last a month here.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Eacaraxe said:
Seriously though, couldn't Eugenics be just fine as a science? Like if one thought it up today and never veered into the sphere of getting rid of the undesirables and whatnot? Isn't Genetic Counseling a form of Eugenics too?
No, it's not in a vacuum. Now, when you start talking about the implementation and implication of genetic counseling, like for example aborting Downs syndrome fetuses, then there's an ethical debate to be had about balancing children's quality of life and prospects versus right to exist and bodily autonomy (and it's currently being had). Sadly that debate's being derailed by the pro-life lobby, and at least in my opinion a woman's right to choose trumps all other concerns, but the ethical debate exists.

Now, we get to the point where genome editing comes into practice, the spectre of eugenics can and certainly will raise its ugly head again.

The issue with discussing eugenics in any form, was it was an inherently white supremacist pseudoscience based on biological determinism and that's never, ever going to change.
Well, I'm against historical baggage used in this way, but of course it might be best for everybody to keep eugenics as the bad term. With genetic counseling (note: screening process included) I think the biggest controversy right now is whether doctors should recommend abortion for fetuses with livable defects like DS. Personally I would, but some people find bad implications there. Everybody is fine with inner ear implants removing deafness from this world, though I understand if one doesn't find it comparable.

Back OT: No problemo with Bob. Everyone's allowed to be a bit crazy sometimes. It's cool that the guy has gone through some mental growth (I guess).

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
McElroy said:
No problemo with Bob. Everyone's allowed to be a bit crazy sometimes. It's cool that the guy has gone through some mental growth (I guess).
"Growth" you say.



New member
Aug 2, 2015
McElroy said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
McElroy said:
No problemo with Bob. Everyone's allowed to be a bit crazy sometimes. It's cool that the guy has gone through some mental growth (I guess).
"Growth" you say.

A fun and wholesome tweet, yes.
What do you think of this one? This post is how he was "allegedly" let go from here in the first place:

And mind you guys, I wasn't even here posting when this happened at all, so I like some clarification of what really happened?

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Bob made a blog post addressing some of what has been raised here.


And with that, I'm going to lock this thread.

While the sum total of The New Rules is mostly TBD (and will be published in its entirety when available) I'm definitely bringing back the Old Rule that insults or shitposts directed at staff, contributors, and mods is out-of-bounds. This is your free warning. Future instances will be met with infractions.