Poll: Movie Bob rehired?


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Canadamus Prime said:
I'd rather hear it from Russ than Bob because, unless I'm mistaken, Bob has kinda gone insane.
I think Pitts was retweeting Bob's statements about being rehired and he has yet to disavow it, so I'm going to consider it a done deal. I'm more interested in whether Bob's stirring up shit Pitts doesn't need on his plate right now, or if Bob's being a proxy for signaling Escapist's new direction.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Eacaraxe said:
Canadamus Prime said:
I'd rather hear it from Russ than Bob because, unless I'm mistaken, Bob has kinda gone insane.
I think Pitts was retweeting Bob's statements about being rehired and he has yet to disavow it, so I'm going to consider it a done deal. I'm more interested in whether Bob's stirring up shit Pitts doesn't need on his plate right now, or if Bob's being a proxy for signaling Escapist's new direction.
I'm not considering anything official until I see a statement from Russ. So until someone can show me an undoctered screencap, I'm taking all of this with a grain of salt.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Semes said:
anthony87 said:
I'm not dying on any hill, just pointing out the hypocrisy. Not sure where you pulled that quote from either.

The words I'm referring to are "A whiter America is an inferior America." Y'know, the racist statement.
America is 60+% "white". If America were to become "whiter" it would be less diverse and, in Bob's view, inferior.

That is the whole statement.

If you disagree with that, please state the level of "whiteness" you would like America to be.
I honestly couldn't give less of a shit what the level of "whiteness" in America is.

I'm not even from there.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Sassafrass said:
I mean, we need content.
Bob provides content.
He's also gonna provide a fair few eyes this way.

*Shrugs* I'll just not watch it if I don't like it.
The problem is moviebob was, shall we say, liberal with his banning of people that didn't agree with him. And the majority of the site doesn't anymore. So moviebob showing up could easily mean huge sections of forum users getting banned in a very short time, which would not be good for viewership


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
Silentpony said:
Sassafrass said:
I mean, we need content.
Bob provides content.
He's also gonna provide a fair few eyes this way.

*Shrugs* I'll just not watch it if I don't like it.
The problem is moviebob was, shall we say, liberal with his banning of people that didn't agree with him. And the majority of the site doesn't anymore. So moviebob showing up could easily mean huge sections of forum users getting banned in a very short time, which would not be good for viewership
I don't think that was the case, contributors and moderators are two different groups on this site, and I'm not aware of any contributor ever getting involved in the moderation side of things. Indeed, most contributors don't even have the forum permissions to give out infractions. This has in rare cases lead to conflicting statements between the two, for example in the comment's section of Jim Sterling's infamous ad-block episode.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
JoJo said:
Silentpony said:
Sassafrass said:
I mean, we need content.
Bob provides content.
He's also gonna provide a fair few eyes this way.

*Shrugs* I'll just not watch it if I don't like it.
The problem is moviebob was, shall we say, liberal with his banning of people that didn't agree with him. And the majority of the site doesn't anymore. So moviebob showing up could easily mean huge sections of forum users getting banned in a very short time, which would not be good for viewership
I don't think that was the case, contributors and moderators are two different groups on this site, and I'm not aware of any contributor ever getting involved in the moderation side of things. Indeed, most contributors don't even have the forum permissions to give out infractions. This has in rare cases lead to conflicting statements between the two, for example in the comment's section of Jim Sterling's infamous ad-block episode.
I remember that. Jim had to go to the moderation team and ask them to be more lenient with the so that people could actually discuss the topic of the video. They weren't and a shit-tonne of people got warnings and suspensions for just trying to discuss the video.


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
I was amused by Susan coming back, but this is hilarious. Who even watches this washed up F grade video maker anymore?

Although him posting pro Jim Crow and pro Eugenics stuff on his twitter makes me think that whoever starts advertising here should know exactly who they are advertising beside.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
vallorn said:
I was amused by Susan coming back, but this is hilarious. Who even watches this washed up F grade video maker anymore?

Although him posting pro Jim Crow and pro Eugenics stuff on his twitter makes me think that whoever starts advertising here should know exactly who they are advertising beside.
I don't think many people watch his stuff. I couldn't even tell you if he does movie reviews anymore. And his politics will quickly - very quickly, get him fired. He can't help it.
Sep 24, 2008
anthony87 said:
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.
Actually, sorry. I would.

Anything that removes a segment of my fellow citizens out of my nation is a worrying thing. White, Black, Asian, Latino, Native... You're my countrymen and women. I want you around.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
anthony87 said:
Semes said:
anthony87 said:
I'm not dying on any hill, just pointing out the hypocrisy. Not sure where you pulled that quote from either.

The words I'm referring to are "A whiter America is an inferior America." Y'know, the racist statement.
America is 60+% "white". If America were to become "whiter" it would be less diverse and, in Bob's view, inferior.

That is the whole statement.

If you disagree with that, please state the level of "whiteness" you would like America to be.
I honestly couldn't give less of a shit what the level of "whiteness" in America is.

I'm not even from there.
Based on all the posts and arguments you made, it seems like you care.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Silentpony said:
vallorn said:
I was amused by Susan coming back, but this is hilarious. Who even watches this washed up F grade video maker anymore?

Although him posting pro Jim Crow and pro Eugenics stuff on his twitter makes me think that whoever starts advertising here should know exactly who they are advertising beside.
I don't think many people watch his stuff. I couldn't even tell you if he does movie reviews anymore. And his politics will quickly - very quickly, get him fired. He can't help it.
No, Bob still does film reviews over at Geek.com and his Patreon is doing pretty well. He even hit Comic-Con recently to talk about everything and network, so he still has a healthy fanbase.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Moviebob was pretty obnoxious. That said, I routinely see much worse than anything he came out with on this forum. The reaction to him was always out of all proportion, and often had more to do with politics than civility.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
JoJo said:
I don't think that was the case, contributors and moderators are two different groups on this site, and I'm not aware of any contributor ever getting involved in the moderation side of things.
Going to confirm this from the other side of that particular fence. The only special forum thing I've got for being a contributor is the badge that says I'm exactly that, aside from access to a completely empty forum category.
vallorn said:
I was amused by Susan coming back...
Don't know where you heard that, but...https://twitter.com/SusanArendt/status/1023201677699162112


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Semes said:
anthony87 said:
I honestly couldn't give less of a shit what the level of "whiteness" in America is.

I'm not even from there.
So you don't have a point and haven't had one this whole time?

Congratulations on your fabricated outrage!
My point is racism is bad no matter what race its directed towards.

Do try to keep up.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Semes said:
anthony87 said:
I'm not dying on any hill, just pointing out the hypocrisy. Not sure where you pulled that quote from either.

The words I'm referring to are "A whiter America is an inferior America." Y'know, the racist statement.
America is 60+% "white". If America were to become "whiter" it would be less diverse and, in Bob's view, inferior.

That is the whole statement.

If you disagree with that, please state the level of "whiteness" you would like America to be.
I honestly couldn't give less of a shit what the level of "whiteness" in America is.

I'm not even from there.
Based on all the posts and arguments you made, it seems like you care.
I really don't.

Seriously, what is it with you people and trying to tell people what they mean?

My initial point has always been that I don't like racists. I think that, based on the words from the man himself, Moviebob is a racist and a supporter of eugenics and I find it interesting that people who consider themselves "progressive" find no issue with statements that are racist towards white people.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
anthony87 said:
I think that, based on the words from the man himself, Moviebob is a racist and a supporter of eugenics
Bob Chipman said:
There are days when my fondest wish is that "Eugenics" hadn't been tainted as a science by racists and nazis. You call them "weekdays" -https://archive.is/Y6QJt
He ended up deleting the tweet - https://mobile.twitter.com/the_moviebob/status/165199372974432256

Later he denied his support only to end up deleting it as well - https://twitter.com/the_moviebob/status/830859231733678080

The google cache still exists though - https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7e0FFJRL5tkJ:https://twitter.com/the_moviebob/status/830859231733678080

Present - https://mobile.twitter.com/the_moviebob/status/830856833564819456