The P90's 5.7x28mm rounds are bigger, though.Vek said:So are the 4.6x30mm rounds used with the MP7.Akai Shizuku said:Yeah, pretty much the same thing here. The rounds are armor-piercing, too.
The P90's 5.7x28mm rounds are bigger, though.Vek said:So are the 4.6x30mm rounds used with the MP7.Akai Shizuku said:Yeah, pretty much the same thing here. The rounds are armor-piercing, too.
If Gordon Freeman uses it, then that's ENOUGH pew pew to decide which is better.pimppeter2 said:The one that makes a bigger pew pew
Well, no. But anything past that. Because you can't REALLY have an opinion on something until you've used it.Unknower said:I voted P90 because it's clearly... uhhh... something and obviously... errrrr... dammit, I think it looks better!
Even on aesthetics?Samurai Goomba said:New Rule: You must have fired the gun in question in real life to have an opinion on it.
Oh. I was going by the Goldeneye classic model, since it's stupifying how many games since have ripped off Goldeneye when it comes to weapons.Cyberjester said:AK's are very accurate and powerful in games. They also have stupidly high recoil so if you're a sprayer then you're not going to hit anything, but keep it to single shots and you're fine. In all games I've played anyway.Samurai Goomba said:Why are AKs always the inaccurate gun in games? Even if they are inaccurate compared to other rifles, they're still more than sufficient to hit a target across any distance that a game is likely to require you to fire one. Games usually don't make you fire at targets 3 miles away.
Why do you say that like it's an exclusive special ability? All that makes a round "armor-piercing" is what it is coated with, something that has been done since the 1800's. And high penetration means little to no internal damage to your target. It just goes right through him. And depending on where your shooting, you might not be too happy with what it hits when it comes out on the other side.Akai Shizuku said:Yeah, pretty much the same thing here. The rounds are armor-piercing, too.
The round is bigger, but proportionately, the 4.6 has a larger powder charge.Akai Shizuku said:The P90's 5.7x28mm rounds are bigger, though.
That was a fun game. I was going by the Counter Strike model since that was the latest and most popular one I could think of, though they are much more accurate then the Goldeneye and clone type.Samurai Goomba said:Oh. I was going by the Goldeneye classic model, since it's stupifying how many games since have ripped off Goldeneye when it comes to weapons.