Poll: Okay, Angry Birds has become WAY too popular


New member
Dec 8, 2009
It hit a sweet spot and a ton of people like it. I fail to see what the issue is and, quite honestly, I`d rather Angry Birds be as popular as it as instead of something by, say, Zynga.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2011
I like Angry Birds, I don't love it, but I'm more interested to see how far they'll get with the franchise. TV series? Not bad Rovio, Not bad.
Jan 12, 2012
RJ 17 said:
Alright, yeah, the cartoon series is a little bit much I gotta say. What the hell's gonna be the plot? Every week a bunch of pissed off birds go up to the 3 little pigs and get all big bad wolf on'em by knocking down their houses for no discernible reason?
I see Rovio going the gritty route with it: The plot follows the 41st Volunteer Artillery during the Bird-Pig War. Captain Avius, a once up-and-coming tactician disgraced by the loss of his entire platoon during an offensive he planned, has been transferred there to train a new batch of recruits. With him is Sergeant Swallow, a front-line veteran with a dark history of his own, and a cast of fresh-faced new soldiers lured to the ranks by patriotism and the promise of three square meals a day. After heavy losses among the regular units, the 41st is transferred into combat, and Swallow must try and protect his young charges and guide his Captain through the never-ending conflict, watching as the recruits are killed in battle or hove their innocence murdered by the deeds they are forced to do. Think Band of Brothers in primary colours.

OT: I've got no problem with Angry Birds. Fun games are fun, and companies wish to make profits.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
I don't care much about Angry Birds either way, but it is an interesting example of how aesthetic and climate affect a game's success, given the anonymity of Crush the Castle and whatever predecessors it had compared to the wild popularity of Angry Birds.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Thunderous Cacophony said:
I see Rovio going the gritty route with it: The plot follows the 41st Volunteer Artillery during the Bird-Pig War. Captain Avius, a once up-and-coming tactician disgraced by the loss of his entire platoon during an offensive he planned, has been transferred there to train a new batch of recruits. With him is Sergeant Swallow, a front-line veteran with a dark history of his own, and a cast of fresh-faced new soldiers lured to the ranks by patriotism and the promise of three square meals a day. After heavy losses among the regular units, the 41st is transferred into combat, and Swallow must try and protect his young charges and guide his Captain through the never-ending conflict, watching as the recruits are killed in battle or hove their innocence murdered by the deeds they are forced to do. Think Band of Brothers in primary colours.
I think you should do it because that sounds like a great idea. I'm just wondering how you'd rank up though...


New member
Feb 28, 2011
I think of it as a blessing its a great gateway game. I know of several people that looked down upon gaming until Angry birds came along. Its popularity kinda validates gaming to a lot of people.


New member
May 22, 2010
bootz said:
I think of it as a blessing its a great gateway game. I know of several people that looked down upon gaming until Angry birds came along. Its popularity kinda validates gaming to a lot of people.
This. I walked into Walmart the other day and saw Angry Birds bandaids. It made my day, because it's the first time since the mascot wars of the 90's that I've seen a videogame get that kind of mainstream attention. That's right, Angry Birds has officially reached the level Mario and Sonic were at in the 90's, and I think it's wonderful; there's just something special about bringing a new generation of kids into the medium, especially when it involves the same kind of brightly colored joy that got me hooked at that age.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
I don't really think how popular it is matters much. People buy the game because they like it, lots of people like it so it sells a lot.

Now the merchandise I do see as ridiculous and stupid at times, but then again capitalism, free market, fools and their money, etc etc.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
My 4 year old cousin is obsessed with the game, I never hear the end of it, and I have to pretend to enjoy it, otherwise he gets sad :p

Pb Zeppelin

New member
Aug 5, 2010
I bought Angry Birds Space the day it came out and absolutely love it. As a game, no, its not too popular. However, I am tired of seeing all the tie in materials for it. It can become rather annoying.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
I like Angry Birds myself. Hell, I liked it enough to buy Seasons and Space.

I don't mind the tie in stuff myself. I mean both Mario and Sonic got the same treatment and I don't remember anyone complaining back then. Then again we didn't have the internet (or at least the internet as it is now, just in case I'm wrong) back when they first became huge, so the vocal minority probably wasn't nearly as noticeable.

Zeh Don

New member
Jul 27, 2008
I would say it's as popular as it's required to be; it's popular for a reason.
Is the spin-off merchendising bording on obscene? Of course it is. So is the Twilight, Mario, Transformers, Dragon Age and Mass Effect garbage that clutters the known world.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
What does it being popular do to you? It is hugely popular but I've been exposed to it maybe twice since it came into existence. Do Angry Birds players come to your house and scream into your windows about how great it is or something? There are a lot of games I don't get the popularity of but it really doesn't affect me what other people are playing.


New member
Dec 28, 2011
Having never played it or seen it, I hear about it quite a bit though, I wouldn't say it's WAY TOO popular. If they declare a national holiday or something, than I'd agree.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I think the OP is talking about it as the fan praise giving Rovio big heads and propagating a decent series into stardom such that they can pull shit like this. And no, it's not ok because it sets a bad example and runs the risk of bogging down the quality of a game my mom likes to play.

Personally, I think the paraphernalia is fine. The cartoon is stupid.

Also note that triple A studios will pull this shit (Bioware and Bungie, if you recall). It didn't work that well for them and this is just hubris from Rovio.

Hubris, chief.


New member
Mar 4, 2012
There's gonna be a movie... The creator of Angry Birds thinks he can do better than Pixar, despite the fact he hasn't made any sort of narrative.

Angry Birds isn't even original. It's just Catapult with cartoon characters.