Poll: Picketing the Future Funeral of Fred Phelps (Leader of the Westboro Baptist Church)


New member
Dec 31, 2008
While I wouldn't chose to picket the funeral myself, I think this is exactly how justice should be working for this... person. Rather than gag racists and bigots, I believe that all views should be expressed, however hateful. The hope is that, one day, society will reach the point where such people are hated and condemned, rather than listened to or defended. So if you start making hate speeches, you'll find that you're no longer welcome in your local pub. If you're a supremacist, your neighbours will blank you. And if you picket funerals, people will be willing to do the same to you.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Let's look at some of these motivations for doing so:

Revenge? Dude, he's dead. Just how effective do you think this revenge will be?

To teach them a lesson? Well, I can see this. However... a lesson such as this is best taught through humility, not humiliation. Let's be effective about it. These people haven't had to deal with a loss of life like this. They're simply ignorant of what it means to grieve. When Freddie Phelps dies... they're going to know what it's like to lose a father, a husband, and a leader. That's going to hurt... badly. If people leave them alone, they may learn to understand what grieving families are going through, and how utterly wrong it is that they do what they do. Now, if after all that, whatsername starts vomiting hate and hellfire on my tv screen again, then it's open season. I expect a rational individual to respond to her, asking if she believes Phelps died because 'God hates bigots'.

At the end, confronting them won't make them go away; but perhaps the humility caused by the sudden realization that they are just as mortal as everyone they've ever protested might cause members of their flock to rethink their actions. Best let that happen, rather than attacking them and ensuring they go on the defensive like they were being persecuted.

Psychedelic Spartan

New member
Sep 15, 2011
canadamus_prime said:
No, we don't want to lower ourselves to his level. We are better than that aren't we? Best to just stay away from them.
I couldn't agree with you more, we should be the bigger men/women, us escapabillibambadoes are better than that.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
...Hard to say. I mean, it'd be nice to give them a taste of their own medicine... but that'd be lowering myself to their level.



New member
Jan 31, 2011
While it would be pretty useless, if it makes anyone feel better then I support them doing it. Poetic irony and all.
Aug 25, 2009
Is it a good idea? Yes

Should people do it? No

Just because there would be nothing fairer in this world to celebrate the death of this hated and hateful man, it is the fact that we don't celebrate which makes us the more human. Never ever sink to the level of people like this.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Lyri said:
Everybody should turn up and pay their respects to him and pray for his soul. It will be exactly what the Phelps don't want.

I'd rather go to his funeral and make it like any other, than make it stand out as something important by picketing it.
This is the best option. I would be sure to include "I know that outwardly he appeared to violently hate his enemies and only love his friends, but I'm sure on the inside he actually tried to follow Jesus's teachings."

octafish said:
I think this neatly explains how anti-gay protesters are wrong.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I think it's important to realize something first. Picketing Phelps funeral would be mean, and mean is bad. Doing it would be regrettable. He is still a human being who will have died, despite the appearence to the contrary. That said, I think that the world needs to be aware that there are consequences for these sort of actions. It's not reasonable to try to encourage a world where a madman has a right to be so cruel without the promise of social repercussions. We could worry about escalation, but honestly, where would Westboro go? They are to insidious to move up to the illegal, and there protests are about as bile-filled as you can get.

I support the Supreme Court decision to defend Westboros right to preach their hate. Freedom of Speech. But freedoms come with responsibilities and consequences, consequences that Westboro needs to feel. Because of that, even though I recognize that the death of a fellow human being is a tragedy, and feel sympathy for the man, I will celebrate the death of what he stands for and spit on his grave.
Jan 27, 2011
Viptorian said:
We should just pretend he never existed.
This. if we stop paying attention to them, they will either:

a) give up and go away
b) Do something even MORE insane to get attention, and will eventually do something illegal, which will lead to the law cracking down on their ass and cleaning them out that way.

Although I would laugh if someone DID picket his funeral with ironic signs. :p


New member
Dec 25, 2009
we should take the funeral...and PUSH IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!

Well I actually think his funeral would be a great time to have a completely unrelated massive carnival on the other side of the country and just leave his funeral as empty as possible with very little attention. Oh, and orgies, the carnival would have orgies, that'll show em.
Mar 9, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
No, we don't want to lower ourselves to his level. We are better than that aren't we? Best to just stay away from them.
People always say that but we they aren't going to stop because we no longer car. These are irrational extremist zealots with an agenda, they'll continue to go about doing their business gradually getting worse and worse. It's a horrific idea, one that I hate in fact, but the only way you can fight people like this is by actually fighting them. These aren't schoolyard bullies they're extremists, you can't just let extremists get away with their bullshit because you have some false sense of superiority.

OT: I really do not like the idea but it's about fucking time people started doing something about this. America, this is on you, don't let me down.
May 29, 2011
I only have one rule. Don't act like an immature asshole. I try not to break this rule as much as I can, and I encourage others to do so as well.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
No. I don't want to lower myself to their level. If I did I wouldn't be any better than them.


Not a Premium Member
Sep 17, 2011
Meh. They never were the brightest bunch, putting it mildly. My usual response to stupidity of that magnitude is to just let them rot in their own ignorance. They either get a clue and come around eventually (not likely in this case) or just fade away into oblivion, so to speak.

I say ignore them. They don't deserve your time or efforts.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
My first instinct was to offer to pay people to picket the funeral, but then I remembered compassion and all that. Yes, it would be awesome and the irony would be thick enough to walk on, but when it's all said and done, it would all mean nothing, because feeding them their own medicine would nevertheless leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

I have a better idea. It's the same strategy that beats the terrorists every day: Keep doing your own thing. Because if there's something the Westboro Baptist Church hates, it's ideas and activities that they don't agree with.
*assumes Oscar-winning-speech stance and Voice of Awesomeness*
Be tolerant, have compassion, and have new and defiant ideas. That's how we show people like the WBC that they have no power. That's how we show al-qaeda and their ilk they will never win. That's how the rest of the world progresses. And as the world moves onward, the hateful, spiteful people are left behind.

Ashannon Blackthorn

New member
Sep 5, 2011
I'd say yes. Mostly for a very good reason. They love ot hide behind the freedom of speech clause to do their nasty work. if they try and stop it, it will pull their teeth permanently. They won't be able ot do it themselves in they try and have it stopped.

So yeah, protest their funeral using the worst of their own tactics to try and force them to stop you, thereby setting a precedence to stop them...

Worth a shot anyways