Poll: Poll: high school... here I come


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
AvsJoe said:
Mordan Freeman said:
Is it time to crack down on the hard work and leave my social life behind? Or will I be constantly getting wasted by senior year? Got any tips?
Learn how to juggle schoolwork and a social life and you'll be golden.
or, just learn to juggle, literally.

However, my opinion is slightly biased, sooo... yeah, lol


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Wasn't terrible. Wasn't great. Just somewhere in the middle. Like everything else, ya kno


New member
Sep 26, 2009
My experience so far is very meh. It's still school, except you're on the home stretch now. It's not that bad at all, just don't faff around.


Crime-Solving Rank 11 Paladin
Jul 15, 2009
I had a pretty crappy first half, but the second half is still the most fun I've had to this day.

Above all, the advice I give you is to never stay inside your comfort zone. Talk to new people (not to the point of annoying them), and go out with people and have a good time.

Though, no matter what you may think at the time, academics really are the most important aspect of high school in the long run. You want to go to a half-decent college.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I just graduated and overall I thought it was kinda meh. My school was really cliquey. We stuck to our group of friends and rarely strayed from it. There wasn't much bullying or really any hostility between people. For the most part people just found their friends and did everything with them.

Unfortunately my friends ranged along the stoner to nerd spectrum so there were few women involved. Some but few.

Motoko Minato

New member
Jul 21, 2010
Kavachi said:
Motoko Minato said:
High School, I guess, was fun, but to me it was Junior High study, study, and more study. Then I moved, and for my senior year it was annoy the foreigner, lol. Besides that, I guess it's fun, but always remember; your education should come before your social life.
Are you serious? Whatever you do, you can do a year twice! Always go for social life, because if you pass your tests, you want someone to celebrate it with. You want friends to go party all night, trust me. So never let your social life go down to much, you should keep them balanced.
Hence why I put should. In all seriousness, it's up to him if he wants good grades/a social life or what-not. In my Junior High, if you got crappy grades, you went no where in life, so it was put heavily on me to do good. It's personal preference on what you want to do; to me it was to excel/have a relatively small social life and maybe to him it is to do good and have a big social life. All on how difficult for find the work and how well you can manage, unless, of course, you don't care at all about school.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Settle down and study? I lol'ed, it's high school mate, not college.

To fail high school you have to either be an idiot, have terrible teachers or be somehow traumatized, otherwise... doing High School requires little to no effort what-so-ever.


New member
May 28, 2009
High school is a lil different in England, but yeah it had it's moments and I met a few good friends


New member
Jul 21, 2010
High school is heaven compared to middle school

In middle school you couldn't be yourself and I had almost no friends. I was insulted and made fun of alot. In highschool, I mind my own business and I have alot of friends.

I don't know what happened between 8th grade and Freshman year but, I like it.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Well like mostly everyone, after it's all said and done your gonna have regrets. Just try not to have too many, do what you want to do, not what the popular trend is. I'd say you have about a 90% chance of having a "meh" high school experience, my advice is just roll with the punches and you'll make it out fine


New member
Jan 13, 2010
I had a great time! I learned some stuff, made some great friends and did very well academically allowing me to get into the university and program I wanted to (Waterloo Nanotechnology Engineering).
Some tips from someone who just finished high school:
-Always do all of your homework, once you get into this habit it goes quickly most of the time, and if you slack off in 9 and 10 thinking they don't matter, the chances are you will slack off in 11 and 12.
-For the love of god have fun! If you do nothing but school you will burn out, I had a hard push at the end of 12 because I missed enough classes to put me behind because of illness. At the end of that sleep deprived study spree I was indifferent to the outcome of my year and almost gave up, I burned out.
-Connect with your teachers. If you stay that extra minute (if you have the time) after class and talk to them; ask about, tell them about something related to the class from the news, just anything really. They will like you more as a student, and will give you a break on some occasions, sometimes not overtly, and you will enjoy class more knowing your teacher as a person.
-Sleep regularly. The most mark destroying force besides being unprepared is fatigue. My marks on tests that I stayed up late studying for were noticeably lower than the ones I slept well before, and trust me caffeine does not help that much.
-Finally choose a good peer group. My group was diverse, and fairly large, but not all of those people were good friends, just at school buddies. Talk to people and be a good person and people will notice. That is not to say everyone will like you, but as long as they respect you, you will be well off. Remember, there are group assignments in high school, and having a network of people you can sort-of trust helps.
Dec 24, 2008
Whatever you do.....DO NOT. fall for an upperclassmen. It only ends in heartbreak D:

Ha, but seriously, if you're a good student with good friends then you'll do just fine. One thing I like to tell people is IGNORE THE 'GANGSTERS' I don't know if you have 'gangs' at your schools, but they are pretty much the Trolls of real life, created for the sole purpose of ruining what would otherwise be a fully functional society, and they're obnoxious as well as ignorant. If you don't have them at your school, then you're so so lucky.
But I suppose they're not always useless scum. Like one time, I wanted to split a hamburger with my friend during lunch and as one of them from my geometry class passed by I go,
"Ey, Richard! You gotta blade I can borrow?"
"What the f*** makes you think I got one on me?!?!?!" I had clearly offended him, but I gave him a look.
"Come on, I just wanna share this with my friend over here."
He looked around, walked up to me, and dropped a pocket knife on the table. I thanked him, cut the burger, and he was on his way.
Oh. well sorry for ranting there, but yes. I think you'll do fine in high school :)


New member
Mar 18, 2010
For me the first year and half of the second were quite easy but after that it started to feel like torture. Students didn't really have that much freedom as I thought they would. The teachers are on your back too much if you ask me. Luckily my time in high school is over and university starts next year.

As my brother said university isn't a kindergarden like high school.

Don't only study. Remember to relax once in a while and have fun with friends you make. I'd say that's the best way to go through high school.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Enjoy every minute of it. At the time it may seem annoying, but looking back it was maybe the best 6 years of my life (yes, in some countries high school (or its equivalent) can take 6 years). Unless of course the college part seems as awesome in retrospect as well. It's a good possibility.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Well in England nothing really changes when you go to high school except the idiots are slightly larger.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
If high school means secondary in america like I'm thinking, then I have only one piece of advice for you. If someone messes with you, fight back straight away. In my experience, the teachers lie, saying they will do something when they never do, meaning while your sitting around waiting for the entirely fictional cavalry, they get the idea that you're weak and a prime target. Respond straight away and no-one will mess with you, and what's more, you won't lash out in a few years time when you'd be too angry to have any self control.

Not saying people will mess with you, I just know if someone warned me instead of giving me the rose-tint treatment, I would've come out of my experiences a lot better off than I did.