Poll: Poll: high school... here I come


New member
Jun 26, 2009
I don't really know what to say, My middle shcool and high school are the same and there are under 400 people among all 6 grades. And most of the people I have known since I was 7.

Make a few good friends and try to treat everyone with a bit of respect and you shouldn't have any problems.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
so far its been great im only going into sophomore year and i was on varsity wrestling as a freshman so i was respected


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Aby_Z said:
And no, there's no Freshman Friday.
I don't know where you went to high school, but when I was in grade 10 there so was a freshman friday. this was 10 years ago also, and in Canada. I didnt get freshied then, but what pissed me off was the year before I had started high school in grade 9 at another school. and me and my friends had to spend most of the august beforehand dodging eggs and paddles.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Oh hey. I'm going in too. Cool. I'm not concerned, though, because. I know everyone already. Gonna be fun.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
High school is populated by a bunch of idiots, but only because most of the earth is populated by a bunch of idiots. Just do you're thing, and make sure that it's not "stupid." DO NOT give into peer pressure, and in fact, don't hang around with people that you know aren't the "right" type. Because you'll know in your heart the kind of people you want to be amongst, and make sure you follow that instinct.

Good luck.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Motoko Minato said:
Kavachi said:
Motoko Minato said:
High School, I guess, was fun, but to me it was Junior High study, study, and more study. Then I moved, and for my senior year it was annoy the foreigner, lol. Besides that, I guess it's fun, but always remember; your education should come before your social life.
Are you serious? Whatever you do, you can do a year twice! Always go for social life, because if you pass your tests, you want someone to celebrate it with. You want friends to go party all night, trust me. So never let your social life go down to much, you should keep them balanced.
Hence why I put should. In all seriousness, it's up to him if he wants good grades/a social life or what-not. In my Junior High, if you got crappy grades, you went no where in life, so it was put heavily on me to do good. It's personal preference on what you want to do; to me it was to excel/have a relatively small social life and maybe to him it is to do good and have a big social life. All on how difficult for find the work and how well you can manage, unless, of course, you don't care at all about school.
Wise words bro, wise words.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
It's not great, especially for the first few weeks. After that things start to get a lot more manageable. Academically, it's not really a step up at all once you get used to it. Socially, your high school experience depends a lot on your own personality as well as the type of people who go to your school. It's only four years though, and it's not that bad.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
I had a worse time in Middle School than I had in High School, with the former being the time when things exploded into the vile quests for vengeance that afflicted my first years of High School. After that crap was finished however, I made some really good friends and everything was good from that point on. Ot could have been better, but... it was not bad either. Just do what you do and don't get too hung up on crazy things like I did at first. :eek:


New member
Nov 1, 2008
i was victimized ALL through school. High School was the worst.lots of internal scarring.


Usually Neutral Good
Feb 8, 2010
Don't have much advice to offer. People will tell ya "be yourself and don't let other people push you around," but let's face it, you're a teenager, and all teenagers everywhere are half-mad, hormonal idiots.

But yeah, once things settle down a bit, just spend some time figuring out who you are, and then be that person.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I'm going into my second year of high school, my first year was pretty fun, since I had some pretty nice teachers and was in a lot of the same classes as my friends. Also, I managed to avoid drugs and alcohol and all that, hooray. One thing though, be prepared to read and write a hell of a lot more than you did before, you'll get pretty terrible grades if you put off essays and papers to the last second, unless you somehow do what I did and write a 5 page research paper in one while still miraculously getting a B (I still don't get how in the hell I got a B).

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Find some real friends, don't make some huge effort to have a shit ton of "friends" and be Mr. Popular, it just makes everything harder. If you have a group of 5-10 people who you know have your back you are in very good shape. I would say JROTC helped me in that department, doing stuff with them helped me meet people and get some really good friends in every grade, which can be a big boost for your class performance since they can tell you what to expect from teachers.

You should also make an effort to be polite with people, even if you do not know them. People saying stupid shit is one of the big things that starts fights in high school, you don't want that. It also makes people more inclined to be nice to you. Thats what I am doing and I never got into anything until I broke the rule.

Try to get along with your teachers as well. If your teacher hates you it will only make getting a good grade even harder. I know from experience that ones that hate you do not have much problem fucking you over. If your school is anything like mine, Honors teachers are massive pricks.

You should also remember to work hard in class, you are in school to learn, not jerk around. Though I do recommence that you take some time in your day to chill out some, if you try to work yourself to death you will burn out and go down hill.


1. Get some good friends, joining a club or doing sports helps.
2. Don't be an asshole, or someone will rip you a new one.
3. Be nice to teachers, they give grades.
4. Work hard, but don't kill yourself.

EDIT: Also, another important note, do not single yourself out, that invites unwanted attention.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Relish in the fact that you will get to see your friends every day and have unlimited amount of fun there. Everyone is awkward as hell though. You will make friends for sure, but if your 16 and still can't talk to girls properly you are not alone. Fun times. Half the fun is being so socially awkward half the time. Do yourself a favor and do everything you can in high school, think positive and you will have the best time ever and tones of new friends, its all about leaving your comfort zone.