Poll: Question regarding the Mass Effect Trilogy


Regular Member
Oct 9, 2009
i recommend taking your time, and taking the games in, Bioware's strengths have always been character and world-building, and a rushed play-through won't let you experience them to the full. This isn't to say the games don't have their flaws, the game-play of 1, the mining mini-game of 2, and (most of) the plot of 3, along with the decreasing scale and increasing linearity. Definitely worth playing, if not just to see what all the fuss is about, the fact that they're also an entertaining series of games is just a bonus
Sep 14, 2009
I definitely gotta say it is my favorite of the three, and no the combat isn't that bad, it's built around being an rpg, not a shooter (opposite of me2 and me3, which is fine in hindsight)

-the story is crafted way better than the 2nd and 3rd game, and better than most games I've played this generation, all the characters really compliment the atmosphere and overall scope of the story.
-Characters, needs to be said again, they all have their strengths and this is where you meet some of the companions you'll have through the next 2 games
-the amount of choices you have when it comes to customizing your character, powers/abilities/armors/etc..

-the sidequests can be pretty dry at times, so don't go through with many of those unless you really are a completionist
-the mako can be quite clunky at the start, they should've taken some hints from star fox 64
-the amount of items you pick up would fill Scrooge McDuck's vault, and that's saying something.
-the game starts off pretty slow, until you become a spectre prepare to wade through it a bit.

-If you play it right, you can become an overpowered monster by the end of the game, with the guns/abilities I had, I was literally sprinting through entire waves of enemies with my assault rifle.
-While there are shit tons of items, this gives you lots of ways to customize you/your teammates, so it goes both ways
-Some people hate a voiced protagonist, but I think it works great for ME (fuck all you mark meer haters, male shep!)

it just doesn't do the series justice unless you play the first one, i promise you that.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Probably worth a play through. At the very least worth giving it some time and as long as you don't hate it outright finish it through once if for nothing else cause it will make everything else make a bit more sense.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
You should start with the first game, at least to understand the story better.
It has some rough edges that would need improvement, but it's worth a try.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
Mass Effect is definitely rough around the edges, and can be incredibly frustrating at times. But what it does better than any other part of the series is introducing and indulging you into the Mass Effect universe. The other games focused more on the characters, this one focuses onto the world itself. And not to spoil anything, the first 10 minutes of Mass Effect 2 already make Mass Effect worth playing.

My advice: suck in as much as you can. This is the game where you are introduced to the characters and the world, try to make the most of it. It will be worth.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Yeah, play the shit out of the first one. You'll understand the other two a hell of a lot more and you can then import your save onto the next game. Do it for Wrex!

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The first Mass Effect is the only game in the series that comes closest to role-playing. That alone is reason enough.

And it's the set up for the rest of the story. Granted the rest of the story doesn't go anywhere after the first game, and totally mucks itself up come Mass Effect 2.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I'd say that Mass Effect is the best in the series. The combat isn't quite as showy as the later games, and the powers aren't as good, but it's still quite fun, especially since it's a lot less "cover based shooter" than the later games.

More importantly though, the story works in Mass Effect, which it just didn't in 2 and 3. In my opinion, the first is a good game, 2 is alright, and 3 is just a bad game.

Edit: Oh, and the inventory was a pain, but in later games I did miss the whole system of comparing different items to see which was better, they lost the whole Diablo "Find bigger numbers!" aspect of it all.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Jezzascmezza said:
Let me put it this way:

I Played Mass Effect 1 all the way through, completed every side mission, every optional objective. I missed nothing. I played Mass Effect 2 and 3 and got many scenes and little side missions as a result of my interactions with characters in the first game.

After that, I started a new character in Mass Effect 2, didn't bother going through the first one again and used the default settings. The lack of additional scenes and dialogue was quite stunning. Granted, I only missed them because I had previously seen them all before, but the world felt all the more hollow and empty because of it.

My recommendation? Play all three games in order. The world will be richer, more immersive and you'll really feel like your character has affected the lives of many more people. Plus, if you play ME1 first (the weakest of the three games) your overall Mass Effect experience can only get better, right?


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Indeed. I'd say all 3 are still worth playing, they are all good solid games in their own rights, despite that debacle of an ending


New member
Feb 1, 2010
The first one is the best of the series. Besides, if you only play the first one, you'll avoid the bitter experience of the other two :)


New member
Sep 12, 2011
Well worth playing. The first game is clunky and has a texture pop in problem but is still a great game. Plus with the vehicle missions it actually feels like you're exploring the universe. The other two whilst they added a lot and smoothed out alot of the problems did get a bit repetative.

They all have their strong points.

ME1 introduces the universe and feels like you're doing something truly significant and reqards you for exploration.

ME2 smooths out gameplay and makes it feel like a continuation rather than a sequel of the same story. The DLC is also brilliant.

ME3 up until the end you're constantly feeling like you are making history with everything you do, even with the terrible ending.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Yes. Not only is it still worth playing, it's the best of all of them. The story is the best, the bosses are fun and (shocker) it's an action-RPG as opposed to an action game with RPG elements (see ME 2/3). Don't get me wrong, ME 2/3 are still great games, but the first one is the best. The combat takes a little bit to get used to but it's a blast to play and remains to be one one of the only games to which I've applauded when the credits came up (the others being Bioshock, Silent Hill 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Journey, The Orange Box and Portal 2).
Feb 22, 2009
The first game is the best. Missing it out would be doing a disservice to yourself.

Even without considering the fact that your actions in each game have an impact on the other games, it's too good an experience to miss out on.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
Seems like a troll thread. Skip the first one? If someone said that they could only play one then the answer would be to just play the first one. The narrative and "universe" are very well constructed, while 2 & 3 just feel like "games" set in said universe.

Also, someone said that the Citadel seemed lifeless, and I don't agree. The Citadel is supposed to seem a bit alien and distant because humans are new to it AND it's Shep's first time there. The odd music suits it perfectly.

First Mass Effect is best Mass Effect

gmaverick019 said:
I definitely gotta say it is my favorite of the three, and no the combat isn't that bad, it's built around being an rpg, not a shooter (opposite of me2 and me3, which is fine in hindsight)
This. The first Mass Effect is the spiritual successor to Knights of the Old Republic, in both feel and gameplay, and could also be compared to Dragon Age:Origins and Baldur's Gate. It's an RPG with shooter elements, much like the first Deus Ex. Some interesting things can be done with the open environments and power combinations. (Lift/throw) In fact, battles can be won without any shooter gameplay at all (you may have to fire your weapons, though). Due to gameplay being this "open," it doesn't excel in any one area as much as a straight shooter.

On the other hand Mass Effect 2 & 3 are shooters, complete with small corridors, chest high walls, and nerfed powers.

Mass Effect 2 is a far superior shooter, not so much in the mechanics as in the level design.

So, if any game should be "left out," it's Mass Effect 3, and that's without even getting into the ending.

I could write more, but I gotta get to Jersey.

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
Sure it's worth playing. The ending of ME3 doesn't somehow retroactively destroy the other games. All three are still as awesome as ever.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Are you kidding? The first one is the best. Sure, the gameplay is more awkward, but the way it soaks you into the story makes it the best. I always wondered why the PS3 got ME1 so late. This is one of those series where you have to play it from beginning to end. You don't get the full experience if you don't and it affects your enjoyment of the later games if you don't play it too, cos of how you see the characters are introduced and developed and how their relationships change. And I actually ended up liking the gameplay and it's anti-slickness. Gave the game more grit.


New member
May 26, 2006
Jezzascmezza said:
So my question is: should I bother with the first Mass Effect?
Along with all the other supporting arguments, first chapter, get the whole story, get the setting, yadda yadda.

The final argument is that you should because I worked on it and skipping it would make me a sad panda.

And you don't want to make me a sad panda, now do you? ;)