Poll: Question regarding the Mass Effect Trilogy

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I loved the first one, the second one not so much, and I haven't bothered to play the 3rd one.
I one of the ones who's not too fond of them "CoD-ifying" it. It certainly couldn't hurt to give it a shot and judge for yourself.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Zhukov said:
I think it's easily the worst of the three. Worst gameplay, worst characters, worst weapons, worst interface, worst class mechanics, worst graphics, worst level design. You name it.
I partially agree with class mechanics, but only if you play as a soldier. It took me 18 months to slog through the game as a soldier. But I played through it again as an adept, and it was easily one of the best experiences in the entire series.

The side missions got repetitive. But the main levels were fun, I thought. Especially Feros and Novera. They were some of the best in the series.


Captain Hammer
Aug 14, 2008
Some old games lose their magic a bit with age and their gameplay becomes stale... Mass Effect 1 is not one of them. I have played it four or five times, the last time was last January/February-ish, before Mass Effect 3 was out. It still works. (At least for me.)


New member
Mar 12, 2012
sanquin said:
-The mako sucks.

Sure it handled like a shopping trolley, but it was a symbol of freedom!

Back on Topic:

I feel a Mass Effect games boils down to 3 things; Story, Gameplay and Characters.

ME1: Good not Great Story. Experimental though a bit clunky gameplay. Good Characters.
ME2: Ok story if you don't think about it too much. More refined but generic gameplay (and still not as good as dedicated third-person-shooters) Good Characters but too many meant that each felt less fleshed out, and having so few returning characters was a missed opportunity.
ME3: Basically ME2 with a better story.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
If you have it, you may as well play it :) It's not my favorite game ever, but I did play it twice and that says something.

Thee Lost One

New member
May 26, 2010
All three games have their strong points that the others aren't quite up to snuff.

1 excels in setting, and grand scale story telling. It's the kinda of story that feels more like something out of an epoch of a book series than just a game. The Character strength is there and fleshed out, but some of them fall flat as no one was certain at the time that it'd sell well enough to make a sequel, and so a few corners were cut to reinforce the more obvious and easily reached points of the game. The combat's use of an overheat system means you will NEVER run out of ammo, but careless use of your weapons will leave you in a jam for a short period. one that could be disastrous. the Ability to apply modded ammo was a huge boon if you had a good variety to choose from, making any weapon viable against any threat with a single trip to the menu. This game has two major DLC's though only one is of particular interest for carry over saves. Both are worth having though.

2 Excels in character driven story, and both succeeds and fails at making improvements to combat. It's more mobile than 1's, and the variety of guns do feel more defined from each other than in 1, were an AR was an AR regardless of stats. However, the introduction of limited ammo and shared cool down for powers/abilities is a REAL issue with a lot of fans of 1's combat, like myself. The introduction of Ammo effects as Powers eliminates the RNG factor for ammo types the last game relied upon, but then make your ammo options limited and defined by who you have with you. This game's plot DLC's all play well into the next game, as well as stand alones that they are. Truly worth the investment in all the DLC's.

3 .... 3 is something... If you are like many players before you, and you get attached to the lore and whats actually going on, and what happens to characters? Then this game is going to be hitting you in the gut, repeatedly. Especially if you're a paragon player. In a good way. Combat is further refined, and the guns even more varied feeling, making weapon choices even more important beyond what gun hurts most. Lore wise though, while 2 kinda starts bending it's own lore, 3 kinda takes lore around how biotics and mass effect fields work, and just pretty much breaks it over it's knee and just uses "Biotics" As "space magic" which while leading to fun and enjoyable powers, is something a sour note for those of us who loved 1's fairly hard science based lore. The Multiplayer actually plays well, though you may feel a bit overwhelmed till you adjust to the difference between single and multi player modes.

that said, 3 is a fantastic game, wonderful and well made, up until the final act. The final assault on Earth plays well, but once you get blasted and start, what we now call, " the slow march" the game kinda just sinks right into the toilet, but *shrug* Their ALL worth playing, and the DLC's as well.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
It's worth playing. Don't do any of the side stuff if you can avoid it, they all take place in a couple copy-pasted environments with different enemies, basically a sort of mine and a sort of warehouse. But the story gets nice around the point when you leave the citadel and start actually doing stuff. It's opposite to the second one in that the plot is good and important while the characters are flat and boring. in Mass Effect 2 the plot is useless and irrelevant, but the characters you interact with are that much more fun(even if most of them are pretty terrible people) and the main focus is on them instead of the overall story. I haven't played 3 yet, but if you don't mind the main gameplay being a pretty boring shooter the first ones are good experiences. Does the compilation come with DLC? Because I'd recommend playing Lair of The Shadow Broker.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Yes you should, even if it is outdated it's still a great game and having played it will make you appreciate the other two more. Even meeting side quest npc's that you have helped in previous games is amusing, not to mention seeing the bigger decisions come into play as you progress through the story of these games. Also download that free ME3 ending DLC if it's not included, it turns the ending from 'what the hell is this?' into 'meh'.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Zhukov said:
Quite a few people consider the first game to be the best.

I am most definitely not one of those people. I think it's easily the worst of the three. Worst gameplay, worst characters, worst weapons, worst interface, worst class mechanics, worst graphics, worst level design. You name it.

However, it's still well worth playing as part of the trilogy. It introduces the setting and many of the central characters. It establishes a lot of the pillars of the story. Also, if you import your Shepard from ME1 to ME2 and on to ME3, a lot of your previous choices are reflected and referenced. The sequels just aren't the same without that aspect.

If the gameplay gets on your nerves just bump it down to easy mode and blow through the combat.
Zhukov here basically shot it out of the park with his post. The first is the worst by far, but the series just isn't the same without playing it first. So do play it, but rush through it so you can get to the good stuff (AKA 2 and 3). :p


New member
Nov 18, 2009
If you were going to play the whole trilogy, I'd recommend getting the Genesis comic and starting with 2. The comic itself is pretty crap, but once you have the necessary main choices, it's kind of difficult to put yourself through ME1 since so much of the gameplay is just tedious and awful.

That said, if you get into the right mindset, you can have a blast with it just as much as the other two, plus there's always the significance of going through the whole trilogy, rather than just the two good ones.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Zhukov said:
I am most definitely not one of those people. I think it's easily the worst of the three. Worst gameplay, worst characters, worst weapons, worst interface, worst class mechanics, worst graphics, worst level design. You name it.
I agree with this. At times ME1 was a chore to play. The game play was terrible in every way.

ME2 was my favorite, if the scope wasn't as large as ME1. ME3, well, ya know.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
It's funny how people here are either saying ME1 is the best or worst of the three. I guess that shows you that whether you will enjoy it or not is completely up to your tastes and whatnot in gameplay and storytelling.
Personally, I think ME1 is by far the best one. I've played it front to back, every sidequest at least 15 times. ME2 got dry and mechanical after 4 or so runthroughs. Somehow for me ME1 never got tired. ME3 is shit in comparison. Sure, 3 is flashier and cleaner, but it's just so lifeless, somehow. Never even finished my second run of ME3, it's just so robotic.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
I'm not going to say that the first game's gameplay sucks, but it is very apparent that the next two just have better gameplay.

I was trying to get my friend into the series, but he would be playing it on an Xbox even though I was introduced to it via the PC. I told him that it shouldn't be a problem having tried out Mass Effect 2 on the 360 knowing that it was a very smooth play and a lot of fun even on a console. Together, he and I played Mass Effect 1 on the console for the first time, and it was ridiculously clunky and awkward. He loved the story (despite thinking some of the characters could have been written better) but was getting extremely frustrated with the shooter aspect of it, and I had no clue why everything was working so horribly. I swore to him that the other two had much better gameplay and that he had to just trudge through this one.

He was polite and said it wasn't too bad with a forced smile on his face, but after he completed the first game and started up Mass Effect 2, he immediately called me saying "Holy shit, it's like night and day, man. I'm having a blast with the second one, and I think the story and character development so far is even better. You were right man, I didn't want to be rude, but I really did think the first one was ridiculous with its gameplay."

Truth be told, Mass Effect 2 does have better design and streamline when it comes to the shooter aspects of it, but I still think I had such a hard time getting acclimated with the first one again simply because I was spoiled by the better control and funner gameplay of the other two. Even so, it still works and gets the job done.

Like I said, I don't think its accurate to say that the first game's combat sucks. It's just that the other two have better combat and gameplay design.


New member
Nov 29, 2010
The trilogy as a whole has achieved what few other franchises have accomplished; a really immersive game universe, with races that aren't just generic archetypes and characters that have depth, meaning and plot arcs that aren't retarded. Each individual title has its weaknesses, and honestly as standalone products I can think of better games, but as a *whole package* they're hard to compete with.

The first one feels the most dated out of all of them (obviously) - rather large improvements were made to the combat, inventory and stat systems in future installments, so they don't feel quite as bad to play through. If it's really a big deal for you, set combat to Easy, pick Soldier class, and max out your paragon/renegade chat options and breeze through a quick shooter game with lots of great story. Your choices will port over to later games, so it's worth playing the first just to make sure the game doesn't kill off characters you might want to have sex with later.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
First Mass Effect was the best, story-wise. Second was best gameplay-wise. The third one was a bit too action-y compared to the first two.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Put it simply, if you don't then you get a predetermined set-up for 2 where humanity are viewed as arseholes (or at least i got that every time i started a new charcter). plus there quite a bit of it that effects the 2 and the third game (including the DLC).

Dark Prophet

New member
Jun 3, 2009
1st one is still probaly my favourite in the series mainly because it's RPG unlike 2n and 3rd, well 3rd took some steps back towards to the whole RPG thing but 2nd was just plain shooter with RPG bits taped to it and a lot of dialuoge or maybe it just felt like tehre was a lot of it because it didn't fit well with all the shooty-shooty action and chest high walls.
Also in retrospect the meko wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty damn fun unless you had to enter a firefight with it. One thing I have to admit though the side quest in ME1 were a fucking chore especially the ones in citadel although they got only a little better in the sequels.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
The first one is good if you remember two things:
1. Biotic is crap, play a soldier, you can change your class when you import to the second and third games.
2. Shotguns are way overpowered, and are initially more accurate than assault rifles