Poll: Should being obese be considered a disability?


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Yes, you are physically less able. There are ways of becoming thinner, but they aren't instantaneous, and the quicker you loose that weight, the unhealthier the method is

I treat people who don't respect this with the same contempt that I treat racists or homophobes

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Well its true it is a disability, but so is not trying at school or not going to uni because it gives you a disadvantage in life...

So as I can see that if I was obese I'd like to people to work around me (literally and figuratively) but in reality the small-section-of-creation-that-we-occupy (the world) is unfair.. so no it shouldn't be a disability.

It'd be nice to get some doctor's perspectives on this matter..


New member
Jul 30, 2010
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
No. If you're fat, the LAST thing you need is less exercise. This is common fucking sense.

For Christs Sake, no wonder my country is so goddamn fat is people are thinking about obesity this way. "Disablity".....for christ's.....I am trying so hard not to rant right now. And this is coming from someone who...Well, I'm not morbidly obese or anything, but I carry a little wieght. You know what I'm doing about it? I GO TO A FUCKING GYM!! TO LOOSE WEIGHT!!! BECAUSE I DON'T MIND DOING SOME FUCKING WORK IN MY LIFE!!! GOD FUCKING DAMN-OK, ok. I'm done. It's all good.

[small][small]fucking disability you have to shitting me...[/small][/small]

Do you have any idea what would happen to an obese person if they just said - fuck it - and jumped on a stair climber? You would have a very large dead person.

With that being said - Obese people shouldn't be on disability. 90% of the real fat people I know are fat because of lifestyle choices. They do not need to be enabled further.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
whether or not the cause of obesity is primarily dependent on genetics (It's not) is not the point. The point isn't even whether or not they have a choice to be the size you are (some don't). The point is whether or not they need the special privileges that come with the status of being disabled.

I don't know exactly what benefits these guys are claiming they deserve, but i still say that obesity can and does make living more difficult and theres no reason to deny them benefits that they need. Although i would be in favor of regular tests to prove they still need the benefits.

I would like to make it a major point that it does NOT MATTER if they're fat because they're lazy, if their decisions could give them a better quality of life that they just aren't working for. Because it simply is not the point. In all seriousness, if you're worried that people will let them become obese just to get some handouts, well i doubt that the benefits are THAT good that someone would degrade the quality of their lives just to get them, and if they are? I seriously doubt that there will be very many people who would still do it, but they do exist, theres no doubt about that.

And this brings us back to the regular tests, that would at least deter yo-yoers from trying to gank benefits that they don't deserve. I really doubt that many people are capable of controlling their weight as well as a yo-yoer can.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Verlander said:
Yes, you are physically less able. There are ways of becoming thinner, but they aren't instantaneous, and the quicker you loose that weight, the unhealthier the method is

I treat people who don't respect this with the same contempt that I treat racists or homophobes
You can't choose to be black, you can't choose to be homosexual, you can choose wether you want to eat that delicious chocolate cake and watch TV or go outside and eat some celery while you run.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
Being obese is something you do to yourself, deformity is a disability, but how can you deform yourself? A disability is something someone has had for their whole life and has gotten used to. So no.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Not necessarily. In certain minor occasions (helping people with carrying things, etc) then yes, but I'm against the idea of giving them allowances in things like plane tickets and such. Almost all of the time obesity is the result of parenting or lack of care. Losing weight in your teens isn't unbeleiveably difficult and that's usually the time that you're most self concious too. So, if you're only obese out of lack of ambition then I don't see why you're going to get special treatment. This is almost like giving benefits to someone who just can't be bothered to get up.
May 5, 2010
danintexas said:
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
No. If you're fat, the LAST thing you need is less exercise. This is common fucking sense.

For Christs Sake, no wonder my country is so goddamn fat is people are thinking about obesity this way. "Disablity".....for christ's.....I am trying so hard not to rant right now. And this is coming from someone who...Well, I'm not morbidly obese or anything, but I carry a little wieght. You know what I'm doing about it? I GO TO A FUCKING GYM!! TO LOSE WEIGHT!!! BECAUSE I DON'T MIND DOING SOME FUCKING WORK IN MY LIFE!!! GOD FUCKING DAMN-OK, ok. I'm done. It's all good.

[small][small]fucking disability you have to shitting me...[/small][/small]

Do you have any idea what would happen to an obese person if they just said - fuck it - and jumped on a stair climber? You would have a very large dead person.

That's....a terrible reason to not lose weight. It's not like one step on a treadmill will kill 'em, they just have to start small. Easy.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Normalgamer said:
Verlander said:
Yes, you are physically less able. There are ways of becoming thinner, but they aren't instantaneous, and the quicker you loose that weight, the unhealthier the method is

I treat people who don't respect this with the same contempt that I treat racists or homophobes
You can't choose to be black, you can't choose to be homosexual, you can choose wether you want to eat that delicious chocolate cake and watch TV or go outside and eat some celery while you run.
You'd be surprised exactly how much choice people have in the matter. Some more than others, but i think many of them don't have much self control, which is an entirely different problem. Not all do mind you, but a lot of obese people i know either lack the self control or their bodies have just gotten "used" to being fat and it incredibly hard to louse weight and keep it off at that point.

It's not as simple as just "not" eating that delicious chocolate cake.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Normalgamer said:
Verlander said:
Yes, you are physically less able. There are ways of becoming thinner, but they aren't instantaneous, and the quicker you loose that weight, the unhealthier the method is

I treat people who don't respect this with the same contempt that I treat racists or homophobes
You can't choose to be black, you can't choose to be homosexual, you can choose wether you want to eat that delicious chocolate cake and watch TV or go outside and eat some celery while you run.
That's irrelevant. You are judging someone based on something they are, not what they do or how they behave.

Funnily enough you can't always choose. Becoming obese is remarkably easy to do, especially when you are older, without realising. It's far harder to become fit again.

Many adults in our society are obese, and it's because we, as a people, do far less physical work than our bodies are supposed to. It's easy for children, or teenagers, as they are using stupid amounts of energy to grow. Our bodies are incredible things that are built to survive, and they do that by storing fat.

When someone gets too fat to work, it is a disability. They need to loose that fat, and can do, but because it's not recognised as a disability by self righteous arsewipes, they do not get the help that they need to overcome this problem. You can't just start feeding them less, because as anyone with the slightest knowledge of nutrition will tell you, that won't loose the fat. Exercising without supervision when you are in such a circumstance is also very dangerous.

I'm not saying that they should be given the same sympathies as mentally disable people, or those who have other physical disabilities, but then I agree that every situation demands it's own unique amount of help and support. So, yeah, someone who can't understand this is pretty much a dick in my opinion.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Saucycardog said:
One of the main arguements behind this debate is the Obese=Genes arguement.
That argument is a load of crap. The prime causes of obesity are all environmental. Genes can cause pre-disposition to gain weight. They don't make you sit on your ass and do nothing while you get fat.

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetically caused disability, it causes genuine problems and whilt treatable, it is not curable. True genetic disorders are horrific things that I would never wish on anyone. Obesity as a side effect of one of these is perfectly legitamate, but not the disability in of itself.

Nobody is born a fatass, you have to work at it.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
No, because they have control over whether or not they're obese.

If they DON'T have control due to mental issues or digestive issues, then THAT'S a disability. The obesity is a symptom.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
If you're physically unable to do something, you're disabled in that regard.

Yes, this means that fat people are, to some extent, disabled.

No, they still don't get as many rights as everyone else. I'd say this should be treated like a drug addiction. Yes, you have a problem. And if it impedes your ability to work, employers should have a right to hold that against you if you don't seek help or attempt to treat the cause of this problem. Drug abusers go to rehab. Obese citizens ought to do the same.

You people throw around that word "choice"...it's a funny word, really. Everyone's a fucking expert these days, right?


New member
Jan 12, 2011
According to the oxford English dictionary a diability is defined as:

1 a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.
2. a disadvantage or handicap, especially one imposed or recognized by the law.

So yes, unfortunately, obesity is considered as a disability due to fact that mental conditions are mentioned even though I feel that this definition was originally brought about by the casual use of narcotics and alcohol but has been bent to the will of the lawyers so that the definition is as vague as possible to include as many people as possible.

If a person suffers from a mental condition (eg. gluttony or lethargy) which causes them to lose weight then they're disabled.

Personally I think people need to start taking more responsibility for their own actions, man up and do something about their problems rather than blaming it on something else.

I got a scare recently when I found out that I was clinically obese and I joined the gym. I did well, lost the weight and gained some muscle which resulted in me being quite proud of myself. Until recently when I injured my back playing football and some of the weight has returned due to inactivity =(

I even know of one guy at my gym who is 5'8, nearly 300lbs and he does a much more strenuous workout than I ever do in an attempt to lose the weight. I got talking to him a few weeks ago and he just said "I did it, now I'm undoing it". This guy is my hero, if I had been in his shoes I'd have just said "F*** it" and done nothing. Now if I'm ever tired when I'm at the gym I look across at him (he's always there) and realise that whatever I'm doing, its much harder for him and I should quit complaining and work harder.

It may not be easy or fun but its a damn sight better than been a blob sat in the corner complaining how you can move because the only time your mouth is stationary is when you're asleep!


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Not unless they have a doctor diagnosed problem that prevents them from helping it, otherwise, time to get off your fat ass and work it off.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
If being Obese is gonna be a disabillity...
then i am gonna have a 'disabillity' that makes me masturbate in public!

keyword: self-control!


New member
Aug 8, 2008
You`re fat, run a mile and lose weight
You`re an amputee, you can`t grow your arms/legs back


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
It depends, there are two types of obese. There is a disorder where you literally cannot lose weight which should be considered a disability, but if you just like cheeseburgers then no. My body is crap at losing weight, but I don't consider that I have a disability. I just can't be asked to eat lots of celery and do loads of exercise to counter my body's shortcomings.