Poll: Should Player characters talk?

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New member
Jul 9, 2008
Shurikens and Lightning said:
Well it depends if they want immersion, because if you could talk and you wanted a immersive game then you would create a black hole from the paradox just caused.

Plus if they are bad actors then it will be terrible. I think Gears did a good job with Marcus Fenix, He said what you were saying.
Giant worm comment aside, you're right. John Dimmagio is a pretty good VA.
Squarewave said:
I prefer games ware I'm given a choice on what to say but my character doesn't say it out loud. Like in oblivion and fallout. it always felt odd and out of place when my guy repeats what I just selected, or worse, comes up with his own words based loosely on what I selected such as mass effect.

I don't care for completely silent even tho the games can be very good like HL2 or crono trigger. Mostly as it feels like my guy isn't given any choice on the matter and is being pushed into it. No one asked Freeman to save the world, they just pointed him to the door and said go do it.
I liked it in Mass Effect. I found it more immersive, but I see why you might dislike it. As for the Freeman thing, that's exactly the point. The series has been exploring Gordon's lack of free will for a while (which actually makes his last name ironic). For example "Dr. Freeman has proven to be a fine pawn for those who control him." "Rather than give you the illusion of free choice, I've taken the liberty of choosing for you."

I really think this is something to take on a case-by-case basis. For example, Gordon Freeman is a good character because he has no personality other than what we project onto him. Isaac Clarke is a bad one because he very clearly has a personality, and that makes his lack of speech counter productive.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
More talking characters, im sick of playing as a mute. I mean, i seriously got distracted in the first FEAR game by the fact that their pointman is someone who cant talk. Isnt the whole point of a pointman to tell the others whats ahead?? But i can also understand annoying characters like mercs 2. Make a character talk, not to much, but enough to give him/her a personality, and get some decent voice actors.

This is just for linear (dont know if thats how you spell it) stories by the way.

captain awesome 12

New member
Dec 28, 2008
I must be the only one that hated the fact that Gordon Freeman was a mute. I mean come one, the emotions expressed in those games are incredible, and not having Gordon say anything detracts from those moments. It seemed so out of place when Alyx Vance kept expressing her happiness to see me and how we make such a good team, etc., etc. and all she got in return was silence. One of the biggest moments was at the end of Episode Two. (I mean the very end)
Eli getting killed by the Adviser while Alyx cries in the background
With the voice talent they had in that game, that part would have had even more impact if Gordon could have expressed some emotion other than indifference to his plight.
I guess the reason is that you're supposed to project your personality into him? But that's not what I want, I want a character with their own emotions and flaws, if I do want a character that reflects me I'll play and RPG.
Maybe this is a plot device for Episode 3; I don't know?