Poll: So I found this "feminist" site


New member
Jan 17, 2010
A Weakgeek said:
RhombusHatesYou said:
Daystar Clarion said:
I think it's the penis.

The penis makes me think dark thoughts.

It makes me do bad things.

The Penis Is Evil. The Gun Is Good.
I believe a penis is actually like an antenna, that makes us men receive the evil brainwashing waves that the aliens from outerspace are sending at us. Thats why erections happen, to get better reception.
It all makes sense now. Yes.

No wonder those lovely representatives of the benevolent matriarchy are calling all those well-endowed male porn stars rapists. The massive dongs guarantee that whenever an erection is achieved they'll inevitably hulk out into rampaging rape monsters!

We need to put a warning label on every single bottle of Viagra in existence! The world must be warned that they contain nothing but rape!


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
IamShmgeggy said:
Hazy992 said:
I've been on radfemhub before and I'd never read such ridiculousness in all my life. They were calling male pornstars 'paid rapists', saying the Utoya Island massacre was the fault of the patriarchy and one delightful user said that women will never be safe as long as men make up more than 20% of the population.

These people aren't feminists and I refuse to call them that. They're just bigots and they're views are so detached from reality it's not even funny.
I feel as though we were separated at birth good sir. /applause.

Honestly its not even feminism at this point, its fanaticism towards a belief that 'all menz is evil' and that by citing retarded fiction that has honestly not deserved how many copies have been sold. It garbage and when you base your argument on garbage it becomes absolute trash.
Maybe we were <_< :p

But yeah I agree, if your arguments are based on something like 50 Shades then they're quite frankly shitty arguments. Everyone knows it's drivel and most people seem to read it out of curiosity more than anything else.

They don't give a shit about equality, they just want to claim that they're superior to men and pretend all men are evil and blame them for everything.

They're actually quite misogynist as they seem to think most women can't think for themselves and that everything is just the fault of men. They're the polar opposite of feminism and I won't give them the satisfaction by calling them feminists.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
theres nothing wrong with BDSM

the "BDSM" in 50 shades however is REALLY wrong

its clear that that Anastasia the dumbass doesnt want that kind of sub/dom relationship...she just really really likes Christian the twat and is willing to do it because...GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH


New member
Nov 20, 2008
wow, what a surprisingly agreeable feminism thread! i'm pleasnatly surprised.

the poll's pretty vague though. radfems don't really affect me. 50 shades is just... wow. (more specifically, "wow what a negative and actually harmful depiction of BDSM relationships")


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Vault101 said:
theres nothing wrong with BDSM

the "BDSM" in 50 shades however is REALLY wrong

its clear that that Anastasia the dumbass doesnt want that kind of sub/dom relationship...she just really really likes Christian the twat and is willing to do it because...GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
To be fair, nearly all bdsm fiction does not portray real "safe, sane, consensual" bdsm. A lot pornography and erotic literature shows fantasies usually of unconsensual activities (even though in reality they are acted out by consenting actors or written by a author in the know).

But the novel is indeed trash.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Dear god, this site gives tutorials on how to preform abortions form home, one of the major reasons we have legal abortions is to prevent that shit.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Colour-Scientist said:
Daystar Clarion said:
[sub][sub]Also, 50 Shades of Grey? What, you thought the smeared toilet paper of the book world was a good point of study?[/sub][/sub]
I've almost finished reading it, I wanted to be included and I wanted to be able to say it was bad on good authority.

I was not disappointed. The woman cannot write, at all, even ignoring the plot and the terribly constructed characters. She loves the word 'beguiled' too. Oh, oh and the main character drinks Twining's English Breakfast tea, she always writes "Ana has some Twining's English Breakfast tea", never "Ana drinks some fucking tea".
Seriously, I'm basically at the end and she's still pointing out that her main character likes English classics and Twining's English Breakfast tea. Never mind how often she name drops classic literature she has obviously never read and... Okay, I'm going to stop now.
Great, now I have to stop drinking Twinings English Breakfast tea for a soon to be established period of time. About the time it takes for me to buy some more, but it's the thought that counts.

Maybe it's just to fuck with the English teachers of the future, the ones that can't accept that maybe the curtains were just fucking blue.

OT: This is why we can't have nice things. Been there done that, or would have done that had my more relaxed gender and sexual politics got me into far too much trouble with a girl who could have maybe taken a day off once in a while. We just have to sit down and quietly remind ourselves that for every person like that, there are a hundred reasonable people who understand the principle of think before open mouth.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
An amazing thing happens when women-identified women have the chance to speak, away from the carnivorous and necrophiliac behaviors of men. Our conversations get deep, rich, interesting, and fun. This atmosphere is valued and will be protected.
Huh, I guess women are incapable of having "deep, rich, interesting and fun" conversations in the presence of men. Must be because we're too busy eating and screwing corpses...?

All joking aside, why would anyone be surprised? Every movement has its extremists. There are good and bad men in this world; it's ultimately a shame for this group to deny themselves the opportunity to interact with the good men based on their prejudices against the bad ones. But in the end, it's a shame only for them. The rest of us don't need to be associated with such wanton hate.


New member
Aug 31, 2012
carnivorous and necrophiliac behaviors of men
I don't think those words mean what she thinks they do. (I am assuming, possibly incorrectly, that the "writer" of this is indeed of the female persuasion (although that's probably just me being a biased, womanising, objectifing, patriacal penis-owning sumbag again))


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
I think it's the penis.

The penis makes me think dark thoughts.

It makes me do bad things.

[sub]Ignore the vocal minority, those guys suck.[/sub]

[sub][sub]Also, 50 Shades of Grey? What, you thought the smeared toilet paper of the book world was a good point of study?[/sub][/sub]
Well your penis is kind of a dick, it does nothing but get you into trouble!

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
The author of that thread ignores the fact--well studied by psychologists, apparently--that in BDSM it's the victim who calls the shots.

It sounds crazy, and I haven't read up on that stuff in years, so don't expect me to be able to explain it, but it's true.

As for any feminist writer flaming 50 Shades that's okay. Seriously.

It's the ones who shout loudest, who refuse--

Gotta go. Family thing. Back later, maybe. Not joking.


New member
May 3, 2010



I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Copper Zen said:
The author of that thread ignores the fact--well studied by psychologists, apparently--that in BDSM it's the victim who calls the shots.

It sounds crazy, and I haven't read up on that stuff in years, so don't expect me to be able to explain it, but it's true.
I've heard that before....and I think it kind of makes sense

because at any time they can say NO so therefore the dom loses all their power, its them allowing the dom to do their thing but in the end its up to them

at least thats how it seems


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
I know these people are misusing the words feminist&feminism, but I think they are also misusing the word radical.

Thinking that anyones genitalia can brainwash you isn't radical. It's insane.

Colour-Scientist said:
Daystar Clarion said:
You've made a great sacrifice for escapist kind...

Yeah, from what I've heard, the book is just terrible, like fanfiction written by a 14 year old.
Yeah, it's decent fanfiction but makes a terrible book, if that makes sense.
One thing I did find entertaining is that for all of the graphic sex in the book I don't think she ever uses the words "vagina" or "penis". She even resorts to the term down there in italics.
She wrote a book about sex without addressing anyones genitalia by name? Not even their nicknames?
Wow. That would be impressive if the book was good. Also, thank you for your dedication Boss.
lacktheknack said:
"Carnivorous Necrophiliacs"

Why can't stand-up comedians be this hilarious?
Because you can't think of crap this funny. It has to actually happen. Unfortunately, that kind of takes away some of the humor.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
Vault101 said:
Copper Zen said:
The author of that thread ignores the fact--well studied by psychologists, apparently--that in BDSM it's the victim who calls the shots.

It sounds crazy, and I haven't read up on that stuff in years, so don't expect me to be able to explain it, but it's true.
I've heard that before....and I think it kind of makes sense

because at any time they can say NO so therefore the dom loses all their power, its them allowing the dom to do their thing but in the end its up to them

at least thats how it seems
Psychologically, its true. In a dominant/submissive encounter that is consensual (ie, not actual rape), the dominant is only in control at the behest of the submissive. Since there would obviously be a lot of the word "no", couples adopt a safeword, which, when spoken by the submissive, means that everything has to stop (right effing NOW, at that). Ergo, while the dominant may be "controlling" the submissive, it is the submissive who has all the power, because they get to decide when it stops.

Generally speaking, most people who fantasize about or enter into dom/sub sexual encounters are seeking a role reversal from everyday life. For example, someone who is naturally dominant in their life or job seeks fantasies of submission as a means of relinquishing control, which often equates to stress release.

As an aside to the article in the OP, I am a male so I may be completely wrong in this...but it seems like this kind of stuff would be even more offensive to women than to men. Because at the core, it basically says "Hey women, everything you feel and like isn't real, its just the result of men telling you what to like and feel. You don't give your husband oral sex because you like it, or because you love him and want him to feel good, you do it because you are programmed to."


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Ah... I hate that form of argument. I was agreeing with the first few points, and then BAM, RIGHT OFF THE DEEP END.

it's a common trick, saying some things that most or many will agree with, and then transitioning into something ludicrous. The idea is that if people are more likely to agree with you, if they already agree with the first bit you said.

It's very plain here. I agree that 50 shades of grey is not a feminist book, and it does come off as very misogynist, but then it goes right into "All men are violent and destructive and women should live in a separate world from them" territory. And I let out a sigh of frustration.

Feminism needs to drop this angle about the "patriarchy" it's tainting their message.