Poll: So the first Man of Steel teasers are out...

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Twilight_guy said:
Jack the Potato said:
Twilight_guy said:
What the heck is this sad little drama thing? Oh wait, there's a guy flying... is this like that one movie with the loser kids with mental powers... wait, this is a superman movie? The hell... That's not how you advertise a superman movie!

Seriously, A good superman trailer shows him saving some poor smuck and being super-heroic not shows us a bunch of meaningless stuff and tries to be sad before one second of superman flying and do jack shit. I am not impressed.
Because... Superman can't be dramatic? Is that what you're saying? Do you still watch the Superfriends or something? Because Superman has changed a lot as a character since oh, say, 1960!
If I want a dramatic hero I'll get Batman. Superman is a more optimistic hero and I hate it when people try to make him look like the emo kid. There is this idiotic notion now-a-days that every hero has to be dark and broody and tragic and that's not superman. I have no idea what this movie is going to be like but I'm certainly not going to be happy with it if they rip off the aesthetic and atmosphere of the latest batman movie because its 'dark' and 'edgy'.
Superman is an idealist, but that doesn't mean he can't be dramatic. Superman stories are generally uplifting, but what's the point of an uplifting message without struggle? Just because they're showing a somber-ish trailer doesn't mean that's all the movie will be.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I so badly wanted to write these off because I just... don't give a fuck about Superman. I just don't. Never have.

But these... I like them. I'm intrigued, but still sceptical. I'm not getting any hopes up. My friend got his hopes up for Green Lantern. He's a broken man now! That will not happen to me.


New member
Jun 27, 2011
Twilight_guy said:
There is this idiotic notion now-a-days that every hero has to be dark and broody and tragic and that's not superman.
Brooding? Yes. Being Dark and Tragic? So far no.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
So when Gandfaldf died it was realy the superman? I know it! In the future thers no technology so everything is like in lotring and in the future clark is old and has a beard and is gandfdalf
Dec 14, 2009
IamQ said:
So when Gandfaldf died it was realy the superman? I know it! In the future thers no technology so everything is like in lotring and in the future clark is old and has a beard and is gandfdalf
Nothing to see here people.

Guy is just drunk.

Humour him and he'll eventually stumble away from the internet and into bed.

We can all laugh at him in the morning.
Mar 9, 2010
Goofguy said:
Definitely intrigued, looking forward to seeing a full trailer whenever it is released.

Kind of off putting to hear LotR music being played in the teaser. While it worked for the trailer, they could have at least used something new.
I wanna watch LotR more than anything now. Fuck it, I have nothing better to do.

OT: It looks alright but I'm not that fussed about seeing a Superman movie, I've never been that into Superman.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
piinyouri said:
I'm not all that much a fan of Superman, but congrats Mr. Nolan.
I am very intrigued.
Zach Snider is the director not Nolan. Nolan is involved but it is not his movie.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
I will never not be excited for Superman-related media. I loved the teasers... But then again, I loved the teasers for Returns, and we all know how that turned out. I can only hope that this will end better.

Really, I'm hoping that this movie will help break non-fans of this ludicrous notion that Superman is "bland", "unrelatable" or "overpowered." Like Aquaman, he's been very poorly handled over the years, to the point that the character is often completely misunderstood.

Deviate said:
Superman has always been that bland and boring character coupled with powers that make any kind of threat or dramatic moment either unbelievable or boring, sometimes both. They even have to create a plot device called Kryptonite just to create any kind of tension at all.
Like this, for example. Any Superman fan worth his salt could cite a thousand examples from a thousand stories showing why that simply is not the case, but until a movie comes out that shows it on a massive scale, it simply won't be accepted as common knowledge. Batman Begins helped the public accept the idea of a "serious" Batman again- Man of Steel needs to do that for Superman.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Jack the Potato said:
Twilight_guy said:
Jack the Potato said:
Twilight_guy said:
What the heck is this sad little drama thing? Oh wait, there's a guy flying... is this like that one movie with the loser kids with mental powers... wait, this is a superman movie? The hell... That's not how you advertise a superman movie!

Seriously, A good superman trailer shows him saving some poor smuck and being super-heroic not shows us a bunch of meaningless stuff and tries to be sad before one second of superman flying and do jack shit. I am not impressed.
Because... Superman can't be dramatic? Is that what you're saying? Do you still watch the Superfriends or something? Because Superman has changed a lot as a character since oh, say, 1960!
If I want a dramatic hero I'll get Batman. Superman is a more optimistic hero and I hate it when people try to make him look like the emo kid. There is this idiotic notion now-a-days that every hero has to be dark and broody and tragic and that's not superman. I have no idea what this movie is going to be like but I'm certainly not going to be happy with it if they rip off the aesthetic and atmosphere of the latest batman movie because its 'dark' and 'edgy'.
Superman is an idealist, but that doesn't mean he can't be dramatic. Superman stories are generally uplifting, but what's the point of an uplifting message without struggle? Just because they're showing a somber-ish trailer doesn't mean that's all the movie will be.
I agree this trailer just gave the sense that is was a lot more down to earth like Clark just wants to fit in but he knows push comes to shove he never will so he will have to do the best with all he has. I love that this movie already feels more in relatable he isn't just some tank who does the right thing but a guy you can get to know and understand.

People are not one dimensional so neither should characters.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
I do like Superman but this trailer didn't really do it for me. I can't really tell why, it simply doesn't feel like a good Superman movie to me. Hopefully the movie won't be like this or I guess I'll skip this one.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
aba1 said:
piinyouri said:
I'm not all that much a fan of Superman, but congrats Mr. Nolan.
I am very intrigued.
Zach Snider is the director not Nolan. Nolan is involved but it is not his movie.
Yeah my bad, my brain had a hard reset.
First time I watched the trailer I didnt even notice Snyders name. XP


New member
Nov 25, 2010
The Unworthy Gentleman said:
Goofguy said:
Definitely intrigued, looking forward to seeing a full trailer whenever it is released.

Kind of off putting to hear LotR music being played in the teaser. While it worked for the trailer, they could have at least used something new.
I wanna watch LotR more than anything now. Fuck it, I have nothing better to do.

OT: It looks alright but I'm not that fussed about seeing a Superman movie, I've never been that into Superman.
You know, I thought the exact same thing. I was remembering that it was the music after the Moria scene and realized I haven't watched the trilogy in ages. Methinks it's time to remedy that.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
piinyouri said:
aba1 said:
piinyouri said:
I'm not all that much a fan of Superman, but congrats Mr. Nolan.
I am very intrigued.
Zach Snider is the director not Nolan. Nolan is involved but it is not his movie.
Yeah my bad, my brain had a hard reset.
First time I watched the trailer I didnt even notice Snyders name. XP
Sall good just letting ya know for future context.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Well, if Nolan and Snyder are on the job then we can at least expect the movie to look cool. I just hope that Nolan can reign in Snyder's tendency to put visuals over plot focus.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Dangit2019 said:
Well, if Nolan and Snyder are on the job then we can at least expect the movie to look cool. I just hope that Nolan can reign in Snyder's tendency to put visuals over plot focus.
Oh, I'm willing to bet that Nolan will be more than a producer in name only. It's been his and Goyer's project from the start, so I'm sure they'll be able to reign in Snyder's more extreme tendencies while still letting him do what he does best. :p


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Twilight_guy said:
What the heck is this sad little drama thing? Oh wait, there's a guy flying... is this like that one movie with the loser kids with mental powers... wait, this is a superman movie? The hell... That's not how you advertise a superman movie!

Seriously, A good superman trailer shows him saving some poor smuck and being super-heroic not shows us a bunch of meaningless stuff and tries to be sad before one second of superman flying and do jack shit. I am not impressed.
Pretty much this. Can't we have a Superman movie in which Superman spends a little more time superheroing and a little less time being an emo *****?

I forget whose idea this was: you know Independence Day? With the city-sized spaceships and aliens and stuff? Take that, add Superman, and voila--the perfect Superman movie. (Also, no Lex Luthor this time, please. Come on, Hollywood, Lex Luthor isn't Superman's only enemy. How about Brainiac?)

EDIT: And for God's sake, skip the origin story, too. We fucking know where Superman came from. Everybody knows where Superman came from. I'm pretty sure babies emerge from the womb knowing where Superman came from. We don't need to go over it again.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
dreadedcandiru99 said:
Twilight_guy said:
What the heck is this sad little drama thing? Oh wait, there's a guy flying... is this like that one movie with the loser kids with mental powers... wait, this is a superman movie? The hell... That's not how you advertise a superman movie!

Seriously, A good superman trailer shows him saving some poor smuck and being super-heroic not shows us a bunch of meaningless stuff and tries to be sad before one second of superman flying and do jack shit. I am not impressed.
Pretty much this. Can't we have a Superman movie in which Superman spends a little more time superheroing and a little less time being an emo *****?
All the superman movies have him doing regular old superman stuff an generally keeping a upbeat attitude with no emotional changes. This strikes me a generally more realistic portrayal where superman gets you know emotions and you know more than beat up the bad guy type conflicts.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Looks pretty interesting so far. I've never actually seen a Superman movie all the way through before so this will be my first Superman movie. Going by the trailer alone it looks promising but since I'm not a huge Superman fan I'll likely wait for the reviews to come out before I go and see it, even if Nolan is involved with the film.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010

If they're gonna focus on a 'before he was Superman, he was...CLARK KENT' - I wouldn't mind.

I'd like to see a Superman movie done that's more 'modern origins' then 'hey, lets see if we can look like Smallville'.


New member
Jan 14, 2012
Everyone should be excited for a movie! And no I didn't say THIS movie just A movie. What I mean is, based off a trailer, why not just hope the movie is as good as it can be?

If you like the concept and the trailer looks good, by all means be excited. If it doesn't look good to you why not give it the benefit of the doubt?

This does not work with every movie. Warning signs that the movie shouldn't be anticipated: Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Tyler Perry, Micheal Bay, based off the true story, Disney (not animated films), from he guys who brought you Scary Movie