Poll: Solve a simple math problem


New member
May 11, 2011
Even though I've seen this question pop up a few times on The Escapist, the responses never seem to get any less fun to read. Also, I can say with 100% certainty that the answer is 14. It's an oddly constructed problem though so I wouldn't blame people who don't do math very often for getting it wrong.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Ah math...we meet again...

*skips off to draw rainbows*

I think I got it right with 14 although pulling the minus sign in the middle of the sum on people during hayfever season is just mean....

really :mad:


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Shit I missed the minus sign and voted 16. Duuh. My vote goes to the non-existant option: "Who the heck writes expressions like that??"

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Xisin said:
Who cares? The answer is 14, but even if I said it was 5000, it still proves nothing. Adult intelligence should not be measured by 4th grade math. A person can pretty much do this for any subject and we'd all fail one eventually. Problems like these are the whole reason the show, "Are you smarter than a 5th grader," exists.
I'm not using this as a standard to point out how smart anybody is, I am mearly pointing out that this is a simple "5th grade" question can be easily missed if you don't pay attention(in school). And I understand it's tricky, that's part of it's diabolical nature. But I didn't write it I just put it up on a wall and pointed "Everybody, look at this problem! Isn't it stupid how it trys to squirm it's way off the wall? Look and laugh, children!".


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Ironic said:
Flailing Escapist said:
So a couple weeks ago I bumped into this math "problem":
[small]And yes in this case x means multiplication.(what? I'm a lazy typer that's too unfamiliar with doing math online. Paper rocks)[/small]

The answer is pretty simple, I got it on my first try. But a lot of my friends and classmates couldn't solve it right away; and most of them are college students which is really sad. This is stuff you should study in middle school. Take a stab at it!

nunqual said:
Divided by 0? I thought it was multiplied by 0. Dividing by 0 would get you infinity, even if you use the correct order of operations.
You sir, deserve a medal and everyone else that knows better than to divide be zero deserves a star. I wasn't paying attention (fuck!) but you're right it is multiplied.

I'm kidding, you don't get one.
Using BIDMAS it become
10 - 6+(1x0) = ?

You need to correct your poll. It's 4.
You need to correct your math. It's not 4.

1x0 = 0
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 10
10-1 = 9
9+1+1+1+1+1 = 14
14+0 = 14


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Its 14, but I can see why people might be surprised if they tried to rush it or missed the minus sign.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
I am flabbergasted that 141 people have actually voted "0".
BRACKETS, ************, DO YOU KNOW THEM?!

[img width?200]http://mimg.ugo.com/200809/22582/samuel-l-jackson-top-11-pulp-fiction.jpg[/img]


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Ugh... it's not "sad" if you didn't see the subtraction sign. It's something easily looked over and a lot of people do. I can bet that you didn't immediately notice it.

This doesn't measure your "intelligence" at all, it measures your ability to count and I'm tired of people acting superior because they got the answer right and weren't tricked by a problem that was specifically written to trick people.

EDIT: Sorry if I sound bitter, but this is all over the internet and I'm tired of seeing it.


New member
May 21, 2008
It depends on the order of operations you are operating under. This is the standard: http://math.about.com/library/weekly/aa040502a.htm
Which means the answer is 14.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Flailing Escapist said:
Xisin said:
Who cares? The answer is 14, but even if I said it was 5000, it still proves nothing. Adult intelligence should not be measured by 4th grade math. A person can pretty much do this for any subject and we'd all fail one eventually. Problems like these are the whole reason the show, "Are you smarter than a 5th grader," exists.
I'm not using this as a standard to point out how smart anybody is, I am mearly pointing out that this is a simple "5th grade" question can be easily missed if you don't pay attention(in school). And I understand it's tricky, that's part of it's diabolical nature. But I didn't write it I just put it up on a wall and pointed "Everybody, look at this problem! Isn't it stupid how it trys to squirm it's way off the wall? Look and laugh, children!".
I disagree with the, "if you don't pay attention(in school)," part. At perhaps 10, the order operations would be fresh in my mind. At 20, if I'm in a college math course like calculus, most math formulas would be ingrained. By 30, if my career has nothing to do with math, the order of operations is as important as the name of my 1st grade teacher.

The human brain tends to discard very old things that it no longer needs. I had over a decade of Spanish and my ability to speak it is now rudimentary at best. I just never have need of it.

Saying your college friend is sad seems a harsh criticism. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that questions like these aren't looking for an answer. You already know it, of course. You seem to be looking for how many people will stumble. (shrugs) Thus why I think it's pointless.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Clicks "0"

Realizes he's been working with way to many brackets and started auto assuming them.


The answer is 14....

Commissar Sae

New member
Nov 13, 2009
Nope, can't do it. I've seen it before but I still don't care. I'm a historian not a mathematician. I can tell you about Cheyenne Warfare, Soviet propaganda, Prussian industrialism and Chinese golden age bureaucracy though.

I'm an adult now, I really don't need to do trivial math problems.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
OH it's this thread. Again. If there's one thing I have learned, it's not to discuss mathematics on the Escapist forums. It can only lead to pain.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
That shit is bull.

Math can suck it. I always preferred language arts/English.