Poll: Star Wars The Old Republic: Which side do you choose?


New member
Mar 29, 2010
The title says it all really,

What Faction appeals more to you?, the Sith Empire or the Galactic Republic?

For me its the Empire, why you ask? well because one i love there British accents and two is because the Villains are normally more interesting than the heroes

i am wondering what of the 2 factions your siding with and why.

And if your going to say "i'm not going to play this wow clone derpy derp" then why are you on this thread


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Oct 18, 2009
I'm only going Sith because my friends guild is going to be Sith. My heart lies with the Trooper.


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Sep 24, 2010
Republic. I assume the good endings are in canon from the first two KOTOR games so I'd choose the option that probably best continues the story.

That said, everything about playing a sith is more interesting.

Of course if I buy the game I'll ultimately play classes from both sides equally.


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May 5, 2010
Eh, I dunno. I don't know if I'm even going to get it yet as I'm on the fence(anyone feel like trying to convince me? :p). As for which side, I agree with the OP that villains are more interesting than heroes....when done right. A lot of times they're one-dimensional and bland, simply a cardboard cutout stand in for the heroes to rage against or evil for no other reason than being evil. Though, this is Bioware, so I suppose I should give them the benefit of the doubt.

Edit: The one thing that will piss me off more than anything is if I play Sith and the amazing, wonderful, in-depth storyline the whole game is supposed to have turns into "Herpderp ill kill you cuz im ebil" Being evil for the sake of evil is boring.


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Oct 18, 2008
I know you're not supposed to, but I'm sure I'll eventually end up playing as both. (I'm not going to lie, I have a certain desire to play as pretty much every class in the game, given that they each offer a unique story). But I'll start with Republic...I'm too much of a softy to play a bad guy at the start.

And to anyone who's actually saying "i'm not going to play this wow clone derpy derp," then you clearly place too much emphasis on gameplay. Having played the beta, I can attest to the fact that TOR, while structurally very similar to WOW, is very much a Bioware experience when it comes to characters, settings, story-telling, etc. What it offers in this department is something that WOW can't even dream of.


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Nov 3, 2008
To be honest, I'm on the fence and I really wish they had a neutral choice, ie make it jedi vs sith and have bounty hunter, mercenary, etc as a neutral faction.
My general problem with the starwars universe is that they like to paint things as very black and white, you're either the anal retentive lawful good jedi who follows the rules so strictly that it cripples you, or you're the demonic sith lord who beats old women to death with the corpses of their husbands and eats babies for a snack.
Sadly the choice on most pvp servers will be to go Sith.
Unless you're insanely masochistic and want to get camped and ganked to death.


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Mar 26, 2011
Rednog said:
To be honest, I'm on the fence and I really wish they had a neutral choice, ie make it jedi vs sith and have bounty hunter, mercenary, etc as a neutral faction.
My general problem with the starwars universe is that they like to paint things as very black and white, you're either the anal retentive lawful good jedi who follows the rules so strictly that it cripples you, or you're the demonic sith lord who beats old women to death with the corpses of their husbands and eats babies for a snack.
Oddly enough, that sounds a lot like my sith sorcerer from the beta... >:D

On topic, though, definitively Empire. I was sold when
In an early quest, my Sith Inquisitor had to torture someone for information. I had a few different options, like not torturing, trying to use good will instead of pain to get what you need. Or I could zap him, or tell him to sing me a song. I told him to sing me a song. When he went all WTF on me, I zapped him and told him to sing me a happy song >:D
Funny little things like that are what sold me on sith. Evil has more fun, y'know?


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Sep 10, 2008
I liked the Smuggler, Jedi Consular and the Bounty Hunter. The BH would give me my Sith side, so I'll be playing both. However, since I'm not a not a huge SW fan, I have a hard time understanding why the BH is on the Sith side and not on some I Just Work For Money side... and I'll extend that question to the Smuggler as well.

As for playing actual Sith characters (Warrior, Inquisitor) or the Imperial Agent, I'd probably play them very little if at all. I played the Warrior and it felt like the Sith just jump to conclusions about things too easily - which is something that grates against my personality.

Some guy near the Sith is about to sneeze. "That guy looked at me wrong. He's going to piss in my Lucky Charms when I'm sleeping. I'm force choking him right now!"


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Rednog said:
To be honest, I'm on the fence and I really wish they had a neutral choice, ie make it jedi vs sith and have bounty hunter, mercenary, etc as a neutral faction.
My general problem with the starwars universe is that they like to paint things as very black and white, you're either the anal retentive lawful good jedi who follows the rules so strictly that it cripples you, or you're the demonic sith lord who beats old women to death with the corpses of their husbands and eats babies for a snack.
Sadly the choice on most pvp servers will be to go Sith.
Unless you're insanely masochistic and want to get camped and ganked to death.
i am playing as Sith but i'm going to be a Sith with Morals, as in i will kill those who harm slaves and those who want me dead, if this guy begged for his life i would spare him,

my Sith is going to be that guy if you befriend he won't stab you in the back, but if you annoy him or try to kill him he will Force lighting your ass


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Nov 3, 2008
raklin said:
Rednog said:
To be honest, I'm on the fence and I really wish they had a neutral choice, ie make it jedi vs sith and have bounty hunter, mercenary, etc as a neutral faction.
My general problem with the starwars universe is that they like to paint things as very black and white, you're either the anal retentive lawful good jedi who follows the rules so strictly that it cripples you, or you're the demonic sith lord who beats old women to death with the corpses of their husbands and eats babies for a snack.
Oddly enough, that sounds a lot like my sith sorcerer from the beta... >:D
Speaking of the beta I played an Imperial Agent, and what struck me was that fact that almost every conversation as an Imperial Agent it gives you the option to basically act like an indignant jerk towards the Empire/Sith. It kind of boggled my mind that a good chunk of the dialogue treats you like an independent contractor rather than a hardcore loyalist to the side you're on.
Hell even the "Dark" vs "Light" choices in the Agent starting area are sort of murky/grey and really have jack to do with the Empire. Like one where you purify the water in the area, but at the cost of the animals (Dark) or you let the water stay polluted but it saves the animals (Light).


New member
Jan 2, 2010
Republic. I'm kind of a goody two-shoes in life, and even moreso in games. Playing evil is just difficult for me; I have to force myself (clever pun, ftw?) to be a growly sociopath with daddy issues.

Biggest bonus for me was discovering my favored class, the trooper, is being voiced by Jennifer Hale... first time she opened her mouth during the September beta weekend, I had to change my pants.

Yeah, that's right you sithies, Commander Shepard is gonna be staring at you all down the barrel of her assault cannon... say "cheese". :D


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Every game asks you to be a hero. Im sick of being a hero and im sure others are as well. Kotor 1 and 2 were great because more often than not you were allowed to be a terrible person in game. Skyrim has elements of this but I wish they went further. Im not a terrible person irl, but when 90 percent of the games out there have you doing nice things for the sake of nice, evil is refreshing.

Also being the underdog is way too common in games. I like being on the *winning* side for once


New member
Mar 24, 2010
moose49408 said:
I know you're not supposed to, but I'm sure I'll eventually end up playing as both. (I'm not going to lie, I have a certain desire to play as pretty much every class in the game, given that they each offer a unique story). But I'll start with Republic...I'm too much of a softy to play a bad guy at the start.

And to anyone who's actually saying "i'm not going to play this wow clone derpy derp," then you clearly place too much emphasis on gameplay. Having played the beta, I can attest to the fact that TOR, while structurally very similar to WOW, is very much a Bioware experience when it comes to characters, settings, story-telling, etc. What it offers in this department is something that WOW can't even dream of.
WoW has always been about gameplay first. Bioware has always gave priority to story telling.

*Apologies for the double post*


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Ryank1908 said:
I'm only going Sith because my friends guild is going to be Sith. My heart lies with the Trooper.
Same here. If I get dragged into the game by a friend I'll end up on the Darkside because they will be. However I will sneak off when noone is looking to play my Femshep Trooper instead.

I've not been too taken with some of Bioware's handling of the evil characters. Some of the Sith tend to come across as campy when they're meant to be scary and...

...if you go darkside as a Sith Warrior the conversation sequences can be frustrating, given that Mission Vette will react negatively to just about every darkside option you're given. Go lightside or kiss goodbye to gaining any affection with this companion appears to be the message, which I felt was unduly manipulative for the first companion of the class.
Aug 2, 2008
Republic. My friend who's participated in the Beta and has generally kept his ear to the ground tells me that the younger, less mature players are siding towards Sith. For me to enjoy the game I'd have to avoid that demographic as much as possible.


New member
Jan 2, 2010
Dr_Baron_von_Evilsatan said:
Republic. My friend who's participated in the Beta and has generally kept his ear to the ground tells me that the younger, less mature players are siding towards Sith. For me to enjoy the game I'd have to avoid that demographic as much as possible.
That plays another part in my avoiding evil, dark, and/or pointy-thing filled factions in games. :p


New member
Mar 21, 2009
smuggler and Sith Operator both look awesome, not really. I choose Rpublic cause I normally go light side first


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Republic. Partly because the Jedi Consular appeals most to me and partly because well, I want to run around on Coruscant.