Poll: Star Wars The Old Republic: Which side do you choose?


New member
Oct 18, 2009
LetalisK said:
Ryank1908 said:
Sixcess said:
Ryank1908 said:
I'm only going Sith because my friends guild is going to be Sith. My heart lies with the Trooper.
Same here. If I get dragged into the game by a friend I'll end up on the Darkside because they will be. However I will sneak off when noone is looking to play my Femshep Trooper instead.

I've not been too taken with some of Bioware's handling of the evil characters. Some of the Sith tend to come across as campy when they're meant to be scary and...

...if you go darkside as a Sith Warrior the conversation sequences can be frustrating, given that Mission Vette will react negatively to just about every darkside option you're given. Go lightside or kiss goodbye to gaining any affection with this companion appears to be the message, which I felt was unduly manipulative for the first companion of the class.
I on the other hand am actually a big fan of how Bioware made the Sith - especially the light side options. The idea of playing a Sith who is not really inherently evil is awesome, to me. And I really like their voice acting - the agent, especially. But I've just always preferred the aesthetics and motives of the Republic.

I actually like that they gave you a light side slave companion. She might react badly to things but if you're evil why would you care? Just zappy zap her. Affection is abritary anyhow. Btw, spoiler in a spoiler, don't read on if you haven't gotten too far with the Warrior storyline. You can sleep with a lord's wife and force Vette to stay. You lose affection, yeah, but who cares? It's hilarious!
:O Congrats good sir, you have just convinced me to get it. They basically gave a light/dark side paths to both sides? So basically instead of just hero/villain, we have hero, anti-hero, anti-villain, villain?
Yep, precisely. Sith and Republic are, generally, evil/good respectively in terms of their leadership, but I've seen plenty of opportunities for 'bad guy' Sith players to reject killing and do the honourable thing.

Some examples for you;

In one mission you are asked to find some plans for weapons turrets. You meet a protocol droid who begs you not to retrieve them, as they are essentially torture devices that the droid wants neither side to have. You can simply tell the droid to follow orders and take the plans, getting dark-side points, or remove the restraint on the droid and allow him to destroy the plans.

A colony is besieged by simplistic tribal monsters, and you meet a small group of Twi'leks near a Jedi temple. One of the Twi'leks is force sensitive and powerful, deciding to use his powers to destroy the raiders. You can look the other way and allow this Twi'lek to fall to the dark side and wipe out these raiders, or you can use your weight as a Jedi to get some defence for the Twi'leks and stop the dark side colonist.

The thing I love about these choices is that, despite what some people have said, your choice will not necessarily negatively impact your reward, and while there are certain items that only a dark/light side user may use, they are NOT the 'best' items. It's mostly aesthetics - for example, light side Sith warriors may use blue/green sabers, or you could make a Dark Jedi with a red saber. It's all very cool.

Edit; As someone also said above, there are items specifically for neutral (grey-side?) characters as well, but they weren't ready in the open weekend build.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
So a question for the people who've been in the beta. If you go it alone in the game, how much does The Old Republic feel like Knights of the Old Republic? Because I really like KotOR as it is (just finished another playthrough of it today, actually).


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Sixcess said:
...if you go darkside as a Sith Warrior the conversation sequences can be frustrating, given that Mission Vette will react negatively to just about every darkside option you're given. Go lightside or kiss goodbye to gaining any affection with this companion appears to be the message, which I felt was unduly manipulative for the first companion of the class.
Not much of a drama to be honest, you get your next companion pretty much straight away. Further more whilst she drops "loyalty" if you like, your others will gain quite quickly. Companions don't drop or gain loyalty if they arent out for that conversation, also gifting a companion is definitely cheap enough to offset the conversational issues.

I made the mistake of playing BH first... everything else sucked by comparison. All good stories yes, but BH just owned start to finish. I tried all the others saving imperial agent for last, just not liking the cover system.... but again for that story line, i'll eat sleep and drink cover. Nothing compares.

Razor Z7

New member
Nov 20, 2011
Despite not played the SWTOR beta, overall I would choose the Sith Empire. They have a better backstory, the powers are insane, and who doesn't like the evil guys?


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Republic. In the Beta I actually had difficulty selecting some of the nastier choices even after I'd decided to play against type. Also, the Sith lords/dark Jedi have always been a lot more fun to defeat or humiliate. They're basically Force-powered bullies who kowtow to whoever the biggest, strongest bully is.

Sean Steele

New member
Mar 30, 2010
Smuggler, because in a world where you have all powerful Sith and Jedi who are at one with the dark and light side respectively, bounty hunters and troopers in more metal plating then the Death Star, Superspies weaving the whole thing under toe it takes a certain level of balls to be the guy that just shows up with a gun and the instinct to kick people in the balls.


Nov 1, 2009
DustyDrB said:
So a question for the people who've been in the beta. If you go it alone in the game, how much does The Old Republic feel like Knights of the Old Republic? Because I really like KotOR as it is (just finished another playthrough of it today, actually).
If you've played either of the KotOR games to the end, you will find SWTOR is pretty much a combination of the two games in terms of story and dialogue quality (so in other words, your personal story arcs play out very much like the KotOR series), you are just simply sharing that experience with millions of other people in an MMO setting. Every story arc mission is completely your own, and no one else can interfere (they are blocked from it). Flashpoints and Heroic missions are the multi-player raid material of the game.

Essentially, every character class you can play in the game is a small part of the larger puzzle/story of the game. If you play them all, you will develop the entire story for both sides, dark side/light side for every decision you make.

OT: Empire first with Bounty Hunter (simply fucking spectacular story and execution) and Sith Inquisitor (fun just to play the smartass former slave with force lightning powers), and then on to Republic for Trooper and Jedi Knight. I'm also going to be playing Imperial Agent, just not sure when. As for Smuggler? Eh, probably be the last one I do - the Smuggler concept just doesn't appeal to me as much as the others.