Poll: Teen Shot dead after attempting to mug man

Scolar Visari

New member
Jan 8, 2008
Blitzwarp said:
Okay, time to be unpolular, I guess. :/

No. He wasn't right. He had the right to defend himself, but there's a very wide line between fighting back and getting away, and firing a gun with a laser sight on it eight times into another person. The article states that all Mustelier did was punch Baker in the face. That was it. One punch. And rather than pulling out the gun and threatening Mustelier with it, or punching him back and legging it (Baker was a jogger, so surely he could have gotten away fast enough?) he shot the kid. Eight times. That is beyond excessive force.

And no, Mustelier himself was certainly not in the right, but there's a far cry between giving someone a split lip (ABH at best) and mugging them, and taking a life. To my mind, Baker ought to have been charged with some form of manslaughter.
Let's point some things out.

1. A "Laser Sight" is in no way illegal nor does it somehow make this shoot less justifiable. In all likelihood, Baker was most likely using something similar to a Crimson Trace (http://www.crimsontrace.com/), which is a very popular modification for those who conceal carry. It enhances both low light and quick reaction shooting.

2. He fired 8 times and hit 4. Probably on account of the fact that it was dark and what with him having just been cold-clocked. Pretty decent accuracy for the situation.

3. By hitting Baker right off the bat without even making any demands, it was reasonable for Baker to assume that his life was very much in danger. By hitting him like that, they had already proven that they were willing to use violent physical force to get what they wanted and no court in the land would argue that Baker wasn't in danger.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
It's a blurry line here, but I have to side with Baker. When two people accost you late at night and punch you in the face, your first reaction should be to fear for your life. However, I think that shooting eight times is excessive. Maybe three times would have bade sense, but eight seems unnecessary. Ultimately, though, it seems he would have reason to believe he was in danger for his life--again, late at night, accosted and assaulted by two people, carrying quite a bit of cash. I'd be scared too.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
The kid in question messed with an unknown quantity and paid the price for it with his life. Deserved or not isn't an issue. Its what happens when you choose to become a violent criminal. Live fast die young.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Not only did the man legitimately defend himself against an unprovoked attacker, but he stayed with the boy after doing so; dude could have walked away after calling the police and left him with the 16 year-old.
But by the same token, eight shots...? Excessive.

Even so, I don't think the man did anything wrong. He was attacked, he responded.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Blitzwarp said:
Okay, time to be unpolular, I guess. :/

No. He wasn't right. He had the right to defend himself, but there's a very wide line between fighting back and getting away, and firing a gun with a laser sight on it eight times into another person. The article states that all Mustelier did was punch Baker in the face. That was it. One punch. And rather than pulling out the gun and threatening Mustelier with it, or punching him back and legging it (Baker was a jogger, so surely he could have gotten away fast enough?) he shot the kid. Eight times. That is beyond excessive force.

And no, Mustelier himself was certainly not in the right, but there's a far cry between giving someone a split lip (ABH at best) and mugging them, and taking a life. To my mind, Baker ought to have been charged with some form of manslaughter.
Do you think that real-life combat is turn based or something? The beating wasn't going to stop with "just one punch". If he didn't shoot the guy right there, they had a good chance of killing him if they wanted to, and I for one wouldn't be so quick to bet my life on the goodwill of the guys who were mugging me.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Did he have due cause to fire? You bet your ass he did. But eight times? That's pretty excessive, even with blurred vision. Honestly, one shot would have scared the dude off, considering the other guy took off at just the sight of the gun.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Wow. 91% of people think it is perfectly fine to shoot a kid eight times with hollow point bullets because you were just punched in the head?

Heh. Can't say I agree.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
People only give a shit cause the kid was black and I'm guessing the jogger dude was white...anyway the kids decided to mug the guy so they were asking for it anyway.

Basically, karma's a *****. So he deserved it


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Fagotto said:
Novania said:
People only give a shit cause the kid was black and I'm guessing the jogger dude was white...anyway the kids decided to mug the guy so they were asking for it anyway.

Basically, karma's a *****. So he deserved it

EDIT: wow i hadn't scrolled down until after I posted and saw the dude was white...lol
The second picture isn't of Baker, it's of that Arizona shooter, Jared Loughner.
My mistake


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Fagotto said:
Kortney said:
Wow. 91% of people think it is perfectly fine to shoot a kid eight times with hollow point bullets because you were just punched in the head?

Heh. Can't say I agree.
More like I think it's acceptable to shoot until you can be sure the threat's gone. Given that it is doubtful that he could tell how many times he hit and as it turns out he only hit 4 out of 8 times it seems pretty reasonable.

As for 'just' being punched in the head, I really doubt the kid just stopped, or just would have stopped, there since his intention was to knock Baker out.
And explain the reason why this man couldn't of just raised his gun and told them to back off? Mugging someone does not deserve death. I think both parties were incredibly stupid and aggressive. You don't pull your firearm and unload into someone because they assault you.

I doubt this guy is going to get away without gaol time. To use the self defense pardon of a crime you must not use any amount of excessive force.

P.S "Just punched in the head" means "recently punched in the head".


New member
Jan 10, 2009
He was completely right. While it is bad that a child died, he initiated a violent situation, they Outnumbered him and in the dark he couldn't see them NEVER MIND he was dazed after being assaulted.As others pointed out he just emptied the gun. The kid Who Was shot had overstepped the line of childish antics and into the land of Lethal encounters.This should be covered in Middle school, when you do bad things bad things happen. And to the guy a few posts above me yes being assaulted by numerous people IS cause to shoot them.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Baker was certainly within his right to defend himself. The fact that someone tied is, however, unfortunate. He had no reason to believe his life was not in danger and defend himself appropriately. The amount of shots fired is largely irrelevant, IMO. Being physically assaulted by two people will make anyone panic, I seriously doubt he was counting the shots as he pulled the trigger. He most likely defended himself until he noticed that whatever was attacking him had stopped, nothing sinister about it. Sure, some kid died and that really sucks (I mean that too, it's a real shame), but this is why you don't go mugging people in countries that allow it's citizens to carry concealed weapons.

I won't say he was in the wrong or that he was using excessive force (any amount of force is alright in my books if you have legitimate fears about surviving), what I will say is that the whole affair is tragic. That's really all I can say.


Resident Codicier
Dec 16, 2008
Novania said:
People only give a shit cause the kid was black and I'm guessing the jogger dude was white...anyway the kids decided to mug the guy so they were asking for it anyway.

Basically, karma's a *****. So he deserved it

EDIT: wow i hadn't scrolled down until after I posted and saw the dude was white...lol
Thats not baker, thats from a different shooting

As for all the white knights, go tell us that you wouldnt have emptied the magezine of your self-defence weapon of choice if you had just been punched in the face, unannounced, by a random and his mate, who may or may not have a weapon/s, in the middle of the night, while your out jogging.