Poll: Teen Shot dead after attempting to mug man

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
Kill before they kill you.
There is nothing wrong in preserving your life when faced with death. He was mugged, whether the mugger was armed or not, it doesn't change the fact that he was in danger. Because of that, I believe he had a right to defend himself.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
^=ash=^ said:
Kortney said:
^=ash=^ said:
Being mugged doesn't deserve death either which happens and this could have possibly lead to. Noone knows what could have happened if Mustelier wasn't shot.
So when you are in doubt, shoot someone?

My point is that this guy didn't even try to solve the situation without taking someone's life.
Ok then, it's a dark night and you are out for a jog. Out of nowhere you get jumped and hit in the face dazing you, you have a firearm but decide not to use it. The guy keeps beating you knocking you to the floor, since you are dazed the chances of landing a successful deterring punch are low so this is probably where you would end up. Of course you could tell him you have a gun, to the attacker this could easily be an empty threat since they haven't seen it. Or perhaps they will believe you and hit you harder so you can't use it and they can.

Now then you would hit the floor pretty hard after some blows to the head wich could render you unconcious and/or fracture your skull do you think a mugger of all people would phone an ambulance, wait with you until it arrives. No, no they wouldn't because the blood would be on their hands. So you're left in the alley, bleeding out of your head.

This is of course all conjecture, however it could have happened. Sure there are other scenarios but in this on you die. If there is a possibility you could die, being aprehensive could render that being how it turns out.
...what? Nice story? I don't know what you want for that.

Once again, I repeat: This guy didn't even try to get out of the situation without blood on his hands. The court isn't going to like that at all.

I would have revealed the firearm to them and told to go away or I'll shoot. I have no doubt they would have listened. You would of pulled the firearm and shot them to death, I get it.

Let's leave it there.


New member
Jun 1, 2008
At first I was all, "Something's fishy. How could he fire eight shots like that?" But then it said that he called the police and stayed with the victim until help came. That's some solid evidence. He could have shot the mugger and ran off to a gas station near by, leaving the guy to die alone. Or shot the mugger and the other stupid kid that was running away in the back. Instead he shot this guy that was trying to 'knock him out and take his cash', then stayed with him. That takes guts.


New member
May 28, 2009
Well at least this kid (kinda) had it coming, a kid here in the Netherlands was shot into oblivion (and beyond) for just throwing a snowball.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Ha! Creepy ass white guy shoots black youth... Sounds exactly like every case of "defence" where the attacker was killed. Physicly attacking someone is stupid as shit and rediculous. But so is hauling around guns whos sole purpose is to kill anyone whos a "threat". The guy shot the kid 4 times, one was sufficiant, he paniced and desided to kill not wound. Im not seeing any revolutions happening against our insufficiant corrupt government (and no not the Obama administration, the government as a whole) so we dont need guns. Tazers work just as well, or why dont we start getting non fatal ways of defending ourselves from attackers. They will always exist as long as poverty does, and even then there will always be those batshit insane Manson's out there. Killing the ones in poverty for trying to survive in poverty is unjustifiable.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
He deserved it. I'm not saying that muggers should face the death penalty, but when you attack someone with the intent to rob them you deserve everything that happens to you. Everything. No sympathy for the piece of shit.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
It can be argued that the force uses by the defender was excessive; just because you have a gun doesn't mean you always have to shoot to kill.
But at the same time, I personally can't say I feel bad about this. Unfortunate that a life was lost, but if the kid hadn't slugged the guy in the face and tried to rob him it never would have happened. Kid shouldn't have been killed, but he shouldn't have been trying to rob somebody in the first place either.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
He was perfectly justified in his use of deadly force. He was outnumbered and was unsure if either teen was armed. And yes eight shots and four hits does sound a little unreasonable, however you have to take into account that he had just been punched in the face and was disorentaited and was suffering from blurred vision. He could not be sure he had hit his assailent (now, I know that sounds kind of reckless but...idk what how to end this...)

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Jumpingbean3 said:
Ironic Pirate said:
Jumpingbean3 said:
He wasright to shoot a warning shot or even with intention to injure but he wasn't right to shoot to kill. The mugger was 18 he probably would have run the moment Baker pulled his gun out. That said the bullets were hollow point and the man did stay with the dying mugger (although that may have been so that he didn't try to run before the police arrived) so it may be he intended to scare or merely injure the victim or that he only fired 8 shots in the confusion.
There is no "shooting to injure". It's a myth.

Any type of gunshot wound can and will kill, and you have to assume that the shooting will kill the person. People survive gunshot wounds all the time, but people also die of getting hit in the hand all the time.

If you shoot at all, you're shooting to drop and potentially kill the person.
Well what about firing a warning shot to scare someone of? Is THAT shooting to kill.
And have the risk of killing some innocent bystander you can't see? Maybe if it was the middle of the woods, but in an urban environment? No way.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
Jumpingbean3 said:
Ironic Pirate said:
Jumpingbean3 said:
He wasright to shoot a warning shot or even with intention to injure but he wasn't right to shoot to kill. The mugger was 18 he probably would have run the moment Baker pulled his gun out. That said the bullets were hollow point and the man did stay with the dying mugger (although that may have been so that he didn't try to run before the police arrived) so it may be he intended to scare or merely injure the victim or that he only fired 8 shots in the confusion.
There is no "shooting to injure". It's a myth.

Any type of gunshot wound can and will kill, and you have to assume that the shooting will kill the person. People survive gunshot wounds all the time, but people also die of getting hit in the hand all the time.

If you shoot at all, you're shooting to drop and potentially kill the person.
Well what about firing a warning shot to scare someone of? Is THAT shooting to kill.
Huh... So lets say he did shoot a warning shot....Where would it go? If he shoots up all that goes up comes down potentially hitting someone innocent, lets say he shoots at the ground it rebounds and hits someones house or someone walking farther down the street. To preserve all innocents in this situation the only option was to shoot the one guilty party. Please think before you post.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
reminds me of this thread



New member
Mar 3, 2010
I thought it was weird he carried a gun everywhere, but self defense is self defense.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Should have gone for a headshot, bullets aren't cheap you know...but yeah he had the right to defend himself, though eight shots is a little too much did he not think they were dead after the first four?


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Should have gone for a headshot, bullets aren't cheap you know...but yeah he had the right to defend himself, though eight shots is a little too much did he not think they were dead after the first four?

damn double post!