Poll: Teen Shot dead after attempting to mug man


New member
Jul 20, 2010
I'd shoot if there were two of them and they already were attacking and within arm's reach.

That said, it's a damn shame people don't carry tasers instead. You can't recall a bullet, but a taser is perfectly proportional force in that vast in-between stage when violent or criminal intent is merely intimated, and you can't be sure that your life is in danger. You can't very well kill people just for moving towards you and appearing threatening, and lots of criminals are high enough to wager that you won't fire.


The Cerulean Prince
Nov 5, 2008
Lord Kloo said:
A) who the hell carries a revolver (with hollow point and a laser sight he must think hes a hit man or something..) going out on a late night run..? And its was a concealed weapon, who other than the police and the army carry licenses for a pistol and to also conceal it..?

B) who goes out on late night runs, just ludicrous..

C) if you have a license for said concealed gun then why isn't he trained to use it properly and knee-cap his attacker instead of shooting them, 4 times, in the chest..

D) these muggers were unarmed and posed a seriously limited effect to his life and so fatal force was unnecessary.

E) also carrying $500 in cash whilst on a run.. this seems extremely fishy to me, more fishy than fishy, McFish..

F) death is not a suitable punishment for battery, if it was then the death rate by state execution would amount to something like several hundred thousand per year whereas its only about 100 or more currently..

Overall, stupid that people are allowed to go around carrying guns like that and also that he has been let off for murder (or at least manslaughter) he has intent to harm and possibly kill and also he has killed someone so I would charge him guilty of manslaughter.. or at least if it had been in the UK that would have been the verdict.

It is the mail though so they probably over exaggerated the information..

EDIT: also soldiers, are always told to inform any civilians that they will open fire if said civilian does not surrender. Kinda proves that no-one outside of law-enforcement and the army should be allowed a gun, and these groups having guns is debatable as well..
A)Depends. I certainly wouldn't carry a gun with me on a late-night run, but that's my mentality. Baker's mentality is most likely different from mine and since he had a permit to carry, he's perfectly within his rights to carry a weapon so long as he doesn't bring it on premises where guns are clearly banned.

B)Lots of people do. It's rather asinine of you to assume that just because you don't or just because people you know don't. That's the only reason I can think of of why you think people wouldn't go jogging at night. Hell, I live in Minnesota. People go jogging all the time even when it's below freezing. Just a simple nighttime would be cake walk for them.

C) If I was being mugged, I wouldn't exactly think "Only one or two shots will get the job done." No, I would worried for my life and I would protect myself. Now, this guy fired eight times. He only managed to hit him four in close range after being punched in the face. Getting punched in the face doesn't exactly help your thinking or your aim now, does it? This guy was outnumbered and has reasonable evidence to assume he was in danger when he got punched in the face and when two people were trying to mug him.

D) Except we know they were unarmed now after it was all said and done. Baker even stated that he didn't know they were unarmed. Now, he could be lying, but, again, after getting punched in the face by two assailants who wanted to mug me, I would probably assume that they're armed, too.

E) Yeah, I'll give you that point. Very fishy, indeed.

F) Another point I'll give you, but, hey, they chose to mug him and they faced the consequences of that. Now, state-executions shouldn't be done for battery, but this isn't the state. This was a jogger who had reasonable amount of evidence to use self-defense. Two different things. (And it'd be more expensive than just chucking them in prison, too!)

The rest of this, I won't even address, as you're English and I can tell you're a supporter of gun control. Gun control isn't the subject to debate here, Lord Kloo.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Slycne said:
moretimethansense said:
He fired eight times though, I agree he had the right to use the weapon in self defence, but eight?
It's a 45 semi auto, how many seconds does it take to fire that many?
How long does it normally take muggers to run?
I couldn't find the actual facts, but it's at least less than 3 seconds. One of the FBI handgun training tests has a segment requiring "The shooter will fire 4 strings of 2 rounds in 3 seconds, decocking and returning to low ready after each string."

We are not given a lot of the specifics, but I can completely see someone in the heat of the moment firing off 8 rounds in rapid succession to fend off an attacker.
You were beaten to it pal, A short enough time for panicked firing, seems legit to me.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Fagotto said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
archvile93 said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
Hmmmm... Eight times? Seems a bit much. Granted, he panicked, but if you're going to panic in those situations you shouldn't have a damned license. I think he should get some form of punishment, although not a large one.
Here's the thing though. Do you want to just fire one shot and learn you missed when he stabs you, or would you rather keep shooting in order to increase the odds that the threat is neutralized?
Yeah but eight shots? That seems a bit over the line to me.
And how many shots would have been enough? 4 out of 8 missed.
Two? If you're going to and miss wildly you should have a license. If America must let it's citizens have guns, at least make sure they're competent.


New member
May 25, 2010
A friend of my brother was stopped by 2 people around Leeds (UK), they caught him and when they found he didn't have anything on him, one pulled out a knife and stabbed his hand.

It's not that they just want your stuff and they'll leave you alone, they are dangerous, and some enjoy it. I'm glad that baker's life isn't now ruined either by the mugger who could've assaulted him and beaten him to death/caused serious injury with or without a weapon, or resulting in baker with criminal charges and leading to other problems such as loss of job.. all because of this one mugger.

Housebroken Lunatic

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Sep 12, 2009
moretimethansense said:
Fair enough, if it takes that small an amout of time, I doubt they'd have reacted that quickly, plus if you panic it might not be obvious they're retreating for a second or two.
I call reasonable use of force.
Also, even if he fired eight shots, we can't really know that any of the first four shots actually hit. If the first four missed, then it wouldn't be strange if the shooter panic and continue to pull the trigger in even more rapid succession in order to land a hit, which could explain why all of the last four shots hit.

It might seem like premeditated overkill to some, but most likely it was a stressfull and panicked situation for the shooter.


New member
May 18, 2009
I think if I were in that situation I would have fired the whole clip. Think about you just got hit in the face, your vision is blurry and you see two guys bearing down on you. If I had a gun in that situation my reaction would probably be the same.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Rule number one:
You are not supposed to rob people.

Tree number one:
The Larch
Apr 16, 2009
What Baker should have done was give the guys the cash. It's one of the first things you learn about in any sort of street safety lecture. Don't escalate things, do what they say. Now obviously this only works to an extent, but firearms should only be used when you think your life is in danger and as a last resort at that (rape is a different matter).

With that being said, he did the right thing by immediately calling 911 and waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
I've been randomly attacked before and there is no way in hell you would stop and think, hmmn, I wonder if this person is carrying a weapon, I'll fire a warning shot just in case. It is the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me, and I was lucky I could get away (I'm fucking fast runner, even though I have terrible stamina.) I would defend Baker's decision, and I'm not saying I'm glad the kids dead, but if he mugs people for fun, it's probably for the best, and it's probably taught his friend a good lesson about what can happen when you act like a dick too.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Fagotto said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
Fagotto said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
archvile93 said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
Hmmmm... Eight times? Seems a bit much. Granted, he panicked, but if you're going to panic in those situations you shouldn't have a damned license. I think he should get some form of punishment, although not a large one.
Here's the thing though. Do you want to just fire one shot and learn you missed when he stabs you, or would you rather keep shooting in order to increase the odds that the threat is neutralized?
Yeah but eight shots? That seems a bit over the line to me.
And how many shots would have been enough? 4 out of 8 missed.
Two? If you're going to and miss wildly you should have a license. If America must let it's citizens have guns, at least make sure they're competent.
Oh, so they train you to shoot in the dark after being hit in the head and take down a target with two shots?
Yes but I would have thought that a competent gun user would manage better than 50% accuracy in that situation.
Apr 16, 2009
Tiss said:
I think if I were in that situation I would have fired the whole clip. Think about you just got hit in the face, your vision is blurry and you see two guys bearing down on you. If I had a gun in that situation my reaction would probably be the same.
You probably shouldn't be describing firearm situations if you don't know what the difference between a clip and a magazine is.

The Real Sandman

New member
Oct 12, 2009
Dianela Gonzalez said:
How do you shoot someone eight times in self-defence?
Easy. Let's get into Baker's shoes for this.

Its the middle of the night.

You're all alone.

Two complete strangers walk up to you.

One of them punches you in the face.

You're bleeding and you're in a daze.

You have no idea what's going on.

Multiple thoughts are running through your head at the speed of light.

What did I do? Is he going to rob me? Is he going to kill me? Or something else maybe?

It doesn't matter.

Two strangers are attacking you.

You have a gun.

You don't know if they have one too.

Your stress is rising.

You're scared out of your mind.

All that you know is that your life is danger.

There is only one thing to do.

Now let me ask you. Given the present state of the moment...


Does it really fucking matter in the end? THE KID IS DEAD! It doesn't matter if one bullet was fired or if it was nine or more! Besides, Carlos shouldn't be the one people outside his family should show sympathy towards. HE was the assailant! HE threw the first blow! HE had the intention of mugging an innocent bystander minding his own business! He wasn't the victim, BAKER WAS!

As harsh as those words are (coupled with how truly sorry I am for the family), Baker did what anyone in that position would've done, and Carlos payed the price for his stupid decision.

P.S. And don't say "Well why was Baker jogging at midnight? Can't he jog in the day?"

To which I ask, who are you to tell a person when and where they can't jog? He wasn't selling lemonade or painting a fence, he was just exercising. Plenty of people do that at night. Maybe that's when his schedule allows him to exercise. Maybe he just likes running at night. He didn't have a curfew. He wasn't hurting anybody. Who has the authority to tell him otherwise?


New member
Apr 16, 2010
he had the right of self defense but to shoot a kid dead 8 times?!? he should of shot a warning shot or shoot the leg


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Fagotto said:
For the picture thing, underneath the other photo it says "Accused: Suspect Jared Loughner is alleged to have shot dead six people in a gun rampage in Arizona last weekend." So for whatever reason they decided to stick a picture of Jared Loughner there...
Dayum! See how I just assumed that was Baker?! Crafty journalists.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Nobody deserves to die for something like that. However, it isn't exactly tragic...he invoked this kind of response with trying to mug the poor guy, so, yeah he is kind of justified in his reaction.