Poll: Teen Shot dead after attempting to mug man


New member
Mar 4, 2010
Littlee300 said:
DuctTapeJedi said:
I don't think lethal force is ever justified. He could have shot him in the leg, or arm, or something.
You need to understand that this is a civilian not a trained police man or military unit.
A trained police man or military unit wouldn't have tried to shoot him in the arm or leg either.

Slick Samurai

New member
Jul 3, 2009
If I had a gun and I was being mugged, you're damn straight I would use it. I would use it several times. When someone like that decides that my money is more important than my well being, I return the favor. My money is more important than their well being.

Just enforcing the golden rule on some punk who thinks he can hassle a hard working man. Survival of the fittest, and he was not the fittest.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Who goes jogging at midnight with 500 pounds in their pocket? Thats just plain fucking idiotic.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
Housebroken Lunatic said:
Shooting someone with a gun in the centre of mass however will drop the target.
Hell, no it won't.

If that person is hopped up on enough drugs to ignore enough electricity to paralyze their muscles and nervous system, they might not even notice a 9mm through the lung or gut. Reagan didn't realize he'd been shot until someone noticed the blood all over the car. Teddy Roosevelt took a bullet and then finished his speech. And they were only a little high. (I kid, I kid.)

Guns aren't a sure thing either. It's a problem that bedevils the military. A single small caliber bullet to almost any part of the body instantly incapacitates (nevermind kills) a person only if they feel like letting it.

Carrying a gun is most useful for the fear factor. If that fails, it's as problematic as any weapon used by a human on a human. So zap them first. No reason you can't carry a gun as well.

Who goes jogging at midnight with 500 pounds in their pocket? Thats just plain fucking idiotic.
But he has a gun. Who cares if someone ends up dead? Their fault.

Or so the thinking goes.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Housebroken Lunatic said:
DanielDeFig said:
Well, wouldn't the chances of that improve of half the civilian population wasn't carrying lethal weapons?
I'd rather have a bunch of dead muggers in situations of self-defense, rather than having a mugger/killer put on trial with a dead victim because the victim was completely unable to defend him/herself and the mugger decided that it would be best not to leave any witnesses.

The mugger broke the law, and a law concerning violence to boot. Thus he or she should be forced to accept the risk of getting killed because of it.

DanielDeFig said:
Couldn't the money and time spent on arming citizens from criminals be better spent looking for and addressing the root of the problem (Why they feel the need to mug someone)?
That is impossible. Mainly since there are no universal reasons for muggings/assaults of this kind. It isn't normal or acceptable to let people assault total strangers like that, and the motivations for doing it is irrelevant.

It is more beneficient if these deviants die due to their own folly than wasting resources in trying to determine what kind of warped logic their degenerate brains follow.

DanielDeFig said:
Believing that killing criminals will somehow "deplete" the number of criminals, is the same vein of thought as ethnic cleansing.
So your best argument is trying to use the logical fallacy of guilt by association? How very clever of you. :)

Time to stretch the logicl-muscles a bit: Just because something might be construed as being in "the same vain" as something else, it doesn't prove that it is just as bad.
1. I wouldn't. People are people, and they are all worth the same. No one deserves to die, even if lethal force may sometimes be necessary to preserve another life. With today's technology and access to information, i think the frequency of that necessity can be brought down severely.

2.No universal law for that no. Which is why research is needed to study each country and try to find out why people believe they have no other option if they want to survive (very rarely, they are correct). The only universal reason i can come up with, is that belief that there are no other options. By providing more options, making them more accessible, and educating people about the options they actually have, we are usually able to bring down crime rates (it's been done before, throughout the history of human civilization).

3. I was not trying to get a feeling of guilt, merely showing how illogical it is to believe that a person's actions, or way of living, in itself demanded the neccecity of their death.

Oh. And have you studied philosophy? Or does your philosophy teacher truly believe that philosophy is based on something other than reasoned and logical arguments?
And just to clear this up: Ethics is the study of morality, trying to find common ground among the endless variety of moral systems, and applying logic and reasoning to them to see if they hold up.


The Cerulean Prince
Nov 5, 2008
DuctTapeJedi said:
I don't think lethal force is ever justified. He could have shot him in the leg, or arm, or something.
You must not know how hard it is to shoot someone in the leg or the arm or the something, wherever that something may be. It's not Call of Duty. Besides, this guy got punched in the face -and- he missed 4 out of 8 times. His aim clearly wasn't good, and getting punched right to the face probably effected that. Add that to the fact that it's nighttime, too. Yeah. He could have shot him in the leg or arm, but chances are that he would have most likely missed every single hit. Police are taught to aim for the chest. The army is taught to aim for the chest. Why? Because it's the easiest target to shoot at in a short amount of time and taking your dear sweet time to actually aim for an arm or a leg can get you killed. When you are defending yourself, it's kill or be killed. Yes, it's sad that the kid died and I feel sorry for the family that has to forever live without a son who made the terribly stupid choice of mugging someone, when one of the consequences of mugging someone is that they might have a weapon they can use to defend themselves.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Housebroken Lunatic said:
benzooka said:
Rule number one:
You are not supposed to rob people.

Tree number one:
The Larch
The Larch...

THE... LARCH. :p
<spoiler=number three>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/Tauriel/Larch.jpg
The Larch


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Yes the hard working Blue collar guy trying to feed his family is the bad guy here. *face palm*
The fuck? The fact that we even have to have this debate is a bad sign for this country. Of course Baker was right, he was getting mugged.

And 8 shots is completely reasonable. Thats self-defense 101: aim at the center of mass and dont stop pulling the trigger till the attacker drops.


New member
May 18, 2009
I don't particularly care what the proper term is, if I am assaulted and I have a gun to defend myself I am not going to think, maybe I should only shoot at this guy three times, I am going to shoot until I have emptied the magazine(happy now).


New member
Aug 20, 2009
he had all the right to protect himself and the kid shouldnt go around robbing potentialy armed people

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Yes, he's in the right.
I don't would never murder, myself, due to my beliefs, but he was in the right.
I feel like what I'm about to say has already been said, probably because it has:
He had his life threatened.
Understandably, he shot in self defense. Also understandably, he shot more than was neccessary.
Unfortunate that the mugger died, I personally think that's an uneccessary punishment for mugging, but still, I guess it makes an example, and teaches a good lesson.
Don't mug people. At all. They might just, oh, I don't know, pull a gun and totally fuck you up.


New member
May 15, 2010
Piecewise said:
Who goes jogging at midnight with 500 pounds in their pocket? Thats just plain fucking idiotic.
It may be idiotic, but it doesn't make it right to punch him in the face and steal that money. You can say he was unwise to be doing what he was doing but it doesn't make what the mugger did justifiable. Anyway the mugger didn't know how much money he was going to get from him when he attacked him, he could not possibly have expected to get that much from someone who was out for a run. He was prepared to attack a stranger for a far smaller return than that.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Littlee300 said:
DuctTapeJedi said:
I don't think lethal force is ever justified. He could have shot him in the leg, or arm, or something.
You need to understand that this is a civilian not a trained police man or military unit.
I understood that perfectly. It doesn't take training to realize that even threatening the kid with the gun would have stopped him.

EDIT: Also, the kid was shot four times. How is that not excessive?


New member
Jul 5, 2009
BobDobolina said:
monkey_man said:
He wasn't right, but also not wrong. It was self defence, but he kinda pushed it. Perhaps being a mugger in America isn't really smart
[small] aborts plans, sighs [/small]
Just make sure you get a bigger gun. Looks like the mugger's mistake in this instance was to be unarmed when trying to mug a guy.
If you have a bigger gun,used for threatening people, and sometime killing them, you are either an assassin or a hitman, or both.
And that's not a good career choise, now is it?
[small] it is [/small]

Missing SHODAN

New member
Jun 9, 2010
Littlee300 said:
DuctTapeJedi said:
I don't think lethal force is ever justified. He could have shot him in the leg, or arm, or something.
You need to understand that this is a civilian not a trained police man or military unit.
Although even if it had been, the biggest difference would have been probably number of shots fire and number of misses. The police and military train to shoot for the torso. It's a large target that is unlikely to be moving nearly as much.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Lord Kloo said:
I simply can't fathom how you and a few others in this thread have jumped from self defense to execution. They are two completely different things.

With execution, you have a crime that has already been committed where the outcome has been determined and a criminal that is in custody and no longer a threat to anyone, regardless of what he did.

Self defense on the other had has a criminal actively attacking someone and a victim that has no way of knowing what the outcome will be.

Judging these two scenarios by the same standards is akin to judging fire by it's liquidity. It just does not make sense.

As for your views on self defense... wow. So you are so intent on being judged as better than anyone that would would let yourself be beaten and even killed? What about other peoples lives? What if a loved one was being beaten? Would you not intervene because the attacker deserves to be protected as much as the victim?

Seriously dude, it's one thing to be against violence but it's a totally different ballpark to say it's wrong to defend yourself at all.