Poll: THE ARMY: What Would You Serve In?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Before I finally decided to do civilian service for 9 months, I was recommended for sniper at the military. No sh*t. I was seriously considering it.

However, I decided against it. Measuring my life against that of someone else is neither a question, nor a decision. And it damn sure won't be an order from someone who knows even less about life.

The people in charge are starting wars for resources these days, not to defend human lives. So I decided to defend lives through civilian service. Should it ever come to the worst case, any monkey can handle a damn firearm (Not that I need to though, after the martial arts that I'm in, hand to hand combat and a kevlar vest will get you further than you think).


New member
May 8, 2008
I wouldn't be stupid enough to join the army first off. But if I absolutely had to I would join the Special Forces, I go on nighttime "missions" around my home town as it is so I think I would be best suited to that.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Sneak that sh*t! Scouts lead the way! and other vague quotes! :D

I would be stalthy... and probably slap a sniper in my hand if I absolutely had to join the Armed Forces, if I was drafted and literally had no choice... other than jail, but still.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I don't think that I would join the army in the first place, and if I had to I would choose jail time. However, for the purpose of this I picked Mechanized because I would rather be transporting people around than killing and dying.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Artillery- feel a lot safer behind my own lines, while getting to fire som pretty awsome big guns.... i like big guns :D


New member
Aug 17, 2009
i'd join if the people i was defending really needed the help, like they would be tortured or killed, even if they were from another country (i'd possibly sacrifice my life for others, and a french, indian, or american person's life is just as important as an australian's, i think the idea of seperate countries is kinda retarded).

Steel Ronin

New member
Apr 14, 2009
Special Forces FTW (I really like Thief games) although I wouldn't be in the military cause I am a coward but going around military bases,houses and other places armed with a blackjack sounds fun.

Steel Ronin

New member
Apr 14, 2009
ScientificDJ said:
i'd join if the people i was defending really needed the help, like they would be tortured or killed, even if they were from another country (i'd possibly sacrifice my life for others, and a french, indian, or american person's life is just as important as an australian's, i think the idea of seperate countries is kinda retarded).
well most poeple who run countries are retarded lol


New member
Nov 24, 2008
I hope all of you douchediggers really think about what you're doing before you go headfirst into the military. Stealth? You think you could really be a Navy Seal? You have no fucking clue what those guys go through. You don't have a name, no family, no soul. You become a literal killing machine. There are no questions about your orders, the only thing that matters is execution, as thoroughly as possible. I've done my research, and going into my senior year of high school.. I'm totally content with the civilian lifestyle. Let me put it this way, do you like eating food, relaxing and generally doing whatever the fuck you want? Go medical, or computers.. science, design the shit for the poor souls, god bless the marines and the front-liners, who are out there doing the real hard work.


Elite Member
May 29, 2009
toastybuds said:
I hope all of you douchediggers really think about what you're doing before you go headfirst into the military. Stealth? You think you could really be a Navy Seal? You have no fucking clue what those guys go through. You don't have a name, no family, no soul. You become a literal killing machine. There are no questions about your orders, the only thing that matters is execution, as thoroughly as possible. I've done my research, and going into my senior year of high school.. I'm totally content with the civilian lifestyle. Let me put it this way, do you like eating food, relaxing and generally doing whatever the fuck you want? Go medical, or computers.. science, design the shit for the poor souls, god bless the marines and the front-liners, who are out there doing the real hard work.
Nicely said. Yeah these guys think its a game, but i guess thats what you can expect on an escapist thread yeah?
i personally voted frontlines, but only because sniper wasn't up there.
but it was a close call, i almost voted special forces, and support
my reason?
sniper: you can just take cover and shoot, with not too much risk for your own life, while 'helping' your side at the same time.
special forces: if it were for a good cause (not just for oil and stuff) i'd sacrifice all that. and special forces are probably going to be taking out more predominant or important enemies that front line soldiers ect
Support: i think that going into enemy prisons and saving your own side from torture and execution can never be a bad thing.. and you'd be doing less killing than all the other ones too.

nice thread this is

Mechanical Cat Fish

New member
May 16, 2009
I'd be too scared to go anywhere near the front. Logistics for me; though I should point out that's a kick in the nuts for everybody else because I'm terrible at RTSs.