Poll: THE ARMY: What Would You Serve In?


New member
Nov 24, 2008
TacticalAssassin1 said:
toastybuds said:
I hope all of you douchediggers really think about what you're doing before you go headfirst into the military. Stealth? You think you could really be a Navy Seal? You have no fucking clue what those guys go through. You don't have a name, no family, no soul. You become a literal killing machine. There are no questions about your orders, the only thing that matters is execution, as thoroughly as possible. I've done my research, and going into my senior year of high school.. I'm totally content with the civilian lifestyle. Let me put it this way, do you like eating food, relaxing and generally doing whatever the fuck you want? Go medical, or computers.. science, design the shit for the poor souls, god bless the marines and the front-liners, who are out there doing the real hard work.
Nicely said. Yeah these guys think its a game, but i guess thats what you can expect on an escapist thread yeah?
i personally voted frontlines, but only because sniper wasn't up there.
but it was a close call, i almost voted special forces, and support
my reason?
sniper: you can just take cover and shoot, with not too much risk for your own life, while 'helping' your side at the same time.
special forces: if it were for a good cause (not just for oil and stuff) i'd sacrifice all that. and special forces are probably going to be taking out more predominant or important enemies that front line soldiers ect
Support: i think that going into enemy prisons and saving your own side from torture and execution can never be a bad thing.. and you'd be doing less killing than all the other ones too.

nice thread this is
Snipers don't have it easy, at all. I've heard stories (I hate to be "that guy" with all the war stories and whatnot.. but hey I got friends and family who have and are serving.) of how hardcore some of the shit they had to go through can be. Snipers aren't always just gunning down towelheads and yelling "boom headshot" behind the business end of a Barrett .50 Rifle. Intelligence is a crucial part of their position as well. How much would you enjoy laying in the mud, shitting in your pants so much that it piles up in your ghillie suit so much it cuts of circulation in your legs. The lengths you have to go to remain undetected are unreal to imagine for a civilian. Pushing yourself to the end of your limits, just enough to maintain the physical capability to record information, and, if needed, fire a precise.. single round into the head of an enemy. Don't even get me started on the physics involved, and all of the calculations.


Elite Member
May 29, 2009
toastybuds said:
TacticalAssassin1 said:
toastybuds said:
I hope all of you douchediggers really think about what you're doing before you go headfirst into the military. Stealth? You think you could really be a Navy Seal? You have no fucking clue what those guys go through. You don't have a name, no family, no soul. You become a literal killing machine. There are no questions about your orders, the only thing that matters is execution, as thoroughly as possible. I've done my research, and going into my senior year of high school.. I'm totally content with the civilian lifestyle. Let me put it this way, do you like eating food, relaxing and generally doing whatever the fuck you want? Go medical, or computers.. science, design the shit for the poor souls, god bless the marines and the front-liners, who are out there doing the real hard work.
Nicely said. Yeah these guys think its a game, but i guess thats what you can expect on an escapist thread yeah?
i personally voted frontlines, but only because sniper wasn't up there.
but it was a close call, i almost voted special forces, and support
my reason?
sniper: you can just take cover and shoot, with not too much risk for your own life, while 'helping' your side at the same time.
special forces: if it were for a good cause (not just for oil and stuff) i'd sacrifice all that. and special forces are probably going to be taking out more predominant or important enemies that front line soldiers ect
Support: i think that going into enemy prisons and saving your own side from torture and execution can never be a bad thing.. and you'd be doing less killing than all the other ones too.

nice thread this is
Snipers don't have it easy, at all. I've heard stories (I hate to be "that guy" with all the war stories and whatnot.. but hey I got friends and family who have and are serving.) of how hardcore some of the shit they had to go through can be. Snipers aren't always just gunning down towelheads and yelling "boom headshot" behind the business end of a Barrett .50 Rifle. Intelligence is a crucial part of their position as well. How much would you enjoy laying in the mud, shitting in your pants so much that it piles up in your ghillie suit so much it cuts of circulation in your legs. The lengths you have to go to remain undetected are unreal to imagine for a civilian. Pushing yourself to the end of your limits, just enough to maintain the physical capability to record information, and, if needed, fire a precise.. single round into the head of an enemy. Don't even get me started on the physics involved, and all of the calculations.
Yeah dont get me wrong, i know how bad it is for snipers too, i heard somewhere it can take days for snipers to travel 3- or 400 meters in enemy territory. i'd just rather take my time than be a frontlines person getting shot up all the time.
yeah the math involved in setting up a shot, in windy conditions, massive distances to shoot over and failure not an option, its bloody hard. it is for everyone in the war.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
i'm a tactition, i'd rather not kill people too. best way to minimalist loss of life.
or some sort of healer.

Mr. Tibbles

New member
Jun 9, 2009
I am airborne support in a special unit in the far east. But I can tell you that being small arms/towed arty repair is fun, we can go anywhere fix anything. JOIN THE ARMY MEET INTERESTING PEOPLE THEN KILL THEM AND TAKE THEIR OIL! I mean... well you know what i mean.

Oh and we have great job security.

EDIT: Dont assume that what they feed the masses about all the special operations is true. And navy seals are not just killing machines, they are damn near rocket scientists and good people. But dont get me started on how stuck up SF guys are.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Nevyrmoore said:
You know...I really have to wonder how many people here are being realistic when choosing Special Forces...
I think it's good, shows that the people who voted Special Forces aim high. Though I agree that they probably wouldn't last 5 minutes.

Mr. Tibbles

New member
Jun 9, 2009
Marq said:
Nevyrmoore said:
You know...I really have to wonder how many people here are being realistic when choosing Special Forces...
I doubt anyone here would last a day in Special Forces. Frontline infantry for you all to catch bullets in.
I loled when I read this. Look up what you need to do for the Q course, its really not that hard if you really want to do it.