Poll: The most overrated genre of music!


New member
Mar 8, 2012
I wanna find out what you guys think is the most overrated genre of music out there. Not the WORSE but the most OVERRATED.

I've been recommended many, many songs from people that say, "yeah dude, it's like totally the best song evaaarrr! It's leik pure ecstacy!!!" .... and then, utter disapointment.

What do you guys think? (Do tell me if I've missed a genre worth being in the poll too)

EDIT (again): Secret Option #42 is now Dubstep, Classical Music is on the poll.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
Well, honestly, I'd say classical music.

There are plenty of people who are willing to write off other varieties of music as complete crap (accurate or otherwise) but very few who will admit the same for classical.

Conversley, fans of classical are some of the most elitist snobs in music fandom I've ever seen.

So yeah. Despite my own enjoyment of the genre, that's what I'd pick.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
You've put me in a tough spot with your two modern rock examples, because I find Kings of Leon incredibly overrated, but Franz Ferdinand ARE LIKE TOTALLy THE BESTEST BAND EVVAAAHHZZ!

I'm going to go for the secret option: Classical. Not that I have an issue with it, but I do have an issue with the fact that people are almost mandated to enjoy classical or think it's objectively better than modern music, and to do otherwise simply means that you just don't 'get' music.

Also, if anyone in this thread has a go at Franz Ferdinand, I will tear off your scrotum (or stitch one onto you, only to tear it off again, should you be lacking one in the first place). You have been warned.

Also, you could probably stick metal or classic rock in the list too. I love 'em both, but they tend to get a lot of hype.

EDIT: Damn. Ninja'd.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Britpop most definitely, mainly because most people here in Britain refer Britpop bands as legendary and untouchable (Blur and Oasis being the big ones), but all they were, was just a bunch of boring suburban 20-something blokes singing about how badly done by they are, living on the breadline in a 90's Post-Thatcher Britain, while sounding as humdrum as humanly possible. Also, every band in the genre sounded the same, and there isn't much originality, or distinction between them.

It also destroyed interest in many great underground scenes in Britain, and some of the favourite genre's of music. Shoegaze, Grunge and the Baggy scenes being a couple, that were crushed under the foot of the overrated juggernaut that was Britpop. It was a crying shame too, as those genres strived for creativity, and diversity, whilst Britpop did not.

This blogger also shares my opinion on this subject.



New member
Jul 26, 2010
Classic Rock.

Because everyone and i mean EVERYONE keeps hyping it up as some kind of ultimate form of music. Not only do you have to stand the older generations incessant blurting but you also have to deal with people your age whining about how much better music was back then. And to be honest the music just bores me. Compared to more modern genre's it lacks in energy and modern recording/production gear just beats the shit out of their ancestors.

On 2nd place comes the whole indie palette.

Not because the music is bad, it's just that whole air of pretensiousness is hard to stomach. Especially given that altenative indie genres tends to not differ very much from the mainstream equivalents that they claim superiority over. Indie pop is especially guilty of this.

3rd place is shared between technical metal and "advanced" classical music.

I don't care how long the performers went to a conservatorium or practiced in their parents basement. I listen to music because it is pleasing to my ears, not because the musician can play his instrument with his ass-cheeks. I don't have time for technical wankery.


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
Britpop for me too.

Don't get me wrong, the genre has some of the best anthems from across the spectrum but everything else is really, really bland. I'd rather listen to the likes of Lady Gaga than sit down to an evening of non-anthemic britpop. Indie/modern rock coming second.

I would have voted metal but that wasn't an option, sadly.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Mainstream definitely

This includes Lady gaga, Adele, Lil Wayne and Drake (They're not rappers)and Katy Perry.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Saladfork said:
Well, honestly, I'd say classical music.

There are plenty of people who are willing to write off other varieties of music as complete crap (accurate or otherwise) but very few who will admit the same for classical.

Conversley, fans of classical are some of the most elitist snobs in music fandom I've ever seen.

So yeah. Despite my own enjoyment of the genre, that's what I'd pick.
I'd probably agree with this, I don't think any modern genre that doesn't get a bad rap from a lot of people except for classical really. For anything else there's a crapload of people who'll hate on it, but never classical music.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Saladfork said:
Well, honestly, I'd say classical music.

There are plenty of people who are willing to write off other varieties of music as complete crap (accurate or otherwise) but very few who will admit the same for classical.

Conversley, fans of classical are some of the most elitist snobs in music fandom I've ever seen.

So yeah. Despite my own enjoyment of the genre, that's what I'd pick.
I agree very much with this statement. Classical music gets a lot of respect, and rightly so, but in the past century or so, it hasn't pushed any new musical boundaries on the scale that jazz, rock, or electronic music have. Accordingly, I've met classical fans who've said that the only interesting group in terms of music theory since 1950 is the Beatles, which is an astoundingly absurd claim. Maybe classical fans are just woefully uninformed on modern music and thus come off as exceedingly arrogant, while classical music itself is good but somewhat antiquated.

I also nominate metal, which is very samey between most artists but is obsessively pored over and compartmentalized by its fans.

Also classic rock, which has been enshrined by FM radio into a very narrow brand of American rock from 1965 to 1985 which ignores many of the best artists from that era but which is for some reason looked on as the golden age of contemporary music which must be clung to for all time while the rest of the world wonders why they haven't touched their playlists for 20 years


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Launcelot111 said:
I also nominate metal, which is very samey between most artists but is obsessively pored over and compartmentalized by its fans.
Oddly enough, I've always found metal to have a lot more diversity within it than many other genres, although perhaps that's due to the fact I'm far more familiar with it than I am any other genre.


New member
Mar 8, 2012
I'm suprised here, I thought Mainstream or Rap would be at the forefront of overrated-ness. As a grade 8 student for piano, I am forced to enjoy aaaalllll the glory of barqoue and classical music. (The romantic pieces and jazz pieces are good though)

So... that option totally slipped my mind. Also, metal, how did I forget metal?! I guess the peeps at my school aren't really metal people, just a lot more electronic/dance/club music I've come to loathe more and more.

As for classical rock? I find more little gems of music in the past than in present day music. Don't get me wrong, the share of music I like between classic - modern rock (for example) is about 50/50. The songs of those days just seem to have much more personality and style. Some of the modern sample would include Gnarls Barkely, an artist that their 15 mins of fame were over far too quickly.

I still manage to find at least some songs from each genre I like. Rap, Flobots. Modern electronic, Hello by Martin Solveig. R&B mainstream-thingy, American Boy by Estelle? <-- I don't know why I like it much, I think it's trying to be a bit jazzy at times. Also, 80s electronica was pretty good, Pet Shop Boys, Depeche Mode (80s version pleeeze), Human League and Simple Minds ^_^

@ Suicide Jim, Franz is awesome! Scottish people make suprisingly good music sometimes. (I'm still a KoL fan though :p)

Ps. Automatic high-five for anyone else who knows any of the 80s band I listed *smack*

Captcha: patience, child


New member
Mar 29, 2009
I'm not that great at musical genres, but Queen fits right in with classical rock, right? Because Queen, and all music that sounds like Queen is being praised like I don't know what anymore.

I have some Queen songs in my playlists, sure, but for christs sake, their not worth going up in arms for if someone dislikes them.

Serge A. Storms

New member
Oct 7, 2009
I don't think I could pick a whole genre as overrated, but I do think mainstream pop should be some kind of divine ear-sexing phenomenon of sound if every artist at the top of the genre was redefining it the way they're described at their peak. Lady Gaga's apparently redefined what popular music is about five times so far and she still hasn't put out an album that anyone would dare mention in the same breath as Thriller.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
IamQ said:
I'm not that great at musical genres, but Queen fits right in with classical rock, right? Because Queen, and all music that sounds like Queen is being praised like I don't know what anymore.

I have some Queen songs in my playlists, sure, but for christs sake, their not worth going up in arms for if someone dislikes them.
I once got hit in the arm by a girl when I said I didn't like Queen.

I don't hate them now though, but then again I don't like them either, so I'm kinda neutral on the subject of queen.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
Jazoni89 said:
IamQ said:
I'm not that great at musical genres, but Queen fits right in with classical rock, right? Because Queen, and all music that sounds like Queen is being praised like I don't know what anymore.

I have some Queen songs in my playlists, sure, but for christs sake, their not worth going up in arms for if someone dislikes them.
I once got hit in the arm by a girl when I said I didn't like Queen.

I don't hate them now though, but then again I don't like them either, so I'm kinda neutral on the subject of queen.
I like some of Queen's songs, but only some. Maybe I'm too young for that kind of music, but its just not a good band to sit down and listen to. I mean, you can't really jam to "we are the champions". They have too many weird songs that don't really fit the mood for any kind of activity. But since the lead signer is gay and he died that band is exempt from all insult apparently. Sigh....ppl these days.

OP: Mainstream pop/rap/hip-hop is probably the worst. I mean, classical is the king of pretentiousness, but it doesn't stand a chance to the amount of Jay-z, Kanye, Katy Perry, Adele, Drake, Nicky Minaj (VOMIT INDUCING), trash out there.

on another note, Katy Perry first album was actually good. Before she was super popular. You have to admit.


New member
Mar 8, 2012
Don Savik said:
Jazoni89 said:
IamQ said:
I'm not that great at musical genres, but Queen fits right in with classical rock, right? Because Queen, and all music that sounds like Queen is being praised like I don't know what anymore.

I have some Queen songs in my playlists, sure, but for christs sake, their not worth going up in arms for if someone dislikes them.
I once got hit in the arm by a girl when I said I didn't like Queen.

I don't hate them now though, but then again I don't like them either, so I'm kinda neutral on the subject of queen.
I like some of Queen's songs, but only some. Maybe I'm too young for that kind of music, but its just not a good band to sit down and listen to. I mean, you can't really jam to "we are the champions". They have too many weird songs that don't really fit the mood for any kind of activity. But since the lead signer is gay and he died that band is exempt from all insult apparently. Sigh....ppl these days.

OP: Mainstream pop/rap/hip-hop is probably the worst. I mean, classical is the king of pretentiousness, but it doesn't stand a chance to the amount of Jay-z, Kanye, Katy Perry, Adele, Drake, Nicky Minaj (VOMIT INDUCING), trash out there.

on another note, Katy Perry first album was actually good. Before she was super popular. You have to admit.
Some of Queen's songs are just KILLED by the amount of people playing it and saying "they're a true fan of classic rock." The three victim/culprits are Bohemian Rasphody, We Are The Champions and We Will Rock You. Bohemian Rasphody was actually my fave Queen song until I found Killer Queen. This song was just leaking with the abundance of personality and charm.

I will also give a nice meaty backhand slap across the faces of people who think that Queen ripped off of Vanilla Ice when it came to Under Pressure. "Bad idiot person who thinks they know music, BAD!"

As for mainstream pop, I just feel like they rely too much on synths and electronic sounds. A lot of songs just use a drum machine in the background instead of a real drummer. The melody is just more "whewmn" and "swhoops," I don't even know anymore. The reason I got into Travis (post-britpop) was because 95% of their sounds use live instruments. Hell, "Sing" has a nice backing banjo melody.



Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
TakeshiLive said:
I'm suprised here, I thought Mainstream or Rap would be at the forefront of overrated-ness. As a grade 8 student for piano, I am forced to enjoy aaaalllll the glory of barqoue and classical music. (The romantic pieces and jazz pieces are good though)
I am somewhat jealous of your "real" grade 8 piano skills, compared to my feeble rockschool syllabus that has no classical pieces on it.

But for me it's rock (metal mainly). It is probably due to how long I have been on the internet, as 50% of recommended music is always metal, metal is always the top voted genre in a poll, AMVs, video game montages etc always seem to have metal as the backing track more than anything.

But... there is nothing wrong with metal, I just guess it's not my thing.

I have a soft spot for electronic music after listening to more of it, and I say the same thing to rap, often on the internet I see people bash it more than love it...

Mainstream pop is very close though, but I don't take that music seriously from a listening perspective, so even though it is very important for it to exist, I am not going to claim it as overrated because the reason it is popular is rather a very simple one. "Because it's catchy"


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Rap, which also is in the lead for the "worst" category in my personal opinion. Every single other category up there has a significant quantity of musical pieces with value to them. With rap songs, you're lucky simply to be able to avoid the songs with little more than cussing in lieu of content.

Pop is a close second, but for different reasons.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I'm going to go with Indie music. It's just... It just doesn't sound that creative to me it seems so... inauthentic. Like we KNOW hiphop artists and pop stars are sellouts, but at least they're honest about it. That and most things that fall in to the 'indie genre' sound aweful, bland, and boring to me.

Raise your hand if you're old enough to remember when indie music wasn't a genre just a type of record company.