Poll: The most overrated genre of music!


New member
Mar 8, 2012
Vault101 said:
The Diabolical Biz said:
TakeshiLive said:
I'm suprised here, I thought Mainstream or Rap would be at the forefront of overrated-ness. As a grade 8 student for piano, I am forced to enjoy aaaalllll the glory of barqoue and classical music. (The romantic pieces and jazz pieces are good though)
Woo same! Although I'm only doing one Baroque piece for my Grade 8 - a Scarlatti Sonata.

The Romantic stuff is breathtaking though, I'm a complete sucker for Chopin.

OT: I guess I throw my vote in with Classic Rock, which isn't an option in the poll. People enshrine it as this mythical era of wonder, where every song was golden and had meaningful lyrics and was artistically integral. Blarrgghhhhhh and bullshit, I say.
couldnt agree more...I mean I can apreciate it for its "historical" contribution...but the actual music is just nice and maintream..and safe..and BORING

I do love rap though...for somthing to be "overated" it has to be held critically in high regard.."generally" rap isnt

so for example justin beiber is not over rated
During Beiber's breakthrough and rise to stardom, it was pretty overrated. I mean there's still a movie that was made about him.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
TakeshiLive said:
During Beiber's breakthrough and rise to stardom, it was pretty overrated. I mean there's still a movie that was made about him.
justin beiber was mostly considered a pop idol for tween girls..not some "revolutionary best music EVAR!" type thing

like i said, somthing cant be overrates if it isnt "critically praised to hell and back"

I guess saying justin beiber is over rated would make more sense if you were a teen girl in the demographic and all your feinds love him

but its like twilight, twilight is not over-rated because no one thourght it was good in the first palce (excpet its fans)


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
No metal? Huh.

I chose Rap/Hip Hop, though. I don't even dislike it, but...

"Kanye West has never released a bad album, and 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' is a masterpiece..."



New member
Mar 8, 2012
Vault101 said:
TakeshiLive said:
During Beiber's breakthrough and rise to stardom, it was pretty overrated. I mean there's still a movie that was made about him.
justin beiber was mostly considered a pop idol for tween girls..not some "revolutionary best music EVAR!" type thing

like i said, somthing cant be overrates if it isnt "critically praised to hell and back"

I guess saying justin beiber is over rated would make more sense if you were a teen girl in the demographic and all your feinds love him

but its like twilight, twilight is not over-rated because no one thourght it was good in the first palce (excpet its fans)
Aaaannd... the teen girl demographic is also the most likely to be bother to vote for their own favourite pop teen star in the award ceremonies. I don't bother caring about the results anymore, it's just a popularity contest. (Like as if that wasn't obvious)


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Regnes said:
Current mainstream is incredibly overrated. Mainstream has rarely ever been the best music of each generation, but these days it's just awful.

Fact: If you can easily detect the use of autotune in a song with your ears alone, then the person in the song sucks and can't sing.

Fact: You can detect autotune in almost every mainstream song these days.

Fact: Autotune has become so familiar to people that the robotic sound it produces when combined with untalented people is popular.

Fact: It is now trendy to have no talent.
There's a problem with your first fact... All bad singers use autotune, but not all people who use autotune are bad singers.

It got popularized by T-Pain (who, interestingly, can sing), and is often used to get the modern pop sound regardless of singing quality. Stupid, yes, but it's not that bad.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Music can never be overrated. Music is, in general, a big-ass palette of colours, and some people like some colours while others find them boring.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Regnes said:
Current mainstream is incredibly overrated. Mainstream has rarely ever been the best music of each generation, .
no one is disputing that....particually people would consider themselfs knoweagle on what exactaly IS good music


New member
Mar 8, 2012
lacktheknack said:
No metal? Huh.

I chose Rap/Hip Hop, though. I don't even dislike it, but...

"Kanye West has never released a bad album, and 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' is a masterpiece..."

Ha ha, sorry about not putting Metal up as a genre. It's a genre that no one in my year group goes religiously worshipping as if it were the best thing to ever grace the ears of man. The other genres are though so here we are...


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Easily mainstream pop, its shoved down our throats nearly everyday and we're just expected to like it. I also just think there's no creativity in modern pop, its all just ripping off other peoples ideas.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Launcelot111 said:
I also nominate metal, which is very samey between most artists but is obsessively pored over and compartmentalized by its fans.
That... I somehow doubt. Metal actually seems to have a lot of variety.

They all seem very different. At least to me, the metal fan. :/

OT: I dunno. Rap, I guess? I don't listen to much of the stuff, so I don't really understand why it is so popular nowadays.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
deth2munkies said:
You can't even talk about genres of music anymore, they're so ridiculously diverse that there have to be literally hundreds of genres nowadays. There's no point in saying which one is "overrated" or "underrated" when you can just say "the band you do/n't like is over/underrated.
Actually it is possible to like something and still find it overrated. I like classical rock and modern rock, but I still find it overrated. Although you are correct about there being too many genres to actually sort it out properly.

The most overrated genre I can think of is dubstep. It's terrible on its own, but it receives praise for some reason. The Borderlands 2 trailer featuring dubstep soundtrack made me want the game less and I barely bothered to finish the trailer.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
diggy140892 said:
its all just ripping off other peoples ideas.
that is pretty much any peice of art ever

"there is nothing new under the sun"

plus no one expects anyone to like pop music...its targeted towards young people who dont know better..

and some of it is actually good


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
BreakfastMan said:
OT: I dunno. Rap, I guess? I don't listen to much of the stuff, so I don't really understand why it is so popular nowadays.
.....yes..because you dont listen to alot of it

it comes down to personal taste...anyone who says rap is ONLY gangsta suff about bitches...I could say otherwise


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Vault101 said:
diggy140892 said:
its all just ripping off other peoples ideas.
that is pretty much any peice of art ever

"there is nothing new under the sun"

plus no one expects anyone to like pop music...its targeted towards young people who dont know better..

and some of it is actually good
I dunno, every time I seem to say I don't like Lady Gaga I seem to get looked at as if I'm mad. And then it usually ends with them telling me I'm clearly just not smart enough to "get" Lady Gaga. And then they proceed to tell me that the Heavy Metal music I listen to is not real music and is just noise.

Also I just get fed up with not being able to turn the radio on without hearing nothing but pop music and these TV Talent shows just make the whole thing even worse, churning out manufactured acts who cannot write their own songs year after year.


Ya Old Mate
May 3, 2009
I voted for indie, but modern electronic gets a mention too.

Indie is overrated up the ass. Most bands strive to be individual but they all end up somehow sounding like a Bon Iver cover band (Bon Iver being the MOST overrated band of the lot)

And electronic today is just...uninspired is the only way to describe it.