Poll: The most overrated genre of music!

Uber Evil

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Minor thing, but it's Avicii, not Avichii. Also, I may hate modern pop (a lot), but so do a lot of people, so it's not really overrated, and I haven't really encountered anything that would make me think of something as overrated. None of your choices really are overrated by the people I know, so I can't vote.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I'm not really sure I consider any of the poll options as overrated, so I'm not going to vote. When it comes to worst, I definitely have some suggestions...

As for classical music being overrated, I think it partly has to do with people not being informed about it and being afraid they'll come across as "barbarians" if they say they don't like it. There's definitely an air of snobbery surrounding it, but people will always find some excuse to consider themselves "better" than someone else.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Probably general pop music, namely the "tween"-based singers/bands. That's my view on it, anyway...


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Im going to say well loved rock classics

but then again this is music your talking about...the most subjective thign ever
CrazyGirl17 said:
Probably general pop music, namely the "tween"-based singers/bands. That's my view on it, anyway...
no one actually thinks they are "good"


New member
Jan 28, 2009
You can't even talk about genres of music anymore, they're so ridiculously diverse that there have to be literally hundreds of genres nowadays. There's no point in saying which one is "overrated" or "underrated" when you can just say "the band you do/n't like is over/underrated.

the Dept of Science

New member
Nov 9, 2009
You left out the option for metal.

I know this is going to make me unpopular. I'm not saying that there aren't good and great metal bands out there. I even consider myself a fan of the genre.
It's pretty limited in scope, it can be unimaginative, repetative and sometimes a bit silly.
I don't get how people can complain about Ke$ha or Nicky Minaj making music that promotes a... certain sexually lax attitude, but then listen to 80s metal that sings about exactly the same stuff or, say, death metal that sings about violence. This will probably prompt people to accuse me of generalising but I think if people were just honest with themselves then they would find that they were really just trying way harder to defend metal than pop or rap.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Ian Valdez said:
OhJohnNo said:
You've missed out punk rock.

That genre. Specifically the hardcore end.

Fuck. All of it.
you are a fucking idiot
You are off to a good start

OT: I guess Eletronic/Dance for me, a lot of DJ's earn credit for ripping off other peoples songs, although those guys tie in with the mainstream guys, so I dont really know on who to vote.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Metal. It seems too be a catchall phrase for people that want to elevate their favorite band higher.

The Diabolical Biz

New member
Jun 25, 2009
TakeshiLive said:
I'm suprised here, I thought Mainstream or Rap would be at the forefront of overrated-ness. As a grade 8 student for piano, I am forced to enjoy aaaalllll the glory of barqoue and classical music. (The romantic pieces and jazz pieces are good though)
Woo same! Although I'm only doing one Baroque piece for my Grade 8 - a Scarlatti Sonata.

The Romantic stuff is breathtaking though, I'm a complete sucker for Chopin.

OT: I guess I throw my vote in with Classic Rock, which isn't an option in the poll. People enshrine it as this mythical era of wonder, where every song was golden and had meaningful lyrics and was artistically integral. Blarrgghhhhhh and bullshit, I say.


New member
Oct 26, 2011

Dont know why that hasnt been mentioned yet but it just sounds the same. And I wouldnt class it as a genre but some people do, A MAC IS NOT AN INSTUMENT!!


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
The Diabolical Biz said:
TakeshiLive said:
I'm suprised here, I thought Mainstream or Rap would be at the forefront of overrated-ness. As a grade 8 student for piano, I am forced to enjoy aaaalllll the glory of barqoue and classical music. (The romantic pieces and jazz pieces are good though)
Woo same! Although I'm only doing one Baroque piece for my Grade 8 - a Scarlatti Sonata.

The Romantic stuff is breathtaking though, I'm a complete sucker for Chopin.

OT: I guess I throw my vote in with Classic Rock, which isn't an option in the poll. People enshrine it as this mythical era of wonder, where every song was golden and had meaningful lyrics and was artistically integral. Blarrgghhhhhh and bullshit, I say.
couldnt agree more...I mean I can apreciate it for its "historical" contribution...but the actual music is just nice and maintream..and safe..and BORING

I do love rap though...for somthing to be "overated" it has to be held critically in high regard.."generally" rap isnt

so for example justin beiber is not over rated


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Hellequin24 said:

Dont know why that hasnt been mentioned yet but it just sounds the same. And I wouldnt class it as a genre but some people do, A MAC IS NOT AN INSTUMENT!!
most forms of electronic dont use instraments

but they are genres...Dubstep is a genre because it has its own defining charachteristic withith electronic music


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Xartyve2 said:
All genres were created equal.
With that said, I'm just gonna go and call everything overrated to a certain degree.

Every side has some degree of bullshit reasoning, a significant number of people over praise *insert genre(s) here*, plenty of the fans refuse to enjoy or acknowledge any other genre, you're not allowed to hate certain figures in each genre, etc, etc, etc. Shit all around, really.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
I voted rap, but I'd like to change my answer. Rap is something I don't care a whole lot about, but i'd like to change my answer.

From middle school until about last year, almost all my friends would talk about was classic rock and how amazing it is. They hated a lot of the modern stuff, and went on about how amazing Van Halen is or how Guns n Roses were the best things of all time. All everyone went on about was how this album was clearly superior to this other album.

I was never that into music. I listened to whatever i liked. I tried listening to some of the older stuff and i found i didn't really like it. Sure some songs were alright, but the majority just sort seemed like over hyped crap. There i said it.

I really hate it when i go on YouTube and see someone go on about how this generations music sucks. There is some great stuff nowadays. From Techno to Rock to Indie to even Dubstep. Broaden your horizons.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Yay... an opinion thread... **Cue arguing because people don't agree, and someone insults someone elses tastes! :p

Anyway, I am surprised that Dubstep isn't on there... due to the large ammount of people that post around bad examples of the genre because it is the hip thing at the moment! (for the last time, Skrillex is NOT Dubstep! -_-)

I would go with Jazz myself though, as my opinion... All the people who seem to show me these Jazz artists, saying it is so awesome, but then I just hear something that doesn't even have a proper beat... in fact with jazz a regular tempo is often overlooked!

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Hellequin24 said:

Dont know why that hasnt been mentioned yet but it just sounds the same. And I wouldnt class it as a genre but some people do, A MAC IS NOT AN INSTUMENT!!

All dubstep... just saying!


New member
Jun 14, 2008
ace_of_something said:
I'm going to go with Indie music. It's just... It just doesn't sound that creative to me it seems so... inauthentic. Like we KNOW hiphop artists and pop stars are sellouts, but at least they're honest about it. That and most things that fall in to the 'indie genre' sound aweful, bland, and boring to me.

Raise your hand if you're old enough to remember when indie music wasn't a genre just a type of record company.
While I don't mind a lot in the "genre" I am TOTALLY WITH YOU ON THAT LAST PART.

I hate to get into semantics, but "indie" short for "independent" used to communicate something fairly concrete about a band, and that was either being sans label or on a label that was under the radar enough to let them do what they wanna do. It was about artistic freedom. Now it's been completely co-opted as a specific genre label? I usually let these things slide, but this is a VERY STUPID AND MESSY alteration to the term when you know, being a band or musician on the independent side of the musical world still means something fairly substantial. It's worse than "alternative" in the 90's (communicates no information of sound, and what the fuck is it alternative to if it was the most popular rock genre at the time hands down?).


New member
Jun 14, 2008
OhJohnNo said:
You've missed out punk rock.

That genre. Specifically the hardcore end.

Fuck. All of it.
While I'm a big fan of punk rock myself, totally with you on the hardcore end of it. Macho bullshit.

Funny story about life imitating art imitating life, punk popped up, then Hollywood decided punks make excellent crazy-ass-violent villains in almost every movie and the media did its usual scare tactic BS to make every punk look like a violent sociopath, all of which actually attracted a lot of 'the wrong' folks to the genre for well, 'the wrong' reasons. And ta da, this is we get some of the particularly odious and antisocial elements of the hardcore punk world. Which unfortunately tends to bleed into the punk world on the whole sometimes too.